Winner winner chicken dinner.
Daniel Concannon @TooWhiteToTweet
White 11-year-old Aidan Clark was killed in Ohio by an illegal immigrant from Haiti. We don't know if his father, Nathan Clark, has been visited by the Department of Justice's 'Community Relations Service' or not, but it certainly sounds like he has.
If all these Haitians are so punctual, hard working, neat, clean and sober, why does Haiti look like it does?
If this was true, after 200 plus years of black rule, Haiti should be Wakanda.
And this is why we're doomed.
And this is far from the first time the mind virus has been displayed in this manner.
Report: Over 140,000 in Wisconsin Can Vote Without ID in 2024 Through Loophole
BRADLEY JAYE 10 Sep 2024
A loophole in Wisconsin election laws poses a significant risk to election integrity, a report finds.
More than 140,000 Wisconsinites can vote in the 2024 election without proving their identify by self-identifying as “Indefinitely Confined,” a new report by the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty reveals. Through the loophole, voters can receive an absentee ballot indefinitely without ever showing an ID.
Reminds of one of the final scenes in Camp of the Saints.
The setting is a meat packing plant, on the night that million Indian invaders beached their fleet on the French Rivera.
All of France is in an uproar as browns of every stripe rise up against the white ruling class.
The scene here is at a meat packing plant, where previously the owners had hailed immigrant workers over the native Frenchmen.
The first such crime was a model of the genre.
Reminds of one of the final scenes in Camp of the Saints.
The setting is a meat packing plant, on the night that million Indian invaders beached their fleet on the French Riveria.
All of France internally is in an uprising, as browns of every sort rise up against the white ruling class.
The owner of this plant was quoted earlier as being fond of the cheap labor and work ethic of the invaders over the native Frenchmen.
We join the them at the abattoir...
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There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.
-Major General Smedley Butler, USMC,
Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Winner
Author of, War is a Racket!
It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours.
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