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  • jkr's Avatar
    Today, 02:28 PM
    the thread is about my town , and my nation , getting the attention that it deserves not subjugation thanks for NOTHING
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Today, 02:24 PM
    excuse the f u c k right out of you tyrant! im not even talking about that! fed!
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Today, 11:20 AM
    snakes dude, snakes...
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Today, 11:01 AM
    land> electrons
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Today, 10:19 AM
    ...they GIVE it to him he just spends it
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Today, 10:04 AM
    the pope?
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Today, 09:21 AM
    they arent charging people for vehicular homocide so the overseers can prop up their ponzi and the house help can milk their ancient tooling you smell that? its fascism fueld by fiat currency no one here should like this
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Today, 08:39 AM
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Today, 08:14 AM
    oh shit they arent charging the vehicular homicide this is a BIG psyop...I have family on both sides shit
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:46 PM
    Stop calling them "elites". Try something more accurate, like degenerate or rich asshole.
    72027 replies | 1964247 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:44 PM
    I spent a lot of time in central America, and some also in South America. A couple times on resort vacations, but mostly in video games. The video game times were the roughest, but mostly for the other people.
    3 replies | 96 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:05 PM
    Yes, that's another aspect of being pro-life. Trump believed all the lies that the vaccines were safety-tested, that they were 100% effective against COVID-19, and, most egregiously, that he was responsible for the success of getting the vaccines out through "Operation Warp Speed." He gambled with the lives of desperate Americans, and like you've said, to this day, he prides himself in getting the vaccines pushed through.
    98 replies | 2607 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:36 PM
    i posted a pic of the astro slide!
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:02 PM
    Yes, I know that Trump has done way more public engagement than Kamala. My point is Trump was outsmarted by a really stupid candidate because he allowed his own ego to get the best of him and fell into her traps. And it's his ego which will be his undoing, just as his ego kept him from being judged by Republican Primary voters in his refusal to participate in those debates.
    28 replies | 771 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:46 PM
    It's a single issue which is connected to a network of other positions. That single issue is pro-life. To be pro-life means that you care for the preservation of innocent life both inside and outside of the womb, and that incorporates the prohibition of conflicts and wars which will lead to the unnecessary, if not, unethical, termination of civilians who have nothing to do with posing a national threat. It has been shown countless times that the nation-state of Israel is using certain events to justify a campaign of genocide towards an ethnic/national group of people who are not terrorists. As a Christian, I'm against any candidate who will support another nation killing my people (that is, Palestinian Christians) for political and religious reasons. Trump's unadulterated support of Israel offsets his commitment to end the conflict over in Ukraine and Russia, even if he claims, "I just want the dying to stop." He wants to stop the killing of Ukrainian and Russian lives, but he's okay with Palestinians (and even Israelis) being killed because "Israel needs to be feared by her enemies again." Therefore, as a "sInGlE-iSsUe VoTeR," I feel justified in not supporting Trump at all, and I'm sick and tired of people like you trying to justify "voting for the lesser of two evils."
    98 replies | 2607 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:27 PM
    yah mon she BASED!
    10 replies | 271 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:51 PM
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  • jkr's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:01 AM
    tom Macdonald liked my post ahhhhhhhhhh!
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 05:50 PM
    Call it "poetic justice." Trump dodged all of the Republican Primary debates, because he was so proud that he had a commanding lead with Republican voters (in the polls and in the eyes of the mainstream media), and he felt that Republican voters didn't need to hear his positions challenged and scrutinized with the other candidates. Now he lost what is probably his last debate to a candidate who, like him, dodged the public, flying high on the polls and favor of the mainstream media and would-be voters. Trump is an arrogant person whose ego got the best of him against a woman who memorized her script and played him by leading him into all the traps that Trump's persona couldn't help.
    28 replies | 771 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 05:31 PM
    I'm against Zionism, not Israel because, theologically speaking, the Church is Israel (those who are covenantally united to Christ by faith and through baptism). So I am pro-Israel, in the Biblical sense of the word, not in the nation-state sense of a country which is Atheistic in its entire ethics, civics, etc.
