Today, 07:39 AM
The objectively correct thing to say would have been "Biden doesn't even know a hurricane just destroyed a bunch of three states of the country he's supposed to be president of".
Why use this to react with hyper aggression? This is the reason I don't like Trump - when you can get him to calm TF down and discuss things rationally he's open to policies that aren't batshit insane, but that's not his default mode. He has no filter and if he has no filter it means he's constantly making snap judgments and not taking a minute to think things through.
I don't know about the rest of you but I get a lot more meaningful work done if I take five extra seconds to think about what I'm doing and be sure it's the right path. And it's obvious he suffers from the same problems as when I don't, and he seems oblivious to it. People who get into their 70s without recognizing major character flaws like that should be pitied, not put in leadership positions.
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