Yesterday, 07:15 AM
The underlying point here is that Putin is not in a position to negotiate with the people that he's supposed to be negotiating with.
He said this outright to Tucker. Putin tried to go through the actual diplomatic channels and those channels initially were receptive, and then came back and kicked him in the face, and said 'sorry I was told to kick you in the face'.
He knows the rules of this game are not what got printed on the inside of the box, and he has taken the only reasonable position, which is not to play a game with people who ignore the established rules at every turn.
The sad thing is Putin has been consistent in his behaviors and expectations for 30 years, and it's becoming more and more obvious that the US federal apparatus has been deliberately concealing how it is consistent, and deliberately lying about what it wants.
And the saddest thing is that I see more people waking up to this at this point. Our supposedly incorrupt system actually ends up being more corrupt.
I'll give a microcosmic example. I'm going to a work day tomorrow to build a pavilion at church. Well things are behind schedule because of the inspector. We had to have an inspector come out three times to look at footer holes, first because two of 10 of them weren't exactly 16" circles going all the way down. The next time because it rained and he couldn't see the bottom of holes he already saw the bottom of the first time. He was "nice" and didn't charge us the revisit fee but you know what? I was ready for some Russian/Mexican style corruption at that point - everyone involved would have agreed wholeheartedly to slip him $200 the first time to just fuck off. Everyone at a church thought this. I had a new guy ask me "so I'm asking seriously, why are we involving the county in this at all?" And after I got over being amazed at how relative randos are starting to think like anarchocapitalists here, I ultimately said "because the neighbors aren't fond of us and they just have to pick up the phone to stop the project if we don't".
There has been no philosophical discussion about how building codes are necessary and proper for ordering society. It has boiled down to something you have to do to keep vengeful dickhead neighbors off your back.
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