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  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    01-13-2025, 06:57 PM
    It's always "they had to lie to trick the evil people." It's never "they lied to get my vote." Yet we never see any evidence of these noble lies bearing this sweet fruit of justice and liberty. Any day now....
    17 replies | 1910 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    01-09-2025, 11:29 AM
    So excited for another 4 years of Trump saying sensational things that the left hates and the right rationalizes. Especially when we really get rolling with team Elon 'tech-Fauci' Musk, and JD 'Palantir-gimp' Vance. Maybe Trump should just annex the world. Then we don't even need a wall. Just one big mega-empire, kinda like we already have. Anyway, Trump always says stupid crap when his attempts to re-package the status quo aren't working (e.g. H1's, empire, surveillance state, wars). Like this:
    41 replies | 3878 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    01-07-2025, 12:11 PM
    Oh, he learned, he just didn't learn what we wanted him to learn. Now he has his Elon Musk, his little "tech-Fauci" to whitewash all the Orwellian things coming our way and tell us just how darn safe, effective, and Efficient! things are going to be once we get these big beautiful bill passed. How come we don't learn? Are we that good of friends with these talking heads?
    6 replies | 446 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    01-04-2025, 12:58 PM
    Those are rookie numbers.
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  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    01-01-2025, 03:36 PM
    ... 1874549633650983306 Ron Paul 2008 Supporter to others: "Ron Paul Cured my Apathy." Trump 2024 Supporter to others: "I know things seem horrible, but there's a better than zero chance that if Trump gets in office again and does some of the things he says he's going to do-for real this time-that enough people might get hopeful enough to engage and make things slightly better. So I know you're all depressed, but victory is right around the corner! I mean, it could be. Hope is important though, seriously, if you just get sad and overthink stuff, you'll make others sad. We need to be positive and unite, and right now the best hope we have is Trump and Elon and RFK. Small wins count you know, even if they take a decade or two. Principles are great, but we also need wins. For that you need personalities with enough influence and brand equity to make a difference. For that, you need to at least appear hopeful, or no one will want to join our group." Trump support is the opposite of hope. It is the movement of desperation.
    20 replies | 2533 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    01-01-2025, 02:49 PM
    Just to clarify, this was an explosion in Vegas, and not related to the terror attack in New Orleans. The latter is due to government subsidies related to political stabilization gone right, while the former is from government subsidies meant to improve MIC public relations gone wrong. I'm only joking, haha. I love my government almost as much as I love Israel.
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  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    12-30-2024, 06:16 PM
    I have first-hand experience with H1-B system "drama". I was "questioned" during a DHS I immigration investigation in which they laid out various people associated with a family-owned business I was connected with. Essentially a lot of red-dot Indians working here on H1's. People who were presenting themselves as I.T. consultants and accountants, who were in fact just working cashiers in convenience stores and smoke-shops where they were often just temporary workers (5 years on H-1). Lying on federal forms. H-1's don't get handed out for "cashiers" and H-1's must be renewed every six years. Anyway, I thought DHS was going to bust the whole ring and send them home. They had detailed files on not only every ringleader, but every cashier. How long they've been here, how they were connected, photographs, business documentation. They knew more than I did. Anyway, TLDR; they all are still here and DHS didn't deport a prosecute a single one. People don't realize I think what it means that there are MILLIONS of these people here. The whole thing is very monolithic and controlled. Not only on the H1-B side of things, but also political refugees (like Cuban immigrants). All these NGO's and Catholic charities, et al work hand in hand bribing these other governments to move people where they want. DHS doesn't have the manpower to fight it all, they focus on terrorists and big fish. TPTB do not care about trailer park people and their anachronistic concepts of what this country is supposed to look like.
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    BTW, you call me bro? Now?
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    No kidding... but is he being honest?
  3. View Conversation
    If he is being dishonest, I will call him. If he is changing his identity, I will honor that. He never would reply.
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    Don't worry. Mods do not enter the religion forum unless alerted. It might as well have been a PM.
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    Okay. I didn't know he had been banned. I thought he was sock puppeting for the sake of it. I will let it go. But he is being an idiot.
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    Can you give me a link to the thread in question?
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    Your inbox is full. I just wanted to say I appreciated that fiery defense of the Gospel!
  8. View Conversation
    Oh. LOL. I get it now. I so rarely use the "visitor message" feature that I wasn't following you. You were talking to FF and not me. Makes perfect sense now. Carry on. As for what he was saying you weren't being consistent on, it was the fact that at first you said the Bible doesn't say have a relationship with Jesus (actually it does) and then you shifted to "The Bible doesn't say the gospel is have a relationship with Jesus" (It doesn't....but nobody on this board said it does). Why it's who hard for you to just admit that I don't know. If you are looking for exact language says that...well where does it say grace is irresistible?
  9. View Conversation
    Ummmm....huh? What are you talking about? Where did I say anything about you being consistent or not consistent with FF? And I don't even know what OTC is. I've seen you and him talking about it.
  10. View Conversation
    "Oh, the Bible is "bullshit"?" Nope. Are you implying that the only thing you have to contribute to threads are Bible quotes? Your non-Biblical observations (and there are many) coupled with your choice to use Bible quotes to derail threads (which I'm fairly sure was not the original intent of any of the authors OR the Divinity behind them) are what is bullshit. Get thee behind me, Satan, and get on my ignore.
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