• asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-30-2024, 05:27 PM
    With our welfare state, no thank you. I’ll take the temporary hit to watch as many as possible of the people who entered illegally be deported, and if that takes “hunting” them down then that’s what it takes. I guarantee you that most other countries would do the same if they have any sense. But I want lower taxes and to rid this country of parasites. Anyways, Trump is surrounding himself who show that nothing is impractical or impossible when you have the right people for the job. Elon musk is a prime example. Who would have thought we would be watching a private company launch and catch rockets? I don’t believe deporting 10 million people would be easy or even perfectly peaceful, but laws were broken. And while I’m talking about it, the people who allowed this to happen should also be held responsible, but that seems like more of a pipe dream than a successful deportation of the majority of illegals.
    127 replies | 2112 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 11:45 AM
    If people keep trying to draw comparisons with Trump and Hitler I’m gonna end up thinking Hitler was a pretty good president. Seriously.
    127 replies | 2112 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 10:18 AM
    Color me surprised and shocked lol.
    127 replies | 2112 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 10:15 AM
    Whatever you want to think have at it. I just have zero interest in reading anything that starts off with calling trump literally hitler. Same old leftist BS is same old. As AF said- there was an invasion. I support the president taking extraordinary measures to delete the invaders. Sue me.
    127 replies | 2112 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 08:57 AM
    127 replies | 2112 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-22-2024, 08:01 PM
    It’s better than Disney though, right?
    6 replies | 232 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-21-2024, 07:24 PM
    Same. For me, if it wasn’t a problem before, then it’s not a problem now that he has been picked for a high level job. If it was bad, he shouldn’t have had the job he did before trump picked him either, unless it happened last week.
    26 replies | 1198 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-21-2024, 06:06 AM
    Gotcha. I guess my view on it would be influenced if I knew the date of the alleged incident and the date she went to the police, if it was close like say less than a week I’d be more inclined to believe it
    26 replies | 1198 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-21-2024, 05:03 AM
    Sounds like a blackmail. Imagine having consensual sex then the woman turns around and calls it some form of assault. But instead of her running to the police she agrees to take a bag of cash. When he gets picked for a cabinet spot suddenly it’s an assault again. Yea, I think some women are petty like that. Paying someone to avoid a drawn out he said/she said situation is not an admission of guilt.
    26 replies | 1198 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-14-2024, 07:19 PM
    A lefty talking is a lefty lying. Nothing they say can be taken seriously.
    6 replies | 297 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-14-2024, 10:10 AM
    Both thumbs up! I’m happy so far. Definitely never going to be perfect but to hear the president saying he is going to dismantle the Dept of Education is literally something just a year ago I considered to be a pipe dream. Needs the it’s happening gif.
    19 replies | 527 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-12-2024, 10:33 PM
    How much oil is “left?” My understanding is that there are vast amounts actually available. As in, we won’t run out soon if the oil is being produced from some of the richer previously not available deposits. It’s not like you slurpy it all up right? And how big is an actual oil rig? What does drilling do that has significant widespread adverse impacts? I am not really opposed to drilling set ups. What if Elon musk and his efficiency department 🤷 could find a way to quickly and efficiently set up a boost in domestic production, enough to export and have more control in the global market, as well as boost the available oil products made here to grow the economy? That sounds good to me, of course I don’t see oil as a ridiculously limited resource.
    203 replies | 8518 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-12-2024, 02:04 AM
    And that’s a win enough. I truly believe we will get better than the bare minimum, but the bare minimum in this case is akin to bleeding out. A win would be to slowing the blood loss. At a minimum we are winning.
    15 replies | 1345 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-10-2024, 10:17 AM
    I went to a few of the NC rally’s. Was in charlotte, Wilmington, and kinston. All 3 times I came away believing I was in the party of American patriots. These are the people who care about the US. They hate corruption. They hate the open borders and the weirdosexual agenda. They want lower taxes and smaller government. Are they libertarians? No, but libertarians don’t have a monopoly on patriotism. While the politicians of the left and right are riddled with bad people, the people who are for liberty are mostly in the Republican Party. I felt like this isn’t the party of John McCain and Lindsey Grahm, and Trump represents a move away from the old way. The people who came out appears to be excited because Trump is not establishment. And despite PAF’s incessant statements to the contrary, the people who I met at the rallies are very much in tune with all things politics. These are veterans, business owners, working people. They aren’t sheep. The optimism is real and based on seeing Trump for who is is and has been for decades. I believe more than ever that he is actually America first. The liberty movement didn’t die- it just moved to the GOP where there are numbers and influence.
    29 replies | 2234 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-09-2024, 05:26 AM
    Jesus Christ. You or whatever party you come from do not have a monopoly on patriotism or liberty. Some of us Ron Paul supporters believe that the path to liberty requires voting. You say the same shit day in and day out. Your ideas amount to absolutely nothing, you present zero alternative options. You don’t consider the cost to liberty by allowing a corrupt DNC to cram their puppets down everyone’s throat. Trump was never going to be perfect but he’s a damn good president, and appears to be trending to the better in terms of the liberty movement. Who else invoked Ron Paul’s federal reserve ideas? Your incessant ranting about how much you dislike voting really just amounts to trolling at this point. You insert this worthless crap everywhere and it does nothing to advance liberty or promote liberty. Nothing but a bunch of useless baloney. Maybe you should take a break from social media for a bit until you can regain your composure after Trumps resounding victory. Maybe get out of the way for a bit so we can focus on getting more good people elected so the bad ones can’t get in.
    20 replies | 1983 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-07-2024, 09:14 AM
    asurfaholic replied to a thread An apology in U.S. Political News
    This isn’t my understanding of what happened. They just flat refused to hear any of it. It’s not the same as deciding the case has “no merit” because they didn’t even examine any evidence or witness testimonies. Litigating meritless cases to death is what they did to Donald trump.
    219 replies | 17629 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-07-2024, 05:49 AM
    asurfaholic replied to a thread An apology in U.S. Political News
    Litigated to death is what you call courts refusing to examine the cases?
    219 replies | 17629 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-07-2024, 05:47 AM
    asurfaholic replied to a thread An apology in U.S. Political News
    NC does thankfully.
    219 replies | 17629 view(s)
  • asurfaholic's Avatar
    11-05-2024, 11:15 PM
    ^eh too big to rig right here. If anything wank happens this time you can believe that the nation will revolt.
    185 replies | 13871 view(s)
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  1. View Conversation
    Do you have anybody to talk to? An old friend or a priest even? I've been down that hole of despair for other reasons myself. Don't take your own life bro.
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    I think you meant Thomas, not Simon!
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    Depends on if your dog attacked me on whether or not I'd shoot it or not. People insulted me first, so I insulted back. not my fault the mods around this place are butt-hurt little kids.
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    It's nice when someone gets my humor.
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A fun country simulation game.

