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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 09:35 AM
    He's a lap dog, yapping in frustration at cats because he's not big enough to chase us up a tree somewhere.
    78 replies | 824 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    124 replies | 18524 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 08:22 AM
    acptulsa replied to a thread USAID Exposed in U.S. Political News
    Not unless we get more than a study, and not unless we get more than some Soros-funded professional whiner giving us the pleasure of seeing their head explode on air. I, for one, am not that cheap, sailor. I'm not that easy. I said I'm keeping that at my leisure. Now that Trump whacked the USAID head, what other heads are going to pop out of the CIA Whack-A-Mole machine? Will any of the bad apples in the CIA take the buyout, or is this just a way for them to purge their ranks of good apples? Which of these departments is actually going to close? Which of these criminals is going to get snatched out of their golden parachutes and indicted? How much money will really be saved, and how much of that will escape this fate?
    89 replies | 1691 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 08:07 AM
    acptulsa replied to a thread USAID Exposed in U.S. Political News
    That's your problem, not mine. I can be patient. I'm keeping score at my leisure. And I'm not moving anything into the win column unless and until we get something more than another six million dollar, three year government study about it.
    89 replies | 1691 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 08:00 AM
    acptulsa replied to a thread USAID Exposed in U.S. Political News
    Good case in point. He commissioned a study? We've already done our homework. There's not a one of us who wouldn't be out to demolish the ATF. A government study is not my idea of substance.
    89 replies | 1691 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 07:52 AM
    Al Qaeda is the CIA, and everyone else here is well informed enough to know it. Al Qaeda is the CIA's way to throw a tantrum when we won't use up enough missiles to necessitate us buying more. You're saying brats should be rewarded for throwing deadly tantrums, whether you know it or not. The DS, which regularly kills Muslims by the thousands, because they want to spend our money on missiles, because some of them have petroleum, because many of us don't much like Arabs anyway so it's an easier sell than (f'rinstance) massacring cute little Thais, is on the same side as the Muslims they seem to be trying to genocide? Now there's some twisted "logic". Are you a man or a pretzel, cultist?
    78 replies | 824 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 07:41 AM
    acptulsa replied to a thread USAID Exposed in U.S. Political News
    Heads are exploding and some find that entirely satisfactory. This is what someone who cares only about style looks like. And here is someone who knows substance when he sees it, and won't settle for less. See the difference, kiddies?
    89 replies | 1691 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:28 PM
    Not for a second. I have no doubt that such things as “malicious compliance” went on. I simply don’t see the AG’s memorandum as in as real, substantive way addressing the issue. Let me know when Trump puts some people on researching the thousands of innocent gun owners’ and dealers’ cases who have been railroaded by ATF into federal prison with the intent of pardoning and releasing them, and of prosecuting the criminals who put them there in the first place. THEN, maybe, I’ll be impressed. Otherwise? We’ll see how things play out.
    46 replies | 3703 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:45 PM
    Hey! Another government slush fund. What could possibly go wrong?
    12 replies | 448 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:42 PM
    But, but, but … muh tariffs! Nobody cares about the CONstitution when it stands in the way of doing what they want. Trump fans have demonstrated this repeatedly as have most paleocons. Judge Nap will just be dismissed as a deep state swamp creature and excuses will be made to make it ok for Trump to do whatever he wants, mainly because some of what he wants aligns well with his fans’ and paleocons’ preferences. Long live the king!
    5 replies | 244 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:43 AM
    I'm sure glad to see USAID go, because stuff is coming out that makes the Red Pill more potent. I'm not fooling myself into thinking this agency was made a scapegoat before three new replacements were created to carry on what it does. The CIA is a giant Whack-A-Mole machine. I love watching the heads of Biden loyalists roll. But are their seats being thrown out with them? Or are those seats being filled with Trump loyalists while they're still warm? One of these things is a cut, the other is just a changing of the guard. Which other agencies besides USAID are getting the axe? I, for one, am still waiting for an answer to that question.
    16 replies | 438 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 02:23 AM
    Sadly, you are not.
    68 replies | 1946 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 02:22 AM
    Blah blah blah. You couldn’t handle any “plan” I might present. Trump has done a few good things this time around, but not nearly enough to counterbalance the damage he’scalready done. Carry on with the Trump ass kissing though. Even authoritarian monsters need some love.
    43 replies | 1468 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:24 PM
    Ooga booga. Tariffs good.
