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  • Theocrat's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:48 PM
    Come on, man. Trump is just playing Z^10+n-1(s)*T chess.
    28 replies | 384 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:15 PM
    It's very frustrating as a programmer to see things like this. Why does every attempt at organization start with a stupid app instead of an actual workflow? I don't understand the point of this site. It looks like a crappy reddit ripoff. If there is no result of the work people put into this, then why participate? Same gripes I had with CFL, but by comparison, CFL looks like a beacon of grassroots innovation. At least that has a basis of actually trying to connect people at the local level. Plus, the top voted "peace" issue is banning transgender surgery? Just goes to show how easily the right has been played. Boogeyman gays and weirdos are the main enemy of peace. Oh yeah, and the economy, and probably the borders. Can't do nothing about that welfare/warfare state at the root of everything, because muh troops, and muh schools. RFK, Tucker, Tulsi, Rogan, Jordan... These people are the mainstream media now, for the minority of people who are paying attention. They are your babysitters for the shitshow about to ensue. The anti-establishment has been co-opted by the establishment, and now doing an about-face will be very difficult.
    10 replies | 222 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:00 PM
    Thanks for all the support liberty folks in getting me elected. As a thank you, I'm inviting you all to participate in yet another echo chamber. The first 50 to sign up, will get an "echo chamber" pillow, brought to you by the Mr. Pillow guy. So when you get frustrated voting or seeing the truth, you've got your very own echo chamber pillow to scream into. Now with 30% extra tear absorbance.
    10 replies | 222 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:30 AM
    Yeah, but Trump is slick in this regard. I feel like we're playing the game of: "Scared me for a moment, I thought it was gonna be Pompeo." "Scared me for a moment, I thought it was gonna be Nikki Haley." "Scared me for a moment, I thought it was gonna be Marco Rubio." ...meanwhile, the actual picks are substantively the same.
    69 replies | 1441 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    11-07-2024, 02:19 PM
    right? I don't even believe Obama isn't gonna serve in his administration.
    9 replies | 262 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    11-07-2024, 02:16 PM
    Just sayin'. Ther Germans thought they were experiencing a cleansing as well. Then it all went to hell, and they were the scape-goated evil 'enablers' of history. Trumps weaknesses are many. He's going to be surrounded by horrible people who love to do horrible things. People keep saying "God put him in this position". So what? God put Pharaoh into his position as well. People are celebrating way too early. It's like the "Obama's gonna pay my rent" but for the snake-flag people.
    21 replies | 591 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    11-07-2024, 10:03 AM
    What is in danger, is Trump's legacy as the saver of millions of lives because of the Covid jab. Trump is incapable of eating crow from what I've seen, so not very hopeful he's going to reveal the documents. Covid is a bioweapon. Evidence is pretty dense that supports this. Trump owns all of it. He's either gonna eat crow or betray the Rand/RFK wing. I think he's more likely to betray based on past behavior, but maybe he found Jesus.
    8 replies | 611 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    11-07-2024, 08:10 AM
    Thanks. So confirmed that the department of war and "american interests abroad" will be headed by an Iran hardliner. Not a death sentence, but doesn't scream peace and prosperity. I just suspect the likes of Gabbard, Musk, RFJ, Ron Paul, et al, will be nothing but ornaments. We will find out I guess.
    470 replies | 65024 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    11-06-2024, 06:30 PM
    Word on the street is that the transition team will be led by Pompeo appointee Brian Hook. This guy was an Iran hardliner. He was appointed by Pompeo to direct the policy of "Maximum Pressure" against Iran. No doubt involved in the assassination plot of Soleimani. We're off to a great start. Can't wait to see what's next.
    470 replies | 65024 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    11-06-2024, 04:41 PM
    Not curing my apathy, this whole thing. I mean, I see a lot of promises, just still feels dark, staged, fake and gay. Pretty much ZERO has been changed on the Palestine/Israel equation, so I feel like Iran war is on deck. And now American's are married to promises of Trump-topia, so if Iran heats up they will lash out in unison demanding quick-brown deaths. So yeah, it's a nice set of promises we've all bought into, but it's also a REALLY nice setup for walking the messianic mess into a big middle east conflict that truly bankrupts our country, and sets us up for balkanization. I just don't buy that this "resistance" is organic our authentic. I think people across the country are having an emotional moment with this cult of personality, but when he starts blowing things up, that only makes it worse, because no one will want to criticize him, just like they gave him a pass when he assassinated Soleimani.
