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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 10:58 AM
    Some parents used to be able to afford therapy before Medicare drove the prices up.
    109 replies | 2294 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 10:04 AM
    They knew what would happen if some actually tried to come through the barracade. Apparently Ashley Babbit couldn't figure that out. Edit: Look at this CNN reporter chuckle about being shot with a bb pellet when BLM protestors were assaulting CNN center and he was behind a wall of police. Again, both sides discount their own violence.
    6 replies | 82 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 09:57 AM
    One more thing Anti Federalist. You want to call me out on not commenting on every point you've made in this thread, but you've yet to comment on the fact that you were proven absolutely false in your assertion that the subway shooter did not get national coverage and TheCount was shown to be correct that the victims were most likely homeless. Your whole narrative, that somehow coverage of mass shooting is based on race, is BS.
    109 replies | 2294 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 09:54 AM
    The actual scariest moment of January 6. It's funny how the left tries to pretend all of the BLM protestors were peaceful and not of the January 6th protestors were and the right tries to pretend all of the January 6th protestors were peaceful and none of the BLM protestors were. Here's an idea. If you're smashing windows and trying to go places that are barracaded, whether they are department stores or the part of the capitol where congress had just been evacuated, maybe you aren't peaceful. Just a thought.
    6 replies | 82 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 09:47 AM
    What the hell does that have to do with school shootings? Answer, absolutely positively nothing. That said, HBCUs don't have to deal with teacher's unions. I remember when Don Seigalman was running for governer of Alabama at the time. He actually showed up at my HBCU and nobody was there but me. So he asked me what I would like to see happen for our state. I told him "Do something about K-12 education." He was like "I hadn't thought about that. That's a good idea." He ended up running on an education platform, got elected, and tried to do statewide education reform. The teachers union, which was run by white Paul Hubbard, killed the plan. Mr. Hubbard later ran for governor himself and (thankfully) lost. Most of the Birmingham city K-12 schools are black with an almost completely black student body and almost completely black staff. Why is that? Because the white people broke off from Birmiingham, have their own schools, mayors, police force etc. They thought they were being smart, but they were really being stupid. Matt Collins posted a video recently about the differnces economically between Nashville and Memphis and one of the key differences is Nashville, like Atlanta, has a countywide metropolitian government where as Memphis is a city with a lot of surrounding smaller cities split mostly among racial lines that duplicate all of the services and siphon off the tax base. So Birmingham all black city schools suck and Memphis all black city schools suck. My cousin was a principal at one of those all black schools, ironically named "Robert E. Lee middle school", and through a series of innovations she managed to have her school lbe the only Birmingham school on grade level that was not a magnet school or a charter school. And she had to deal with the teacher's union crap too. So, your question simply isn't intelligent. What you crave so badly, segregated schools, already exists in much of the south. If a black family happens to move into a neighborhood with a mostly white public school, by law their children can't be kept out, but you don't have a lot of white families moving in to the inner city. Even poor whites typically go for trailers in rural areas, though I have met poor whites in the projects at least in Nashville. When I drove the church van at one point I was picking up a members of a poor white family in the projects and them to a black church and yet I noticed they had a confederate flag in their living room. It takes all kinds I guess. Some chick in HS who wanted to date me didn'r realize how much she turned me off with her confedate flag waving. I guess you can be thankful I don't have some mixed race kids like Clarence Thomas. Oh wait. He only had a child with his black wife. I guess he's okay. I haven't had time to go through all of those records but the vast majority of them don't have race. But again that has nothing to do with school shootings. But I get it. You're being defensive over the fact that most school shooters are white people and you're wanting to fall back on black gang bangers killing each other as if that's somehow equivalent. Okay. White gang leaders Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Zelensky have killed an estimated 500,000 white people comibined in their stupid war. And Adolf Hitler killed millions of white people. World War 1 was started by white people. World War 2 was started by white people, though Asians dragged America in. And yes the black Hutus killed hundreds of thousands of black Tutsis but they were armed by the white French. People suck. But some people shoot up schools more than others.
    109 replies | 2294 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 09:22 AM
    The ratios of school shootings are not close because they are overwhelmingly white people killing white people. Most of the cases of black people killing white people are crime related. (Drug deals going bad, car jackings etc). It's not some random black person walking into a church and opening fire for....reasons. Not saying that never happens, but it's not typical. Nobody on this forum was trying to make this story about white people until you tried to make it about black people by talking about a totally unrelated shooting and falsely claiming that shooting wasn't getting national coverage when it fact it is.
