08-17-2024, 06:27 PM
I was bored so looked into the "Last Supper" aspect of the opening ceremony and, fwiw, it all fits much more closely with the Festival of Dionysus.
The Greek Festival of Dionysus featured orgies where pretty much anything goes, gluttonous feasts, copious wine drinking, rituals to Bacchus (Lucifer) and other "deadly sins", was celebrated during harvest time of year and usually took place very near water and was attended heavily by foreign "tourists", etc. Sounds a lot like the Festival has a lot more in common with the Paris Olympics than the Last Supper does. It also shares in common what I posted earlier in the thread about people being released/freedom from societal constraints for a period of time. The harvest aspect may currently refer to more than only.......ahem......grapes, if you catch my drift.
Perhaps it is meant exoterically the Last Supper (interpretation meant for the common folk) but esoterically is the Festival of Dionysus (interpretation for those in the know)? Any way, my .02.
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