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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 12:20 PM
    :rolleyes: Because verfifed stories that can bring people together aren't as fun as unverified stories that pull people apart.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 12:19 PM
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Today, 12:13 PM
    And that's just the welfare... There are also huge government payouts to support this grift. Here's just one recent announcement: If anyone is under the assumption that we're seeing a natural migration of people just yearning to breathe free, a little research should dispel them of this notion. And what's worse is that the beneficiaries of this spending isn't just the migrants, but a whole industry stood up to profit off them and a democratic party that is encouraging it in order to secure power.
    26 replies | 125 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Today, 11:45 AM
    To be clear, I'm a big supporter of natural migration. If people want to move where there is more opportunity to engage in free commerce, then all the best to them! They'll be a net benefit and will enrich us all. It's artificial migration that causes us all the issues. And to open the flood gates without addressing the artificiality of it first, is just dumb. It's two completely different topics and we end up talking past each other. You get 2 completely different types of migrants - those that add to your wealth and those that suck it dry. Jacob thinks that only 1% are of the latter, but provides zero evidence to support his conclusion. I think it's WAY higher and is the reason that a whole industry has been established to feed off the government largesse, while putting real people in servitude.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 09:46 AM
    Exactly. Inflation reduces the value of earnings faster than anyone can get raises. So workers have to get welfare now, whereas for most of my life I was able to be self-sufficient from wages. When I was a teen, a job (any job) precluded you from getting welfare, food stamps, any of it. Nobody thought anything more than a part time job was in any way less desirable than welfare. This process has been underway for decades. It leads to government having iron control over whether we eat or not. They're bringing it to a head. So how do they...? Distract us from the devaluation problem. Keep us vying for jobs that don't support us.
    26 replies | 125 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 09:40 AM
    Going down the EBT high balance rabbit hole I found this story that doesn't seem to be related to immigraiton: Next scandal: Platinum EBT cards RECORDS REQUEST: A receipt showing a hefty EBT card balance, right, has sparked a records request from the state. Above is the keeper of public records in the state, Secretary of State William Galvin.
    26 replies | 125 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 09:39 AM
    When these people set out to destroy a Party -- and the pretense that this Uniparty is some kind of two party system -- they don't just go half the way.
    13 replies | 450 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 09:38 AM
    ^This is what the conversation should be about.
    480 replies | 10112 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 09:35 AM
    As Anti Federalist pointed out, during the Trump years the number of immigrants from Ukraine were less than 10,000. Now it's over 217,000. The difference is not the amount of welfare. The difference is (drumroll please) U.S. foreign policy which destabilized their country! If the welfare state was reduced to nothing, people would still be streaming into the U.S. because of how the U.S. has for over 100 years destablizied Haiti, for the past few decades destablized Venezuela, and for the past few years destablized Ukraine. So until we stop screwing over other people countries it's not going to slow the mass migration numbers. That said, there SHOULD be limits on welfare especially for migrants and people SHOULD investigate if the stories are true. From what I can find so far refugees are granted cash assistance both that the federal and the state level, but I can't find how anyone would end up with $30,000 on an EBT card.,would%20no%20longer%20receive%20RCA. So...why aren't Trump and J.D. Vance talking about ^that? Why isn't anybody talking about that?
    26 replies | 125 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 09:34 AM
    Something something in order to defeat Demoncrats you have to lower yourself and all of conservatism down to their level.
    480 replies | 10112 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 09:20 AM
    So....I read the whole thing. It's got headers so its easy to find the part talking about the welfare state. Here it is: The welfare state and liberty What about the old right-wing canard that you can’t have open borders with a welfare state? It’s wrongheaded. Of course, you can have both. Sure, it might mean the payment of higher taxes, but is that any reason to abandon one’s principles and, in the process, inflict harm on all the people who are not coming to get on welfare? Moreover, keep in mind that both right-wingers and left-wingers favor a welfare state. So they’re saying that advocates of liberty should join them in their support of immigration socialism until the right-wing, left-wing welfare state is dismantled, which might be never. Instead of destroying the freedom that comes with open borders, how about devoting our efforts to dismantling the right-wing, left-wing welfare state? In the meantime, if right-wingers and left-wingers choose to give welfare to foreigners, let’s not be duped into joining them in their wrongdoing. Let’s just continue trying to end their wrongdoing. And make no mistake about it: open borders is not just about bringing an end to death, suffering, rapes, kidnappings, deportations, a Berlin Wall, and a massive police state. Most important, open borders is about liberty. As Thomas Jefferson pointed out in the Declaration of Independence, everyone — not just Americans — has been endowed by nature and God with such fundamental rights as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That’s precisely what most people are doing when they cross political borders — they are trying to sustain their life with labor, entering into mutually agreeable arrangements with others, and pursuing happiness in their own way.