    109 replies | 2294 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 09:07 AM
    Sorry. Which two specifically? I know I answered your question about the white transgender teacher verses the picture of the black man studying with the child. The question itself is incompent because there are black transgenders and straight white people. What's the other question? And what do any of your question have to do with school shootings?
    109 replies | 2294 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 06:37 AM
    But it's the Democrat Party which is shooting itself in both feet with a machine gun. No, the reality isn't quite that simple. Both major parties are working at being reprehensible. Both of their candidates are more interested in scaring the bejeezus out of voters than in being appealing to their own bases. The goal is to stay in power even as they purposely screw everything up. How do you prevent voters from saying, "A pox on both your "parties!"? Simple. Put up the two worst candidates ever. Ensure that no matter who you are, you'll get behind your totally frightening candidate because their obvious evil is, to you, dwarfed by the evil you detect on the other side. The name of the game is, shove evils you can live with but know your neighbors can't down their throats before they do the same to you. Nobody really wants either set of evils, but are told they'll have to have one set or the other because Two Party System.
    146 replies | 6662 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:03 AM
    Only when the motivation fits your particular narrative and not when it doesn't. Case in point this person. You won't see AF bringing up his motivation but you'll see people on the left doing that. Likewise people on the left won't highlight a shooter being gay.
    109 replies | 2294 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:59 AM
    Should what be in the forefront of your mind? It doesn't matter anyway. Even by your own stats, blacks killing whites is rare and black kids getting a gun and coming to shoot up a school is super rare. So your whole argument about which teacher is more likely to keep a black kid from coming to shoot up a school is basically stupid beyond belief and a sign of your race obsession. To justify your obsession you highlight other shootings that have no connection with school shootings such as the mentally disturbed black man who killed 4 (most likely) homeless people on the subway. Yes that's terrible and tragic, but that's got nothing to do with someone shooting up a school. And school shootings didn't just start happening in 2024. The first school shooting that I remember was Columbine in 1999. Sure there were school shootings before that but that one really shook the national consciousness. But you don't count that shooting for some odd reason because it's not 2024. Actually I know the reason. You want to skew the stats in favor of your ridciulous argument that race has something to do with school shootings. It doesn't, unless you're arguing that there is something wrong with white people. You went through part of the list I gave and found a more blacks than whites? Okay. Here's a list that, as I go through it, has clearly more whites than anybody else. It's the school shooting list. Typical person on this list. If you were really concerend about school shootings as opposed to pushing some racial narrative, ^that is the type of young person you would be concerned about. Yes there is inner city gang violence and most of that inner city gang violence tends to be black. But those gang members typically don't shoot up a school. The closest I've seen is the Dadeville massacre where every person shot and/or killed was a high school student but it happened off campus and none of the shooters went to that school and some were in their mid 20s. I still haven't heard what the motive for that was. The latest news I can find was from May of this year when the indictments were handed down.
    109 replies | 2294 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 05:49 AM
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:34 AM
    I think you have a point. Some of the things he's said in the past are 100% incompatible with winning. Like doing that interview with Bob Woodward. Why would you put it out that played down COVID because you didn't want to cause a panic while you are running for president? In fact, why even give and interview with Bob Woodward? The correct answer to that question would have been "Dr. Fauci said in February 2000 that the risk of COVID was miniscule and I believed him." Whether that was true or not, that was the best answer from a political point of view. Swordsmyth can do mental gymnastics on this all day, but that's not a person on planet earth that would not have liked that answer better than the one he gave. Certainly there is a huge risk to winning this year. There is a very good chance the economy will crash further in 2025 and not recover by 2028. Whoever is in the Whitehouse might be declared the next Herbert Hoover. If the Democrats are in, they will own the next great depression. If Trump wins all the blame will be put on him and historians will claim that the Democrats could have saved the economy if they had just been given 4 more years.
    146 replies | 6662 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:27 AM
    Okay. But this poll is definitely not helping Harris. There is another reason people do polls and that is to have some indication of how things are going. It's helpful to campaigns to be able to make adjustments. And it's news worthy. I believe the polls showing Biden's numbers crashing due to his obvious mental decline were accurate. The democrats made an adjustment. I'm not surprised that Harris got a bump just for being the not so dark horse canidate. Whatever you say about Harris she's not in mental decline. What you see is as good as it gets.
