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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 07:14 PM
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 07:00 PM
    Yep. Amazing!
    30 replies | 1901 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 02:02 PM
    WHOA! I did not expect this! Tulsi made it through the Senate Intel Committee! It'll go to the full Senate for a vote.
    67 replies | 14808 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 11:53 AM
    Bobby made it out of committee on a strictly party line vote! Now, it will go to the full Senate! (on a related note, Tulsi's committee vote is expected today, too. I doubt she gets through, but we shall see.)
    30 replies | 1901 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 10:59 AM
    Wow! I didn't know that.
    19 replies | 389 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 09:45 AM
    So mass incarceration of regular people in El Salvador under the guise of fighting gang crime? Thousands of innocent people jailed in El Salvador’s gang crackdown El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele was re-elected for a second term in a landslide win. Bukele has overseen a vast and brutal crackdown on gangs, transforming the nation from one of the deadliest to one of the safest in Latin America. But that peace has come at a cost with thousands of innocent people jailed. Amna Nawaz and producer Teresa Cebrian Aranda visited the country for this report. Read the Full Transcript Notice: Transcripts are machine and human generated and lightly edited for accuracy. They may contain errors.
    24 replies | 427 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 09:41 AM Truces to Terror: Bukele’s Legacy of Gangs and Mass Incarceration in El Salvador Sofia Ramirez June 21, 2024 Share Image Credits: @mauriciocuellar on Unsplash (Unsplash License) In 2012, Nayib Bukele won the mayoral election in Nuevo Cuscatlán, a small municipality in El Salvador, as a part of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN), which is a left-wing political party. That same year, the FMLN organized a pact with the two biggest gangs in El Salvador: MS-13 and Barrio-18. This truce was formulated secretly, as negotiating with gangs is a highly controversial issue that could result in public backlash. The agreement allowed for the gangs to have around thirty members moved from the Zacatecoluca Security Penitentiary Center to state prisons in exchange for a lower homicide rate. As a result, the murder rate in the coming weeks dropped, with the average of daily murders dropping from fourteen to six. This “truce” was quickly revealed by Salvadorian journalists and exposed to the public. The Minister of Justice and Public Security, David Munguía Payés, denied any agreements with MS-13 and Barrio 18, claiming that the homicide rates dropping were from the work of the National Civil Police. The government chose to continue denying any alleged truces that came up in the media.
    24 replies | 427 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 09:35 AM
    Just curious how you can tell what is an actual policy proposal versus some negotiation tactic... Seems to me like he says one thing, gets you guys all fired up defending it, only to turn around a few days later and has you guys cheering for much, much less.
    59 replies | 6466 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 09:29 AM
    "They say 60% of all the world's statistics are made up right there on the spot. 82.4% of people believe them whether they're even accurate statistics or not."
    3163 replies | 440354 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 07:58 AM
    The president of El Salvador? He's been trying to break the back of MS-13 for several years now but many of those gang members are living in the U.S. He might also get paid a fee for housing U.S. prisoners the same way private prisons get paid. The fact that U.S. citizens might be part of the deal is disturbing though and possibly illegal. Imagine if Biden had exported January 6th prisoners to foreign countries? MS-13 is a complete quagmire of a problem. Refugees from right wing CIA backed death squads in El Salvador in the 1980s eventually formed their own U.S. backed street gangs to protect themselves from the Mexican Mafia and the Bloods and the Crips in the U .S. Bill Clinton deported as many as he could that were not U.S. citizens but El Salvador and other Central American countries were not prepared for the influx and their prisons became breeding grounds for more gang activity allowing them to become international. This time the president of El Salvador has invested heavily in prison infrastructure and has done his own brutal crackdown on the gang. He's basically running a concentration camp. Not just gang members have been rounded up but people associated with them have been rounded up as well.
    24 replies | 427 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 07:27 AM
    So how do YOU interpret the quote and what context would YOU put i it? It seems pretty obvious to me. "Were' putting in hundreds of millions of dollars" (the military aid we've been giving up until this point "and I want security of the rare earth and they are willing to do it" (the condition for sending more of the hundreds of millions of dollars). The context of the article is that Ukraine had already offered that as a deal to Trump to continue military and a significant amount of the areas where the rare earth is located is currently under Russian control. So you would leave all of that context out and just be left with a sound bite?
    19 replies | 389 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    19 replies | 389 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:16 PM
    Point of order: shut it down, THEN audit. Then arrest, charge, try, convict, and imprison for life with no chance of pardon or parole all who violated the Public Trust. The time for tyranny to die is here, the only question remaining being whether we actually kill it.
    7 replies | 368 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 07:02 PM To be honest, I'm not sure of the implications of this financial tool. I've never seen it implemented. Any Austrians in here want to take a crack at this one?? What does he mean by "monetizing the balance sheet"???
    7 replies | 292 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 06:43 PM