    68 replies | 1946 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:23 PM
    That is, quite simply, a lie. I’m not calling on him to do anything at all. Unlike you, I’m well aware that anything someone in government does, except just get the hell out of the way, or in Trump’s case veto just about everything, is more likely to result in less liberty rather than more. People around here used to understand that. Sadly, they seem to have forgotten.
    43 replies | 1468 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:17 PM
    Yawn. You need new writers. Your stuff is getting old and predictable.
    68 replies | 1946 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:16 PM
    Haven’t you heard? America’s version of a South/Central American strong man ruler is a hit. Just wait till he really gets going.
    43 replies | 1468 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:09 PM
    Some people must just love being poked in the left eye, there’s no other explanation for their rabid reaction to being poked in the right eye.
    68 replies | 1946 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 12:35 PM
    From other people I get, "Guys like you are why us white men were discriminated against so hard the last four years," and from you I get this. Fine. I certainly didn't come up with anything that worked. I'll own all of that from both sides. But I won't cop to volunteering for slavery.
    68 replies | 1946 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 11:57 AM
    I've fought it tooth and nail since before I voted for Ron Paul in lieu of George HW and Dukakis. And I don't have the means to gtfo. Paddle that up your river.
    68 replies | 1946 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:36 AM
    Speak for your own self, Aggie.
    68 replies | 1946 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:34 AM
    "Mr Bower said her treatment had ended and she was on her way home..." Next time I see one of those commercials begging me to give the Schweiners 63¢ a day, I'm going to remember that they hire Lear jets to fly healthy children around ..
    34 replies | 1478 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:20 AM
    Toxibots who are triggered by individual freedom and autonomy find onerous taxes appealing, as they sure put a crimp on those things.
    68 replies | 1946 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:15 AM
    No? Seems to me that depends on whether or not you're a precious metals "custodian" which has been selling people paper saying they own gold and/or silver which doesn't exist. An entity such as that could well suffer a shortage even if the streets are paved with the stuff.
    17 replies | 1230 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:12 AM
    Oh, just a wee bit. It was a 43 year old jet which probably probably got most of its maintenance in Mexico, and clearly suffered an explosion and fire on board while still in the air. What motive do you see for either drug dealers or Shriners to put a bomb on it? All it seems to have accomplished is to draw attention away from the fact that an Army helo (which can be used as a drone) flew straight up the nose of a commercial flight carrying five dozen innocents, and nobody can find 2/3rds of its crew. Do the Shriners or the Mexicans owe the U.S. Army for something?
    34 replies | 1478 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:04 AM
    You're the one who appears either to have not noticed, or to think conservatism means conserving Democrat crap. It is existential, so it can't be eradicated? Your attitude is why we can't have nice things. You were on a real roll with the flagrant rules violations this morning, toxic bot. When you're not insulting jmdrake, unknown and others, you're trying to put your nonsense in my mouth. Trump made noises about ridding us of ED, but this is just one of the ways his actions have consolidated its power instead. I honestly don't care how much you wag your tail because this looks like a bone to you, dawg. It's still going to turn every school in the country into a propaganda factory, whether during Trump's term or the next one. Why do you hate shrinking government? You scream for it when Democrats are in charge, and anyone with three working brain cells knows it won't happen, but when some random guy who self-identifies with an R is in the White House, you worship every brick of every federal building. You, Toxibot, are a cultist. Republicans. Preserving, protecting and conserving Democrat crap since 1861.
    43 replies | 1468 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 01:18 PM
    You're a pair of idiots. This paves a highway for the E.D. straight into the heart of the business of every private school in this nation. Conservatism says get "Federal formula funds" back into the hands of the parents who paid those taxes and leave them alone. But you partisans will wag your tails over anything remotely resembling a bone, especially right after a major psyop. No wonder the right foot did at least as much as the left foot to frog-march us into tyranny. It's true. If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything. Even this crap. I expect that of the shill, but one of you has been around here long enough to know better.
    43 replies | 1468 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    01-30-2025, 05:38 PM
    Even when the law was considered CONstitutional it allowed sales to ‘teenagers.’ And ‘children.’ At least, it did according to the definition of those terms gun grabbers like the Brady Bunch use when ginning up their statistics on ‘gun violence.’ What are they complaining about?
    57 replies | 7916 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 09:18 PM
    Sounds like what will be considered a compelling, plausible reason to keep GITMO open for, well forever, actually. And many, probably most, conservatives will likely cheer it on like rabid sports fans. Freedom.
    23 replies | 1290 view(s)
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