Here's how it's gonna go tomorrow: The media will gush over Kamala's performance against an old and feeble sounding white man who was yelling at the clouds.
All she's doing is speaking in platitudes and generalities along with dropping buzzwords.
Yea, pretty awful. The douchebag guy isn't hiding anything at all. Trump needs to be calling that out and also hammering Kamala on the Biden admin's position on Ukraine and drugs on our streets killing hundreds of thousands.
Kamala's linguistics are mirroring Obama's, anyone else notice that? The pauses and some of the pronunciations... Sounds like the Obamas have been coaching her.
Harris already won, everybody. Go home. The media will tell us that Kamala was graceful and elegant and it's time we have her as our new commie queen to rule over all of us.
Liberal "college educated" white women have ruined a few of my buddies, who were once right leaning. They are now sodden little whipped man-children who lean left and parrot their leftist wives.
Reich, the little measly gnomish-man who so many on the left cherish as their champion, is a jealous little shit for brains.
He and everyone else are mad that they lost the leftist control of Twitter. Just like a typical little shit eating Marxist would be.
Mail-in ballots also need to be counted by 11:59 pm same day. Anything after that needs to be null and void.
This will help limit corruption and extended vote counting that last days/weeks. It's wrong.
I'm not sure why this isn't understood by Democrats. Oh, wait...
"You don't get to impose those beliefs ."
As he imposes his on everyone in the room.
People need to quit giving these mentally ill and physically incapable goonish subhuman pieces of scum platforms. We need to bring back public shaming. We need to shout these people down like they've done to us for years.
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