    26 replies | 125 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Today, 08:56 AM
    Oh FFS, I read his justification, but it doesn't work. In fact, it's kinda retarded. He starts with the assumption that 99 percent are coming here naturally. Come on, dude - do you really believe that?!! He's talking about the welfare state, but that's not the only artificial lure. Our government is setting these people up in nice hotels, giving them phones, stipends, vouchers, and dropping them off in favored political districts. There are agencies set up to profit off of these people and turn them into indentured servants. Those agencies have the incentive to lure more people away from their homelands with promises of luxuries. Without those things, these people could be a net-benefit to our society - but with them, they are taking taxpayer wealth and funneling some of it back in. Ending the border enforcement without FIRST ending the subsidies is insanity!
    26 replies | 125 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:42 AM
    So....why were the "Latinos for Trump" all on one side of the stage? Something is odd about that by itself.
    11 replies | 193 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:34 AM
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to acptulsa again. +rep
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Today, 08:26 AM
    TL;DR But I know where Jacob stands. The error in his logic, though, is that he's talking about a "natural" movement of people - not an "artificial" one. If this was a perfectly natural movement, immigration wouldn't be that big of an issue. Yeah, you'd have the xenophobes freaking out, but they'd be a small minority - most of us wouldn't care. But that's not what we have. We have government forces importing millions of people, using our wealth, to increase their political and financial power over us. So yeah, I can listen to the open borders argument once all artificial incentives are removed.
    26 replies | 125 view(s)
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Today, 08:15 AM
    Hard to say. This is WAY too plausible for a steal. Many of the same rules are still in place that allow for mass cheating. Early voting (ballot-stuffing) has already started in PA. AZ, FL, GA, MI, NV, NC, OH, PA, VA, and WI all allow drop boxes. There have been more than 3 million new naturalized citizens since the last election. As citizens, these people are legally allowed to vote. Some accounts put the number of NEW illegal aliens in the country at 10 Million since the last election, not counting the ones who have been here longer. These people are not allowed to vote, but the controls to prevent that have been eroded. Unless there is a dramatic shift where her victory is seen as not plausible, I think the Trump side needs to prepare themselves for a President Kamala and more complaining about the process.
    8 replies | 356 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 06:58 AM
    Gee, another "assassination attempt" aimed not at Trump, but at his supporters...
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:11 AM
    Great idea! He's proposed it before as I recall.'s not going to pass. But he's doing a good job positioning himself to run in 2028. He still hasn't endorsed Trump. I see Rand Paul commercial on YouTube as much as I see Trump and Kamala Harris. And he's proposing something that has about as much chance of passing as he has of winning the presidency. In fact I'd say he has a better chance of winning the presidency than he does getting this through congress as a sitting senator.
    3 replies | 157 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:08 AM
    Mystery solved. Some of the pagers didn't explode and have been examined. Explosives were put in them while they sat in port for 3 months waiting for clearance. How did Hezbollah get the pagers that exploded in Lebanon? Al Jazeera traces a pager supply chain from Taiwan to Hungary to Lebanon — including a three-month port layover during which explosives might have been placed in the devices. Pagers on display at a meeting room at the Gold Apollo company building in New Taipei City, Taiwan, Video Duration 07 minutes 16 seconds
    50 replies | 794 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:01 AM
    It's easy to find videos of cell phone batteries exploding like the one I posted earlier in this thread. But everyone I've seen 1) had large flames coming out and 2) had more explosive force. From the reports of what recently happened people were losing limbs from this attack and none of the explosions I've seen from this attack were accompanied by flames.
    50 replies | 794 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:55 AM
    :rolleyes: You missed your calling at the neocon forums.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:54 AM
    Pay to defend themselves? That's not what happened. They were given $391 million to buy weapons by Trump and they used that money to buy the weapons from American companies. So no. Ukraine wasn't "paying to defend itself." Trump delayed the money because he wanted Biden's corruption investigated. I agree with that delay. Biden delayed the money as a favor to Burisma, a company paying his son $80,000 a month, and that needed to be investigated. But nowhere was it in the cards that Ukraine would "pay to defend itself." I'm not sure how you came up with that nonsense.
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by CaptUSA on 02-24-2016 at 09:57 AM
Among my many interests was electricity and I decided that I wanted to change how the industry operates. Understanding the free market as I did, I was pissed that the coolest discovery in the history of mankind was being regulated to death by the government. I wanted to change that.

I found a job as a part-time temporary meter reader. My girlfriend went ballistic that I was quitting a salaried job for a part-time temp job, but I had complete confidence in what I was doing. Meter

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It may come across as anecdotal, but I assure you that this same type free market story is working itself out all over the country and the globe. Even in the face or increasing government interference.

I was born in Western PA the third of four boys. When I was still a baby, the second child died

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