Yesterday, 08:17 AM
Elecrtric vehicles are cancer and have no future unless and until human energy storage tech for electrics undergoes a quantum advance.
Our understanding of motors is fair to middling now, and apparently improving every day. Our understanding of electricity is pretty good. But our understanding of high-density energy storage sucks the big tuna. At this time, the highest energy densities are found in explosives. Sadly, those materials are not as yet suitable for the production of electrical outputs. The next best is gasoline and similar aromatics whose density is quite high, but much of which blows out the ass end of the vehicle. See the Second Law for more information.
By comparison, battery technology is just sad. Constructing them is an environmental nightmare. Costs are astonishingly high, performance is atrocious, as is the safety factor. If you've never seen lithium, an alkali metal, burn, you've never had quite the thrill. I've seen metals burn including lithium, sodium, iron oxide, and titanium. They are all very violent and a car whose battery goes up tends to burn away to very little. Until energy densities at least as high as that of gasoline are achieved, I see no way that electrics will take the place of conventionally powered vehicles... unless Theye mandate it and use the force of arms to materially enforce the declarations, which would not surprise me in the least.
Oh, and energy density is not the only concern. Performance at very low temperatures is an equal concern. At ten degrees F, electrics don't want to go so well, if at all. Once again, the battery puts you over the wood.
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