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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:42 AM
    What? Trump supporters being anti free market? Say it isn't so! Next you'll be telling me that there are Trump supporters upset because when they to go the welfare line for themselves there are foreigners there and the foreigners have caused factories to re-open because they actually show up to work on time and aren't on drugs and these same foreigners are buying up abandoned homes and fixing them up causing the cost of housing to go up? Gotta put a stop to that.
    6 replies | 195 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 06:28 AM
    You do all the time. I call it fighting fire with fire. What do you call it?
    944 replies | 99991 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 06:22 AM
    Never mind that you are putting every one of those words in my mouth in violation of forum rules. What you, not I, said is a damned sight more believable than bees killed by a radiation-free nuke. The point is, you criticize people for doing what you do. Thanks for proving that the MSM is your go-to for confirmation even when you do know that the site in question is the MSM.
    944 replies | 99991 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:19 AM
    Except you can't tell what's being butchered. When I was a child an African family moved next door. The brought a goat home from the farmer's market and butchered it in the backyard and BBQ'd it. It was some pretty good meat. The only thing the video even claims is that an animal is being butchered. Ummm.....okay.....and?
    944 replies | 99991 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 06:13 AM
    You go to Google to determine if things are legit? Before or after you accuse other people of being brainwashed by the MSM?
    944 replies | 99991 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:07 AM
    Anti Federalist, you should watch this. This is more context on the "Magic Johnson is asking black men to support Kamala Harris" video. At that same rally the teleprompter went off (apparently) and Kamala looked as lost as Joe Biden. But more importantly this vlogger points out what I've been saying. Kamala, as a black democrat, shouldn't need someone from the black community to try to shame black men into voting for her. But note that Kamala hasn't said much of anything about the shooting of Sonya Massie as this same vlogger pointed out. Yes there was a brief mention of her, but not the steady drumb beat. I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. Note that at the DNC and in the debates Biden and Harris have been touting all of the money they've been giving the police as opposed to the "defund the police" argument they were saying back in 2020. And Sonya Massie happened on their watch. The last thing they want to do is to highlight the fact that they have't solved the problems they said they would solve. Really, what Magic Johnson said about Trump making promises that were not kept is actually true of Biden / Harris.
    1 replies | 45 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 06:04 AM
    What manner of imported globalist psyop garbage are you regurgitating now?
    944 replies | 99991 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:58 AM
    It's clearly not a cat. Way too big. It could be a dog. It could be a deer. It could be a goat. I suppose I should be fighting to deport the white rednecks who shot a deer at the end of my driveway outside of hunting season, lied and said that it was hit by a car and stuffed it in the trunk when it's legs were still kicking. Oh that's right. Can't deport them because they're already citizens. I suppose I could have had them arrested. But here's whats funny. You've gone on and on deparate to claim chickens were cats and now you've finally got a video, that hasn't actually been confirmed to be from Ohio (yeah, somebody on X said it was so it must be true) and now you're ready to celebrate! Meanwhile mostly white Portland Oregan looks a helluva lot more like Port au Prince.
    944 replies | 99991 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:37 AM
    Horseshyt. The homeless camps around Portland Oregon shows you white culture left to its own devices.
    2855 replies | 267953 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:35 AM
    Okay. Then I give you exhibit 2. Robert Maplethorpe. And I won't post his "art" but you can look it up yourself if you like.
    2855 replies | 267953 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 05:29 AM
    You point to things you make up. We point to his record, and you either ignore us or make excuses.
    112 replies | 2952 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 05:28 AM
    They're baaaa-ack! You think Kavanaugh's doing what? Could you be a little more vague, please? Nah, sorry, I'm asking the impossible.
    72 replies | 1504 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 05:14 AM
    Nothing deceptive about the editing. You aren't pointing to his record. You can't. Your entire sales pitch is lies about last time and empty promises you can't keep that he'll do better. Which makes you the gaslighter.
    112 replies | 2952 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 05:12 AM
    It's a fun urban legend, but just what communism did he remove? Name one single department he shuttered in four years in office. Hell, name one federal building he closed. You say he does stuff, but nobody can see any of it.
    72 replies | 1504 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 05:09 AM
    Will Rogers said inauguration day is when the promises stop and the alibis begin. But you're pushing a proven loser, so you have to do both at once.
    112 replies | 2952 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Today, 05:08 AM
    112 replies | 2952 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 05:05 AM
