Good speech.
He reiterated her support of Section 702 and what sounded like a policy of persecuting whistleblowers.
Hopefully both those stances were headfakes.
Unfortunately, the anti human psyop on the American people has been having the opposite effect, to the absolute joy of our overlords.
The masses are becoming more subdued and docile.
"Depression" is at all all time high.
Suicides are skyrocketing.
We should add that other interview to this thread.
Maybe like 6 months ago, where he goes HAM on exposing the Deep State.
Was that another Tucker interview?
That was a quote from the former President of Italy, not me.
However, a significant % of the population does not believe the Official Story re: 9/11.
And they/we would argue that 9/11 could not have occurred without elements within our own government allowing it, if not orchestrating it.
Seems like there was some ME involvement regarding money transfers etc but more so for "plausible deniability".
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