Those were gags...jokes...these things are serious and violent and mentally deranged.
JFC the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" was a camp comedy, not a blueprint to live your life by.
I do...I have serious issues with Robert Kennedy, but there are also some things he says that I profoundly agree with.
My hope is simply that he can get to the bottom of some things: why is autism skyrocketing? what is causing these insane allergic reactions? why is testosterone and sperm counts falling, but mostly in White men? why is life expectancy falling in spite of spending trillions of dollars in health care? why were we all seemingly more fit and trim and happier when everybody smoked?
If anything, Kennedy is a serious man, which is an extraordinary upgrade from the circus freak in a dress with fake tits.
Remember in 2013 when Obama signed the Defense Authorization Act for 2013?
Remember how it had an obscure "rider" bill attached to it, called the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012?
Remember how everybody that was paying attention at the time said that this bill would essentially allow news organizations to propagandize the people within the US?
Remember how these same bought and paid for Marxist Media Organs said at the time, that assessment of the Act was false "disinformation"?
I remember.
Massachusetts Town Votes to Become Sanctuary City for Transgender and ‘Gender-Diverse People’
Hannah Knudsen 12 Feb 2025
The town of Worcester, Massachusetts, voted to become a “sanctuary city” for transgender and “gender diverse people” this week after several self-proclaimed LGBTQ+ members asserted they are under attack in President Trump’s America, with one warning that transgender individuals would make the city a “very unsafe space” if it does not bend to their will.
The meeting lasted several hours as several self-proclaimed queeer members of the community pleaded for sanctuary status. One individual wearing a red hat — clearly a biological male — said he represented both the “b” and “t” in the community and explained that he feels offended when people do not refer to him as “ma’am.”
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There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.
-Major General Smedley Butler, USMC,
Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Winner
Author of, War is a Racket!
It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours.
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