    17 replies | 487 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:44 PM
    Escort joke They say it's proper etiquette to tip your escort, but I'm like "If things went well, didn't you already tip her?" She responded “You already shafted me too, so fork over that gratuity you cheap bastard!"
    523 replies | 55886 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:58 PM
    :rolleyes: That's got nothing to do with race. My kids went to an all black school K-4 and an overwhelmingly white school 5 - 12 and had good teachers both times. I think sometimes you forget I'm actually black and know what I'm talking about but okay. The black school didn't have any male teachers at all except the band teacher and the basketball coach / P.E. teacher. There are also black transgenders so it's possible to get a black transgender teacher, though not at the sort of private Christian schools I we sent our children to so your whole "tranny" argument has no relevance. Edit: And for the record the white school my kids went to did a better job at nipping bullying in the bud than the black school, though it did improve after they left with a different principal. In reality having a good principal is a necessary and sufficient condition for having a good school. Edit 2: But I have to ask. If the ONLY choice that YOU were given for a principal for your child's school was a black conservative Christian or a white liberal, would you still pick the white liberal? To be fair I won't say a white transgender because you already said you want segregation by sexual orientation too. Thomas Sowell verses George Stephanopolus or Bill Clinton. Those are your only options.
    109 replies | 2294 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:10 PM
    I thought you were trying to stop school shooting? But I guess that's just a smokescreen. :rolleyes: Got it.
    109 replies | 2294 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:50 PM
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Brian4Liberty again.
    109 replies | 2294 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:48 PM
    The freshmen kids at the "Christian" school I went to who put a stop to the bullying by threatening to fight back were white so your "solution" of segregation is BS. I have a better idea. Segregate the bullies. (As in kick them out of school). Problem solved.
    109 replies | 2294 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:12 AM
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:10 AM
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    Yesterday, 11:09 AM
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:56 AM
    Is it the chutzpah of posting it here that amazes you more, or the way he states the opinion as if it were a verifiable fact?
    15 replies | 405 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:51 AM
    Perhaps, but look where we ended up anyway.
    3 replies | 864 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:46 AM
    This is as nonsequitur as "The anti-Black imagination has created a horrific version of Black people, therefore kitchen sink."
    2676 replies | 222919 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:23 AM
    Two allies will make zero difference. I'd casually estimate that no less than thirty like-minded and morally intact senators would be needed to have a palpable effect. Fifty would be better, but I have precious little hope for the thirty, so... What we need is my Amendment 28. Given the horrific state in which we find ourselves, politically speaking, I feel that my Amendment is the only way forward toward actual liberty that does not perforce necessitate large amounts of bloodshed.
    48 replies | 991 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:19 AM
    The "misinformation" cancer has got to be nipped in the bud because the trajectory lands us in the middle of 1984.
    48 replies | 991 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:17 AM
    Elecrtric vehicles are cancer and have no future unless and until human energy storage tech for electrics undergoes a quantum advance. Our understanding of motors is fair to middling now, and apparently improving every day. Our understanding of electricity is pretty good. But our understanding of high-density energy storage sucks the big tuna. At this time, the highest energy densities are found in explosives. Sadly, those materials are not as yet suitable for the production of electrical outputs. The next best is gasoline and similar aromatics whose density is quite high, but much of which blows out the ass end of the vehicle. See the Second Law for more information. By comparison, battery technology is just sad. Constructing them is an environmental nightmare. Costs are astonishingly high, performance is atrocious, as is the safety factor. If you've never seen lithium, an alkali metal, burn, you've never had quite the thrill. I've seen metals burn including lithium, sodium, iron oxide, and titanium. They are all very violent and a car whose battery goes up tends to burn away to very little. Until energy densities at least as high as that of gasoline are achieved, I see no way that electrics will take the place of conventionally powered vehicles... unless Theye mandate it and use the force of arms to materially enforce the declarations, which would not surprise me in the least. Oh, and energy density is not the only concern. Performance at very low temperatures is an equal concern. At ten degrees F, electrics don't want to go so well, if at all. Once again, the battery puts you over the wood.
    48 replies | 991 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:02 AM
    The question is not rhetorical. It is as if they went extinct, only they didn't. Yet for all their assumed shenanigans and plotting, they are NEVER mentioned. This is a statistical impossibility insofar as is concerned the likelihoods of being and "organic" condition.
    2 replies | 157 view(s)
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I found a job as a part-time temporary meter reader. My girlfriend went ballistic that I was quitting a salaried job for a part-time temp job, but I had complete confidence in what I was doing. Meter

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