    They're both bringers of communism, which you clearly like. That's why you insist they're the only two people for the job. All you're doing is advocating for your favorite flavor of totalitarianism.
    72 replies | 1504 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 05:03 AM
    According to you, he also governs in the environment we have, and that also has nothing to do with what he supports. Doesn't do us any good, either.
    112 replies | 2952 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 04:50 AM
    There is no FDR today. If the GOP honestly loses in this economy, to that airhead, it's because people like you fell in love with yet another RINO and the party therefore couldn't nominate anyone decent. Conservatism will be blamed for a catastrophe it had nothing to do with. But then that's the plan, isn't it comrade? If you don't know exactly what you're doing, it's not because you've never been told. Is there something between your ears to keep useful information like that from going in one and right out the other?
    72 replies | 1504 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 04:48 AM
    Reality is, Trump's line of bespoke clothing is made in Red China. You remember Red China. It's red, like Trump and nearly the whole modern GOP. And you.
    112 replies | 2952 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 04:35 AM
    Then Trump the CEO of Trump International is a globalist through and through.
    112 replies | 2952 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 04:32 AM
    You're myopic. I'm talking about how FDR ever got near the White House, and all you can see is weevils. Which weevil is lesser? Which weevil wobbles but don't fall down? Democrats win when people can't tell the difference between them and Republicans. Considering the "Republican" you foam at the mouth about daily was a Democrat for fifty of his seventy years, obviously you have no way to spot actual conservatives.
    72 replies | 1504 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Today, 04:15 AM
    I do not advocate globalism and never have. That is a lie. You know it’s a lie. Yet you keep making the accusation. I won’t bother asking you to stop. I know how that would work out. I just wanted to point it out for anyone who might not already know how disingenuous you are.
    112 replies | 2952 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 04:13 AM
    Kamala's back. That's what they said about Herbert Hoover. By riding the fence in the middle of the road, he allowed the prog wing of the GOP to destroy the economy and caused people to blame conservatives for it. Just like Trump. Now and since before you were born, child.
    72 replies | 1504 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 03:56 AM
    There was no such thing a hundred years ago. It wasn't until Coolidge retired that conservatives started letting progs get away with murder by refusing to stand by conservative principles. You know. The way you do.
    72 replies | 1504 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 03:33 AM
    But they were all more conservative than you are. Nobody in the country a hundred years ago would even consider supporting a stop-n-frisk candidate like you do.
    72 replies | 1504 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 03:29 AM
    Apparently. I wonder if we'll ever know just how many Israeli citizens the Israeli government killed a year ago?
    112 replies | 2952 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:00 PM
    Careful what you say there, Swordy. People might mistake you for an advocate of economic freedom rather than the prponent of socialistic central economic planning that you actually are!
    112 replies | 2952 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:47 PM
    But did it really backfire? Netanyahu wanted a war to keep the Israeli prosecutors off his back and that's what he got. He had the plans for the attack a year in advance. He was warned by Israeli, Egyptian and American intelligence that an attack was imminent from Gaza and he moved the IDF NORTH AWAY FROM GAZA to the West Bank. Israel killed it's own citizens by enacting the Hannibal directive. How can you buy every QAnon conspiracy from Sandy Hook to Pizzagate but you can't see the real conspiracy right in front of your face?
    112 replies | 2952 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:42 PM
    Because America shouldn't have to pay to defend Israel from the enemies Israel created and CONTINUES TO FUND! Israel can stop funding Hamas whenever it wishes to. That's the difference. You're smart enough to figure this out if you want to.
    112 replies | 2952 view(s)
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by CaptUSA on 02-24-2016 at 09:57 AM
Among my many interests was electricity and I decided that I wanted to change how the industry operates. Understanding the free market as I did, I was pissed that the coolest discovery in the history of mankind was being regulated to death by the government. I wanted to change that.

I found a job as a part-time temporary meter reader. My girlfriend went ballistic that I was quitting a salaried job for a part-time temp job, but I had complete confidence in what I was doing. Meter

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Updated 02-26-2016 at 07:57 AM by CaptUSA


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by CaptUSA on 02-24-2016 at 09:55 AM
I’ve never used this blog feature before, but since people have wondered (and asked) about my personal story, I figured it was best to do it in here rather than the forums.

It may come across as anecdotal, but I assure you that this same type free market story is working itself out all over the country and the globe. Even in the face or increasing government interference.

I was born in Western PA the third of four boys. When I was still a baby, the second child died

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