Yesterday, 09:45 PM
Trump's only real error laid in his failure to keep asking pointed questions of Harris. Harris was dead meat at her own hands.
Let's recap just broadly.
Firstly the moderators sucked the big gay tuna. Their work was so artlessly transparent, I was torn between pitying them and wanting to be on their firing squads. If ABC has any epsilon of credibility before the "debate", they sure as hell had none of it left at the end. They tossed creampuffs at Harris and failed to follow up in the wake of her utter bullshit responses and outright failures to answer what had been asked. They took a markedly different tone and approach with Trump, their hostility thinly masked.
Harris spoke in nothing but vagaries clearly intended to have an emotional effect.
Trump's other mistake was rising to Harris' bait. Bad move, but now water under the bridge.
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