    98 replies | 2607 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 10:58 AM
    im on FIRE over on X! thank you ron paul forums for the training, scars, wisdom, late night and hangovers( after watching danke do-well- nothing)and historical precedent to dismantle these people! my mom was on facebook i called the city and the robber baron I FEEL BETTER and DR. Pier Corey liked a bunch of my snark!
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 08:59 AM
    jkr posted a visitor message on Two.L's profile
    thankyou im trying to help talking to mom right now
  • jkr's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 08:08 AM
    yellowsprings? maybe. just don't LITTERALY COLONIZE my home town please or i WILL let the hilljacks loose
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 07:57 AM
    mostly protected birds maybe some cats and dogs if you like your dog, you can eat your dog...
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 06:57 AM
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 08:39 PM
    If you're voting for Trump, then don't complain about the conflicts in the Middle East and Israel's campaign to wipe out an entire demographic due to their ethnicity. Trump is a staunch supporter of aiding Israel in all of her military campaigns.
    98 replies | 2607 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 04:11 PM
    September 11, 2024 'The current members of the Commission have breached their public responsibilities.' SPRINGFIELD, Ohio — A petition to recall the entire city commission for Springfield is being processed in response to the town's leadership failing to address long-standing issues that have been made worse through the influx of Haitians in recent years. Citing Section 59 of the city's charter, the petition, obtained by Blaze Media, says it is seeking to recall "the entire membership" of the Springfield City Commission. Mayor Rob Rue, Assistant Mayor David Estrop, and Commissioners Krystal Brown, Bridget Houston, and Tracey Tackett are named on the draft document. The petition accuses the city of not enforcing building codes and says the city has used money earmarked for hiring police officers for other purposes. It also calls for the removal of the city's leadership because: "The current members of the Commission have breached their public responsibilities." "The Commission has created an untenable housing crisis by purposefully abandoning prior practices for consistent code enforcement. The Commission has permitted unscrupulous landlords to proliferate unsafe tenements which have caused their occupants to live in substandard conditions, have created substantial occupational hazards for public safety officers who are dispatched to such tenements, and caused long term residents to be squeezed out of the local housing market."
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 01:00 PM
    DUDE THIS IS MY LITTERAL LIFE STORY I AM FROM SPRINGFIELD. they work against us they hate us
    182 replies | 3825 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 12:45 PM
    it doesnt matter, there is a woman with a similar story that is not for sale. videos are on x where i have been banned for misspelling tyranny...guess why ( im a bit dyslexic) ironic
    18 replies | 690 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 11:27 AM
    she -and her disgusting sycophants- are presently shitting on my home town. I've heard all I need to hear.
    15 replies | 861 view(s)
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    BTW, you call me bro? Now?
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    No kidding... but is he being honest?
  3. View Conversation
    If he is being dishonest, I will call him. If he is changing his identity, I will honor that. He never would reply.
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    Don't worry. Mods do not enter the religion forum unless alerted. It might as well have been a PM.
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    Okay. I didn't know he had been banned. I thought he was sock puppeting for the sake of it. I will let it go. But he is being an idiot.
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    Can you give me a link to the thread in question?
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    Your inbox is full. I just wanted to say I appreciated that fiery defense of the Gospel!
  8. View Conversation
    Oh. LOL. I get it now. I so rarely use the "visitor message" feature that I wasn't following you. You were talking to FF and not me. Makes perfect sense now. Carry on. As for what he was saying you weren't being consistent on, it was the fact that at first you said the Bible doesn't say have a relationship with Jesus (actually it does) and then you shifted to "The Bible doesn't say the gospel is have a relationship with Jesus" (It doesn't....but nobody on this board said it does). Why it's who hard for you to just admit that I don't know. If you are looking for exact language says that...well where does it say grace is irresistible?
  9. View Conversation
    Ummmm....huh? What are you talking about? Where did I say anything about you being consistent or not consistent with FF? And I don't even know what OTC is. I've seen you and him talking about it.
  10. View Conversation
    "Oh, the Bible is "bullshit"?" Nope. Are you implying that the only thing you have to contribute to threads are Bible quotes? Your non-Biblical observations (and there are many) coupled with your choice to use Bible quotes to derail threads (which I'm fairly sure was not the original intent of any of the authors OR the Divinity behind them) are what is bullshit. Get thee behind me, Satan, and get on my ignore.
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