The largest recipient of our foreign welfare is not being cut off.
In all fairness, maybe Trump could see his way to maintaining the foreign welfare for the victims of their genocide.
Although, do we actually fund them or does the UN give them money.
I know they were doxxed but other than that, anyone have details regarding the "crime"?
It is kind of frightening just how owned these puppets are by TPTB.
If vaxxes are so fucking safe, repeal liability protections granted to vaccine manufacturers and end the VICP.
In this video, Nick summarizes Vances ascension.
Vance was selected and groomed like so many others.
He's a guy who was viewed by the establishment as someone who could gain the support of the Tea Party Right but was actually a status quo, big government, Neocon RINO.
Here's the article by Frum that Nick refers to:
What happens to people with "TPS" status?
Who exactly is considered "illegal" or undocumented?
The millions of people who have entered over the past 4-5 years, weren't they greeted at the border and "allowed" to enter?
Who TF is getting booted?
"The Army does not plan to release the name of the third crew member at the request of her family, a U.S. military official told NPR."
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