This is a MAGA Candidate.
Rep Randy Fine of FL. A MAGA Trump Candidate on twitter/X cheered the death of an American/Turkish citizen who was killed by Israeli forces during a protest.
Rep Randy Fine was suspended and returned to Twitter after claiming that it was a bug.
In the Original Tweet.
Randy Fine received 1.2k Replies and only 250 likes.
Harris Wants to Destroy Small Businesses,Now Visited Small Businesses for Votes/Photo OP
The fact there are some clowns in the video hugging a VP that wanted to destroy small businesses..
Its almost comical.
Harris was VP for Four years. With a Bad Economy.
I am sure Harris is a whole wholesome person in front of cameras.
Maybe ask your fellow Democrats/Liberals who seem to only care either pushing full citizenship to illegal aliens or they talk about "reparations" from whites to African Americans over what? slavery from 200 years ago?
The only thing Liberals want to do is to make America become like Europe and change its laws on the second amendment.
I haven't seen a single democrat ever trying to go after mental health issues.
Maybe both parties should tackle the mental health crisis instated of trying to get rid of second amendment or to change constitution.
Now Comically Tim Pool has put Ukrainian and Israeli flags on his twitter page.
I think for the laughs clearly.
All this 200Billion that is going to Ukraine though could have been better used for education programs at home instated of funding a unwinnable war.
Ukrainians will never win a war with Russia unless there is a direct NATO involvement even then that would be a declaration of war by NATO with Russia.
A bit of update with more.
Dave Rubin Released a statement.
Things must be getting desperate for the Harris/Walz and Biden team.
To go after Tim Pool? and accuse him and others of being ERRRRR accuse them of being working with "Russian Propaganda"
Raw Alerts puts it nicely
The faster they do this the more the people are noticing it. Its a given there is a push back in some places over this.
No one had a issue with a gay man or women until they started pushing besides the"two gay men and women"
This stuff is been pushed everywhere.
The Media/UK Police are not releasing the name of the five arrested due to the age.
I wonder if the NGO pushing "Refuges Welcome Here!" will prop up again if protests happen again?
Five children arrested over murder of 80-year-old man in Leicestershire
Woke Book Publishers Sue Florida Over Law Banning Book Publishers Books From Schools.
You want to bet that these woke Book Publishers pushing this crap onto the youth and into schools haven't read the Book Publishers themselves?
What i find it amusing about their lawsuit is how they are claiming that this goes agaisnt the "Free Speech"
Really now?
The Wokies want to use the exucse of Free Speech whenever they are pushing Sexual guides or Sexually Explicit books to the youth.
Book Publishers Sue Florida Over Law Banning Sexually Explicit Books From Schools
This is why.
The US Govt believes that Ukraine will win and still will able to return the 1991 agreement where the West forced USSR to sign Crimea to be Ukrainian. In the aftermath of the end of the USSR..
no other options were discussed because this is not what the US wants.
The US Govt had sized a plane belonging to Maduro into their defense of the seizing of the plane.
The US Govt claimed they did this because was a consequences of Maduro's Misgovern of Venezuela.
piracy is completely ok if the US govt is engaged aboard.
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