Today, 07:21 AM
The point is, I heard Dole read the text of the 10th Amendment out loud in a debate. Trumps "this is what everyone wants" populist argument is not the same as Dole's "this is what it says and therefore what we're suggesting here is actually illegal" argument. Ron Paul is the only other politician I've heard make similar statements ('don't ask lawyers - open up the constitution and read it').
Those who are criticizing Trump for not having a vision are actually right on target. Harris' vision may be repellant, we may not want to recognize it, we may be terrified of her getting into a position to enact it, but it's there.
He's so damned close. All he needs to do is offer one extra sentence ('and by the way the 10th amendment says so and this is actually how we're supposed to handle abortion and every other crime') but he can't, because that's contrary to his actual vision: winning. That's what he's built for. Winning at all costs. It's not a coincidence he has all the 'oh yeah smart guy well you can't enact ANY changes if you don't win' crowd firmly sewed into his pocket. Those people have never recognized the problem with prioritizing winning and foregoing having any first principles.
Without first principles and a vision Trump is just flailing and managing to occasionally connect with what people want. And in an alternate universe where he's physically allowed to win, he'd do the same thing - keep flailing. And he'd flail right into hiring another swamp creature who would convince him not to release the JFK files or that 8 trillion in deficit spending isn't a problem or that experimental nonfunctional medicine that actually kills us is a more appropriate response to a cold with an overwhelming survival rate that actually investigating who engineered the whole thing.
This is all exactly as I already wrote. He's the option of kicking the can. Rolling the dice. His dice only have 1's on three sides and Kamala's dice are 1's on all six sides. So everyone wants to let it ride and hope we don't roll snake eyes as opposed to knowing we will.
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