    Can Trump Tariffs Lead To Trouble? President Trump made it clear during his presidential campaign that tariffs will be a part of his policy-making. He has followed through on that. Tariffs are risk. Yes, they can be used as a political tool, and can get results. But tariffs can also turn very bad, especially when egos are revved up. American history is littered with the use of tariffs going very bad. President Trump should always keep this in mind.
    74 replies | 1380 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 05:29 PM
    And now he's backed off the Canada tariffs, too. China will be by the end of the week. Why does Trump hate the American industries he wanted to protect?? Why doesn't he want all that tariff money that was going to replace taxes???
    74 replies | 1380 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 11:01 AM
    Might be best to do a quarterly take on Trump's policies so we don't get whiplash from all the pauses and reversals... Just know, folks, this creates all kinds of confusion, and that confusion adds significant costs to anyone brokering deals in the supply chains. You never know what the rules are, unless you check Truth Social every 5 minutes. Even then, the policy could change in the next 5 minutes.
    74 replies | 1380 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 10:41 AM
    Ok, so this is just a negotiation tactic??? Trump pauses Mexico tariffs for a month
    74 replies | 1380 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:54 AM
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:48 AM
    I'd be happier with legislation and not executive orders that are Constitutionally questionable and can be undone by the next President, but yeah, pleasantly surprised so far.
    13 replies | 327 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:46 AM
    He's all over the place. He says it'll bring in more money (even though it's a tax on Americans who buy those imports, so they have less money to spend on other things) He says it'll protect American industries (at the expense of other American industries, of course) And he says it's punishment for other geopolitical issues (fetanyl, trade imbalances, etc.) Of course, it can't be all 3. If you're protecting American industries by raising the prices on foreign goods, then you don't get the money you wanted in #1. If you really want money going to the government, then you still want Americans to buy those goods, therefore you're not protecting any American industries in #2. So, it's #3?? You're punishing your trading partners and your own citizens because the governments of our trading partners aren't doing what he wants??
    74 replies | 1380 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:43 AM
    I'm sure glad to see USAID go, because stuff is coming out that makes the Red Pill more potent. I'm not fooling myself into thinking this agency was made a scapegoat before three new replacements were created to carry on what it does. The CIA is a giant Whack-A-Mole machine. I love watching the heads of Biden loyalists roll. But are their seats being thrown out with them? Or are those seats being filled with Trump loyalists while they're still warm? One of these things is a cut, the other is just a changing of the guard. Which other agencies besides USAID are getting the axe? I, for one, am still waiting for an answer to that question.
    13 replies | 327 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 06:59 AM
    The best thing about tariffs is when you remove them. Sorta like cancer.
    74 replies | 1380 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 02:58 AM
    What section of Philly isn't shitty? I ask as a former resident.
    34 replies | 1399 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 02:46 AM
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  • osan's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 02:44 AM
    Not that big a reach. The Hispanic/Indian cartels are nothing like the Italian mobs in that the latter held the families of their rivals sacrosanct. There was no retribution against uninvolved relatives. To do so was tantamount to suicide. You would be handled. The South of the Border types are animals, and i insult animals in so equating them. Back ca. 1978 I was driving into Manhattan to work at the Engineering Societies Library. I was in typical rush house bumper to bumper traffic on Grand Central Parkway and what did I spy but a silver Mercedes parked on the very broad shoulder, well off the roadway. Cannot tell you why, but something in me was just itching to see that that was about, but I had to get to work. That evening on the news, that Mercedes was center stage. Two adults shot dead in the front seats and an 11 month old infant shot dead in the back seat. There was $1MM in cash in the trunk. This was a Colombian drug hit - revenge for God only knows what and they murdered an infant. That is how the South of the Border sorts operate. They changed EVERYTHING because they are empty-headed, soulless simulacra who have no boundaries of which to make mention. They kill anyone and everyone they deem fit for killing. They have no self-control, nor morals; just the pure pragmatic drive to destroy all who get in their way or otherwise displease. And so it would not put it past them to have engineered this disaster for the sake of some retribution or the delivery of a message. Not saying it is the case, but that were it to prove so I would be in no way surprised.
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by CaptUSA on 02-24-2016 at 09:57 AM
Among my many interests was electricity and I decided that I wanted to change how the industry operates. Understanding the free market as I did, I was pissed that the coolest discovery in the history of mankind was being regulated to death by the government. I wanted to change that.

I found a job as a part-time temporary meter reader. My girlfriend went ballistic that I was quitting a salaried job for a part-time temp job, but I had complete confidence in what I was doing. Meter

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It may come across as anecdotal, but I assure you that this same type free market story is working itself out all over the country and the globe. Even in the face or increasing government interference.

I was born in Western PA the third of four boys. When I was still a baby, the second child died

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