    185 replies | 5721 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    11-06-2024, 03:43 PM
    Such as?
    39 replies | 1265 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    11-06-2024, 03:24 PM
    I agree. Rep. Massie needs to stay in the House, and they need to nominate him for Speaker.
    39 replies | 1265 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    10-29-2024, 09:34 AM
    Great one. There are also a few passages like Isaiah 65:22 that talk about the future kingdom where you get to keep what you earn. I like these verses for an additional reason, it shows that "heaven" or the "afterlife" isn't some heroin-esque reality where we all stare into the perfect face of God for eternity like moths hovering around a big fuzzy light. There will be work, and people. You will have hands, etc.
    8 replies | 1548 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    10-29-2024, 09:18 AM
    ChatGPT summary of youtube transcript: Here are the main points of the sermon from the Orthodox priest: Division and Anxiety in Society: The priest observes that the nation is highly divided, with media and politics amplifying division, leading to anxiety, depression, and anger. Evil in Division: This division is seen as a tool of the evil one, who uses societal rifts to create disunity among friends and families. Lessons from Church History: St. Basil’s efforts to keep the Church united during the Arian controversy exemplify the importance of unity in challenging times, even amidst doctrinal disputes. Rejecting the Fear Narrative: Society’s constant messaging of fear and doom (e.g., around elections) leads people to feel hopeless, as if everything is at stake. The priest encourages focusing on God's narrative rather than societal fear. Faith over Despair: The story of Jairus and his daughter shows the importance of trusting Christ over despair, emphasizing that with Christ, death is not the final word.
    1 replies | 437 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    10-29-2024, 07:49 AM
    Because they spent too much time talking about Israel and Palestine?
    25 replies | 3586 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    10-20-2024, 08:53 AM
    Second meme should inform the first.... Trump is just the same thing in a prettier package, marketed to the political midwits. Shorter: He's better at lying.
    72273 replies | 2342856 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    10-16-2024, 06:27 PM
    It all makes sense when you just realize the point is not to make black men vote for her, but white women. The irony is-and Sowell has beaten this to death-these policies actually hurt sincere black men, because now the ones who do 'try' are now dealing with DEI's drowning them out in the marketplace of labor, and still getting shit on (even if they do succeed) in the marketplace of ideas, because everyone will just assume they are DEI. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. But the policies aren't aimed to help them. They are aimed at pandering to the nanny-state voter base. Black men, et al, are just wheeled out every four years, cried over then thrown back in the ditch once they've served their purpose of being a meme for a few months prior to election time.
    14 replies | 2841 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    10-16-2024, 05:11 PM
    39 replies | 8801 view(s)
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102 Visitor Messages

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    BTW, you call me bro? Now?
  2. View Conversation
    No kidding... but is he being honest?
  3. View Conversation
    If he is being dishonest, I will call him. If he is changing his identity, I will honor that. He never would reply.
  4. View Conversation
    Don't worry. Mods do not enter the religion forum unless alerted. It might as well have been a PM.
  5. View Conversation
    Okay. I didn't know he had been banned. I thought he was sock puppeting for the sake of it. I will let it go. But he is being an idiot.
  6. View Conversation
    Can you give me a link to the thread in question?
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    Your inbox is full. I just wanted to say I appreciated that fiery defense of the Gospel!
  8. View Conversation
    Oh. LOL. I get it now. I so rarely use the "visitor message" feature that I wasn't following you. You were talking to FF and not me. Makes perfect sense now. Carry on. As for what he was saying you weren't being consistent on, it was the fact that at first you said the Bible doesn't say have a relationship with Jesus (actually it does) and then you shifted to "The Bible doesn't say the gospel is have a relationship with Jesus" (It doesn't....but nobody on this board said it does). Why it's who hard for you to just admit that I don't know. If you are looking for exact language says that...well where does it say grace is irresistible?
  9. View Conversation
    Ummmm....huh? What are you talking about? Where did I say anything about you being consistent or not consistent with FF? And I don't even know what OTC is. I've seen you and him talking about it.
  10. View Conversation
    "Oh, the Bible is "bullshit"?" Nope. Are you implying that the only thing you have to contribute to threads are Bible quotes? Your non-Biblical observations (and there are many) coupled with your choice to use Bible quotes to derail threads (which I'm fairly sure was not the original intent of any of the authors OR the Divinity behind them) are what is bullshit. Get thee behind me, Satan, and get on my ignore.
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