The attempt to kill Trump and Biden quitting were the only major events. I don't see anything else that big coming before the election.
Who knows though?
My feeling as a newer FL resident is that it is going to pass. I think it should, but am with the side that wants some solid enforcement of where you can do it so I can walk the streets without smelling nasty weed.
This isn't the first time the US government has seized a plane from the Maduro government. It seems pointless to me. They are just going to buy another one. What did it gain? Nothing.
Really, it comes down to the fact that the modern Democratic party wants to oppress black people by controlling them with cradle to grave entitlements. The Republicans want to leave them be to prosper on their own. Malcom was right. The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the Black man
Somebody will probably take a selfie at Nancy's desk again and go back to prison until the next election. Other than that no.
I actually think Trump is going to win. Who knows?
I believe it. I see black people coming to the Republican party in large numbers.
As far as the polls go, the democrats can only hide her so long. I suspect she will fall victim to the same problem as Biden, she will fail miserably at the debate. I'm not a big Trump fan but he did well last time.
Fuck, I agree with Trump again. I don't care if you smoke it, but I don't want to smell that nasty shit walking down the street.
DeSantis doesn't want it legalized and mentioned the smell as well.
Peaking too early? Lets see where it is after the Sept 10th debate. The last one ended Biden's career and Harris has not done well historically in them.
I have no idea what might happen next but I suspect Trump can win the swing states.
That's easy, weed is good and legal, fentanyl coming across the border is no big deal.
RFK sold some dude a gram 50 years ago, get out the pitchforks and torches.
For fucks sake this country is so divided and screwed up. In Florida it is now illegal to do that to kids. In DC your kids are taken from you if you don't allow it. This can't go on.
Trump did what he was convicted of. Many others did the same and got away with it. He was guilty for sure but prosecuted for political reasons.
RFK selling drugs 40 years ago is hardly the crime of the century.
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