12-30-2024, 06:16 PM
I have first-hand experience with H1-B system "drama". I was "questioned" during a DHS I immigration investigation in which they laid out various people associated with a family-owned business I was connected with. Essentially a lot of red-dot Indians working here on H1's. People who were presenting themselves as I.T. consultants and accountants, who were in fact just working cashiers in convenience stores and smoke-shops where they were often just temporary workers (5 years on H-1). Lying on federal forms. H-1's don't get handed out for "cashiers" and H-1's must be renewed every six years.
Anyway, I thought DHS was going to bust the whole ring and send them home. They had detailed files on not only every ringleader, but every cashier. How long they've been here, how they were connected, photographs, business documentation. They knew more than I did.
Anyway, TLDR; they all are still here and DHS didn't deport a prosecute a single one.
People don't realize I think what it means that there are MILLIONS of these people here. The whole thing is very monolithic and controlled. Not only on the H1-B side of things, but also political refugees (like Cuban immigrants). All these NGO's and Catholic charities, et al work hand in hand bribing these other governments to move people where they want. DHS doesn't have the manpower to fight it all, they focus on terrorists and big fish.
TPTB do not care about trailer park people and their anachronistic concepts of what this country is supposed to look like.
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