That conflict isn't even between Russia and Ukraine. It's between Russia and the US. That conflict only ends when the US wants it to end.
Maybe so, but that was then, this is now.
It's gonna end when Israel makes a credible statement that Jerusalem will never be returned to the Arabs.
Gaza has been a proxy for that conflict for a long time, and Israel's many half measures over the decades sends a message that they aren't serious about their claims.
It's the half measures that are keeping this conflict going.
Want this conflict to end? No more half measures.
Don't take this as me siding with Israel because I'm not. That land was never theirs and they stole it. But at some point this conflict has to be resolved and the only way to resolve it, is to resolve it.
This "conflict" has been going on for too long. The only way this gets resolved is if one side gets what they want. This war was fought 55 years ago and Israel won.
To the winner goes the spoils.
It is what it is.
There is no scenario where Israel doesn't get what it wants.
If Israel wants them out of Gaza they're gonna get them out of Gaza.
Better just to rip that bandaid off now than let that shit fester.
Trump is just pretending to be willing to send money to Ukraine so that he can later trick them into taking our money and then the joke is gonna be on them because we're gonna have their rare earth minerals
And then they are gonna be like what happened to our earth minerals
And we're gonna be like :cool: #winning
A SWF sounds good in theory. In practice it would probably be a disaster. And considering how much debt the country owes, how exactly is that SWF account supposed to grow? The only way I can imagine is massive taxes.
The only path to a successful SWF that I see is if government was cut to a fraction of its size and was able to pay down the debt with some money left over.
But of course the odds of that happening is zero.
It can be all 3. As long as tax revenue is a bonus, rather than the primary intention, it resolves your supposed contradictions.
Which is one of the reasons why I'm in favor of trade bans vs tariffs. It removes any confusion on priorities. If tariffs become primarily a tax generation tool, there is a very high risk of them becoming ineffective at their intended goals of protecting industry.
Factories shutting down in the US and moving to China doesn't even really have much to do with labor cost these days. Or even regulations.
Factories in the US cannot be competitive even if the price of labor was 0 and there weren't any regulations.
This is because raw materials are cheaper in China. Everything from steel to plastics to nuts and bolts to those little twisty things that hold your bread bag closed.
It's all cheaper in China.
And its not because labor is cheaper.
Yes, ideally every factory would be in China, so that everything that is ever produced is made outside of America.
This is obviously best for our long term security and economic health :up:
Their side would be easier to take seriously if they weren't pretending there wasn't a problem.
They don't even pretend to offer solutions. They're like that dog in the meme, "this is fine".
Well, this isn't fine.
If they don't like tariffs, I'm open to alternative solutions, but any ideas that keep us on our current trajectory is a non-starter.
It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
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