While it's possible that Izrael spiked these various devices before they were shipped into Lebanon, I think it's more likely that they are simply triggering the batteries.
It's difficult to find because of the recent headlines, but I recall pictures of cell phones which had exploded due to overheating.
The Daily Mail is done running cover.
Point fucking blank.
I would have liked to see him keep that "more professional" demeanor, even as they were leaving.
He was making some crucial points, about the role of law enforcement, their alleged oath to the constitution and the fact that they're Americans, not some foreign occupying force.
Anyone know what he posted to get them there?
Howard Wiggy Stern is now unlistenable, he's a fucking jagoff.
But I still listen to the old shows, pre 2009, before Artie left.
Trump had been on a bunch of times both in person and on the phone, atleast a dozen.
Wiggy would lick his asshole.
When Trump started to go after Obamas birth certificate, Wiggy began to attack him.
You would think, but that's not the case.
The Florida gun confiscation model (enacted by Republicans) is the blueprint for the entire US.
Tens of thousands of firearms have been confiscated and most people have no idea it's even happening.
His premise is a little off.
I would argue that the "Far" Right wants to stop the forced invasion of Muslims into the West.
While Izrael is actually behind it.
TBH, this is nothing new.
In most of Europe, for decades, you will be imprisoned for simply discussing or questioning aspects of WW2.
The anti free speech fascism is now being expanded and accelerated.
Part of the problem, is that these groups are either aligned with, created by or serve the US or Izrael.
Greatly accelerated since 9/11, the US has destroyed nearly all of Izrael's enemies, with the exception of Iran...
And what's left of the region is now being emptied and relocated to replace the populations of the Western world and to secure even more land for the "Greater Izrael".
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