01-11-2025, 10:30 AM
I don't think you understand my perspective. I don't have faith in these guys purity or even their good intentions. I am simply glad that they are showing signs that they dont want to kill us and possibly may even align with our side when those that do want to kill us finally make their attempt on that intention.
Put another way, as I've said before, we didn't win the American revolution because of the Ron Pauls and Thomas Massies of the world. We won the American revolution because of the Elon Musks, the Glenn Becks, and the Trumps of the world.
Powerful people will always have their own agenda. But when push comes to shove there are only two sides in any conflict: those that want us dead, and those that don't. I am greatly appreciative for anyone who joins that latter side, regardless of whatever other agendas they may have.
There is true evil in the world, and that is those who would use deadly force to enslave us. Anything short of that is forgivable human imperfections that we are all susceptible to.
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