by asurfaholic on 07-12-2013 at 08:37 PM
Quote Originally Posted by asurfaholic View Post
Hey, I decided to post this link here because I know that sometimes there is nothing better than finding a new game that is fun, relaxing, challenging, and relevant. All at once.

Join me in playing Simcountry

I'm shamelessly marketing this because I am sure there are some here who would get a kick out of playing this game, and I'd like to get some more liberty oriented people playing.

Basically, the point of the game is to build a country, or a corporate

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Let's talk about credit cards...

by asurfaholic on 10-27-2011 at 07:26 AM
Quote Originally Posted by asurfaholic View Post
I see what you are saying, but you are kind of implying that everyone who uses credit cards is immoral/dishonest.

This is simply. Not the case.

There are 2 examples from my own personal experience that maybe can make my point. For one, my wife and I like to go on vacations annually. One thing we do throughout the year is accumulate savings through unconventional means, one of which is rack up rebate points on our credit card. We use a credit card for most of our purchases,

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Ron Paul needs $4.2 million by the end of November

by asurfaholic on 10-24-2011 at 03:38 PM
Quote Originally Posted by asurfaholic View Post
Whats the old fashion way? Laying bed with big corporations and special "groups?"

Ya, we are just about all Ron's got when it comes to rolling in money. Most of us don't have much, but RON has NUMBERS. He has ALL of us. We make a formidable team against the enemy MSM and big corporate Americka. They are hoping to rule with fascism under the disguise of "helping the helpless" We believe freedom is the answer,and want to rule our own lives.

We need

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