Yesterday, 01:57 PM
LOL, that was my point. YOU don't have a problem with them eating strays. Other people might. I don't have a huge problem with it personally.
I edited my post right when you posted this.. one of the problems being that they are eating their pets, not just the strays. That was the primary complaint. Evidence of such being that they "fixed" the problem of stray cats by eating the strays, then once those were gone they turned to people's pets.
The other problems are all the other problems happening in the community.. is it worth them being there because they fixed a stray cat problem when there are so many other problems happening there? I highly doubt a single person would say well, it's good they are here eating our stray cats and driving up housing costs and flipping over cars and killing people because man, that stray cat problem really sucked.
You seem to be completely missing the point.
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