Their "word"? I'll take their word that they're backing Trump too. Someone's word is stuff they actually do say out loud, dude.
If a promise of a Cabinet post is the only possible possibility you can possibly envision as a motive, your imagination is limited.
All the Catholics in the world can't shell out money as fast as the Fed can conjure the stuff up typing on their computer. Catholics may be legion, but electrons still outnumber them.
Pretty near the only kind of problems we still have.
Maybe "The meek shall inherit the Earth" is literal. Suppose God throws all the psychos and schizos in the Lake of Fire, says, "Nobody's in charge here but Me!" and lets the survivors operate all these systems. Imagine how rich everyone will be with no Parasite Class to overfeed.
All illegals vote this way, and all Hispanic citizens hate all illegal immigrants. And I'm the one collectivizing people.
So, you think Trump's going to let you mow them down? Why? He signed budgets allocating money to import them, and has promised to make them all legal if they go to his new federal government university.
This is your definition of "unalienable"?
If you want to gaslight people into believing he didn't say that multiple times, maybe you should be the one trying harder? Or, at least, don't post vids of him saying multiple times what you claim he didn't say...
He said multiple times that "the dollar" (not "the new dollar" or "the old silver dollar", just "the dollar") must remain the world's reserve currency at all cost.
That's like "replacing" the war in Ukraine with a war on BRICS. He's essentially promising WWIII to preserve the Fed.
What he said is, he's going to "replace" sanctions with tariffs (as if there's a major difference) in defense of the Federal Reserve and the Petrodollar.
Were you hoping nobody watched the vid?
Reality, for those who like to stay in touch with it:
Bloodthirsty. And wrong. Dead wrong.
Can you explain how that could possibly come out looking like this?
Remember, kiddies, the FY2021 omnibus was signed by the sitting president on December 27, 2020...
Or you can save yourself thirteen minutes of your life and watch this one instead:
Spoiler: Trump is Aunt Yola, and feeds from the same oat trough as Geopolitics.
He didn't say what you think he said. I don't care what Tim Pool thinks he said. I actually listened to what he said, and he didn't say that.
You celebrity worshippers will fill in any gaps with whatever you want to hear, but aren't hearing. The only thing y'all do quicker is toss what they do say and do, but you don't want to hear, out the other ear.
Yo. He made it sound like he was going to appoint RFKJr. as some kind of special counsel. He didn't promise it, but said something along those lines.
Do you think Leon Jaworski was "in" the Nixon "administration"?
Says who?
Trump, who isn't known for keeping what campaign promises he does make, hasn't even promised that. Who convinced you it's going to happen? Does Tim Pool pick cabinets now?
Only if you either love hypocrisy in our elected officials, or don't care about it, or know someone still belaboring the illusion that the Democratic Party somehow values peace.
Trump didn't do shit.
With huge amounts of free publicity from the same MSM who had all of us in their faces screaming, HIS NAME IS RON PAUL! SAY HIS NAME! Trump rode the wave we created. Nothing more. We created the wave and the MSM was his surfboard. All Donnie Darko did was replace Ron Paul's intelligent commentary and workable solutions with clichés and third elementary school playground bluster, and get himself carried to the White House by a level of publicity unsurpassed until the Vax came along.
Yes, that's another aspect of being pro-life. Trump believed all the lies that the vaccines were safety-tested, that they were 100% effective against COVID-19, and, most egregiously, that he was responsible for the success of getting the vaccines out through "Operation Warp Speed." He gambled with the lives of desperate Americans, and like you've said, to this day, he prides himself in getting the vaccines pushed through.
And it's not just about war. He financed the jab and has never renounced it. I don't care if it's politically expedient or not. They're still pushing that jab in television commercials you and I are paying for. Anyone who can't stand up against it I have no use for.
local grassroots involvement for Ron Paul 2007 and 2012 campaigns. State Delegate in 2010.
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The wisdom of Swordy:
On bringing the troops home
Originally Posted by Swordsmyth
They are coming home, all the naysayers said they would never leave Syria and then they said they were going to stay in Iraq forever.
It won't take very long to get them home but it won't be overnight either but Iraq says they can't stay and they are coming home just like Trump said.
On fighting corruption:
Originally Posted by Swordsmyth
Trump had to donate the "right way" and hang out with the "right people" in order to do business in NYC and Hollyweird and in order to investigate and expose them.
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