Want to get the government to cut spending? Pressure it into doing so by driving up the deficit by cutting taxes.
The government won't cut spending unless it has to, and if we keep feeding the beast by trying to keep the deficit down by raising taxes it only enables their spending behavior.
Cut taxes. Always cut taxes. I don't care how it impacts the deficit. Cut taxes.
Tax cuts are tax cuts, and tax cuts are always good.
"If we don't steal your money now, we'll have to steal more money later" has never been and never will be a valid argument for stealing.
I just looked at it like a fat kid alone with a bowl of skittles. If the adults leave the room, those skittles are gonna f'in disappear, and when the adults come back in, he's like "wasn't me and you can't prove it lololol"
Either way, supporting Israel because it's a "democracy", is a globalist point of view.
It's "Lite" globalism but still globalism. Hopefully she grows out of this phase.
It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
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