• Voluntarist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:08 PM
    I'm hoping that there'll be a couple of undecided voters in Dixville Notch who can't make up their minds until later in the day. I just want to see the national news outlets keep going back to newscasters at that polling station who keep reporting, "We're still waiting for the results from Dixville Notch to come in."
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  • Voluntarist's Avatar
    11-03-2024, 07:49 PM
    Sounds like you're channeling George Carlin. Let me start by saying that each conducted poll is a model of the upcoming election. And anyone that works with models will tell you that "All models are wrong, but some are useful. So what are the RCP models useful for? The problem I see with the RCP polling is that each of the RCP polls are a simple average of existing polls. Each of those polls that RCP includes has its own: - Sampling Bias - Timing - Margin of error - Question wording - Non-response wording
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  • Voluntarist's Avatar
    10-31-2024, 03:02 PM
    ... had to post this (after seeing AF's nanny comment)
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  • Voluntarist's Avatar
    10-30-2024, 10:38 AM
    Here's a thought experiment. Both Marxism and Fascism were devised as pseudo-socialist economic systems. So why is it that today's definition of Fascism (by Merriam Webster) is its political consequences: ...yet Marxism is still defined by its economic principles rather than its own political consequences ... which include "exalting the state above the individual" as well as "being associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and that is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition" but perhaps missing out on race issues. Maybe it's because the victors write history - and the only "hot war" that was fought against "Marxism/communism" was lost.
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  • Voluntarist's Avatar
    10-29-2024, 04:56 PM
    You probably didn't mean it the way you wrote it; but yeah, I wouldn't doubt that the Mises author made up the quote (based upon works he read from Mussolini). My take from the link you posted is that the "corporation" in the quotation is not what we think of as a corporation today (though today's type of corporation, of government limiting liability to what individual investors have invested in the corporation, obviously existed in Mussolini's time). No, what Mussolini was talking about was guilds and trade unions as incorporated in "the whole" ("the corporation").
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  • Voluntarist's Avatar
    10-28-2024, 10:02 PM
    PAF, you've obviously been through this more than I have. Do you have the original Mussolini source for the quote? I'll grant that that's exactly what the economic system in Italy was at the time; but I've been unable to find where Mussolini wrote or said it. Mussolini on the Corporate State The article concludes with some MUssolini quotes on the topic.
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  • Voluntarist's Avatar
    10-26-2024, 12:59 AM
    Voluntarist replied to a thread The Pill in U.S. Political News
    My condolences. You've cultivated this online personality that is a bit sarcastic (a BIT - ya think?), but rings a bell of truth. I'm seventy years old. I'm a never-married father of two. My kids were my life. I went through a custody action and lost (ended up with about 30% custody and paying less than statute in child support, because I was so active in their lives and got more face-time in custody). I found that paying child support was less expensive than living with their mother. I still have 100% of my house, my investments, and my retirement accounts. I gotta tell ya, for the generation of men that came after me, what's my incentive for getting married? But now, for Science Fiction: Imagine a world in which men had "a pill". How would society change?
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  • Voluntarist's Avatar
    10-26-2024, 12:18 AM
    ... and no, I'm not talking about the red pill or the blue pill from the matrix, nor the birth control pill. I'm talking about RU-486 (mifepristone). Basically, I'm talking about the abortion issue in the 2024 election cycle. I don't think it's the issue that the Democrats are trying to make it out to be, nor the issue that religious conservatives want it to be. In that sense, I think Trump has been absolutely brilliant, Politically, he gave the religious conservatives what they wanted (repeal of Row vs Wade, to make it a state's issue) without imposing a federal mandate. For that portion of the electorate that reacts emotionally, it may still be an emotional issue, but (based upon their preconceived and heart-felt notions) they were going to vote Democratic or Republican anyway. I'm talking about that portion of the electorate that vote pragmatically, and realize, with the advent of telemedicine, that abortion in the first trimester is just a phone call away - that their rights to abortion have not been abridged. That argument about partial-birth abortion just doesn't speak to them. If you want to know the truth about partial birth abortion, most of the mothers who undergo them really want the child to survive, but have come to the realization that their pre-born child is already dead or will be dead within moments or days of birth (I speak from experience). In general, and unlike miscarriages, most of those aborted fetuses have graves and memorials. So, if you're arguing partial-birth abortion, you've already lost the argument from the point of view of the general audience. Most of the women who underwent partial birth abortion really wanted to deliver healthy babies, they just came to the conclusion that it was a lost cause; and emotionally came to the conclusion that it was time to accept reality, undergo the stages of grief, and move on. In reality, despite what the pro-life forces want to portray, women don't go through six to nine months of pregnancy in order to celebrate an abortion. And if you think otherwise, you're just an idiot; accept it. Almost all of the partial-birth abortions you portray are tragedies to the women that undergo them (yet leave the mothers involved in a better state, physically and emotionally, to later conceive and give birth). First trimester abortions? Sorry, if you're pro-life - you've lost the argument. The pro-abortion argument wins in every state (thanks to Donald Trump's repeal of Roe vs. Wade). You're only remaining argument is in the second trimester. And that argument is not principled (life begins at conception) but pragmatic (gee, it sure looks like a baby to me).
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  • Voluntarist's Avatar
    10-23-2024, 10:53 AM
    The permutations of seven toss-up states that are all polling in margin-of-error territory. I guess these will be the states in which open hostilities will occur during the coming civil war. Arizona Georgia Michigan Nevada North Carolina Pennsylvania Wisconsin
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  • Voluntarist's Avatar
    10-08-2024, 12:16 PM
    ... they say the toothless get ruthless
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  • Voluntarist's Avatar
    10-07-2024, 02:52 PM
    Queuing Marjorie Taylor Greene to address Jewish Space Lasers heating the waters in the Gulf of Mexico === Edited === Sorry, I didn't know she really was promoting the conspiracy theory
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  1. Genes code proteins with mRNA. Artificial mRNA codes proteins. Ergo, artificial mRNA is gene therapy (artificial gene, artificial protein.)
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    I am sorry to hear that. I hope this information helps.

    Effects of curcumin on bladder cancer cells and development of urothelial tumors in a rat bladder carcinogenesis model.

    Curcumin for Bladder Cancer

    12 Proven Benefits of Turmeric For Urinary Disorders
  3. Yes, please!! LOL
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    Just bored...lookin' around. Nice pic. That's not how I imagined you. I was thinking you'd look more like Lysander Spooner for some reason.
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    Your mailbox is full. In response to your pm...

    LOL, maybe because she's not drinking wine.
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    hahaha! I just logged on for the first time in weeks and saw your comment in my rep status. funny.
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    That would completely throw the Calvies into a tailspin. hehe
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    I don't exactly remember. But it wasn't scientific, it was an opinion.
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