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  • devil21's Avatar
    Today, 01:48 PM
    5 mil, but spare the chicas and hijos. Let's not throw out the baby with the bath water....
    34 replies | 3104 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    Today, 06:15 AM
    10 UN Agenda 2030 regions (10 horns of rev?), of which Greenland is a part of and down to the Panama Canal. Probably nothing though.
    40 replies | 1503 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    Today, 06:12 AM
    my posts on this thread aged well, like fine wine.
    1009 replies | 130801 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    Today, 06:11 AM
    you cant generally rehypothecate houses, in practical terms, using paper games though. hmmm, or can you? let's see if houses have been rehypothecated and who is -legal- owner? <disputes between boomer rent seeking owners and rent seeking management companies enters the chat>
    393 replies | 36222 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    01-01-2025, 05:17 AM
    the woke clickbait gravy train is running out of steam, eh fellas? Be patient. Your next 2 minutes of monetized hate content will come soon enough. maybe. or maybe not.
    3347 replies | 371318 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    01-01-2025, 04:31 AM
    -cambridge analytica enters the chat- funny thread! this is how tptw insert topics into the social mediasphere and then use data mining of the "reaction" (create problem>monitor and control reaction>provide solution) to gauge how to present the solution. it's fun watching the hegelian dialectic in real time! it's a real shame that some people sell their very souls to further it. but that's for a thread that should be buried in an unread subforum, i guess.
    393 replies | 36222 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-31-2024, 03:54 AM
    Whenever there's a question mark or similarly worded "open ended interpretation", that means the topic seeded into your mind is open to your interpretation and imagination of what you're about to read, and therefore your physical and mental response to it. This is what separates humans from animals (nature) and what also makes humans so controllable. Ask Swordy and his Mormon friends about it. Or Walt Disney, the 33rd degree Mason. Whatevs. eta: rofl the followup "recommended" yt is also worth posting bc of current relevance to society and topic
    25 replies | 4303 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-27-2024, 12:11 PM
    That's pic worthy. $14 for a dozen eggs? Were they organic, free range and at the most expensive grocer in the middle of Beverly Hills? Lol
    25 replies | 4303 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-27-2024, 11:53 AM
    I'm afraid it's pretty well documented Swordy, seeing how Mormonism is modeled mainly on Freemasonry and the god of masonry is Lucifer. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for ya but it's better to know than remain in ignorance, right?
    179 replies | 24225 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-27-2024, 04:15 AM
    Of course they want it back. DEI brainwashing period is over, cash made, social engineering goals more or less accomplished. The elite narrative is switching up again. But Daniel Snyder appreciates all Skins fans who still paid stupid prices for seats, merch and beer in the meantime to support the "Washington Football Entertainment and Social Engineering Franchise". Remember, it was Support Our Troops in the end zone during Bush years. Then suddenly changes to Black Lives Matter during the DEI years. That has run the course so the next elite narrative is being formulated and installed. Stay tuned for the next programming circus.
    19 replies | 2212 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-27-2024, 04:05 AM
    Lucifer is the god of mormonism, after all. You dabble in such things so I think unknown's post is apropos and your reply shows useful iignorance. Happy holydays!
    179 replies | 24225 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-27-2024, 03:34 AM
    ummmm what did we expect when vance's wife is an indian and thiel's buddy in crime vivek too and silicon valley has been firing white millenials and gen z'er positions for years now (kitchen sink)? is it really that hard for people to see where this is all going? feels like twilight zone where most people are simply fucking retarded and can't predict lunch tomorrow, much less the shocking revelation that (gasp!) the indians are bringing in their own! oh and kamala is indian too. rocket science!
    393 replies | 36222 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-27-2024, 03:25 AM
    (and like clockwork, Swordy thread slides this thread with a pointless post on a necro'ed thread moments later) A lil birdie told me that mormons have been recruited for a lot of low level foot soldier nsa and cia positions because they've been brainwashed more than most potential candidates and follow orders predictably. probably nothing though.
    125 replies | 21233 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-27-2024, 03:14 AM
    There's conflicting info on the FAA Act. Now Google (heh) says it was passed back in May 2024! If true that would NOT be the reason for the drone stuff. Seems the drone fervor disappeared as predicted right after passage of the latest funding bill. Hmmm... Bill Casey in da house, it seems. I am kinda curious about a few vids that surfaced showing drones spraying something. Those vids got very limited "reach". Bird flu on deck for an at-bat shortly. Hmmmm.............. (see sig quote) No such thing as bad publicity, as Hollywood says. Stop platforming hucksters by acknowledging them. Simple.
    125 replies | 21233 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-27-2024, 03:04 AM
    still ~2 bucks per dozen on east coast at aldi. we've been so financialized that there's a huge arbitrage trade in eggs now? btw, Brian4Liberty your link doesn't back up your thread title and no evidence of your personal tweet claim.
    25 replies | 4303 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-20-2024, 03:23 AM
    Of course a couple weeks later search engine AI says "no, no not that Rothschild, some other stupidly rich Rothschild family in the Hollywood Hills of LA, 15 exotic cars in the garage yet a badly dilapidated mansion protecting them, few heirs, only one or two close neighbor friends, etc) family but the initial reports were that he was definitely of the family. Comparing the initial reports to the (since then heavily) edited and scrubbed reports is eye-popping. ------------------------------- I'm no art critic, but I know what I hate.....and I don't hate that. (Mr. get it?....was created as a Rothschild archetype according to the Simpson's creators)
    1 replies | 356 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-19-2024, 02:19 AM
    Gabe Plotkin, the King of "Sold But Fails To Deliver". iykyk Plotkin's life is a series of failing to deliver (FTD) on innocent people for his own benefit. Really? Taking back a simple PS5 from a kid, in order to hand the kid a marketing product to help rebuild his next ponzi and pay back losses to #23? Plotkin should be in prison, simply for being a perpetuator of the hebrew stereotype. No Gabe, it is not antisemitism. YOU are simply a shitty human being. The ring-of-fire butthurt still remains..... and a pox on everybody who followed along to screw that kid out of his PS5.
    370 replies | 92914 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-18-2024, 03:32 AM
    Surely the only solution to such a problem is to make such behavior punishable by a court of law. One drone is disrupted on its important mission to deliver shitty goods, while another drone is promptly dispatched to identify the likely culprit of such heinous behavior that threatens Bezos' fortune. -------------- If you truly don't know then you probably shouldn't quote him. Track record and history matters.
    125 replies | 21233 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-16-2024, 11:58 AM
    Why is anyone still paying any attention to that retard? He's one of the 2 weeks and kraken and qanon spreaders. Literally nothing he says turns out to be accurate.
    125 replies | 21233 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-16-2024, 11:51 AM
    It will be ripe for abuse if not written properly. The only way such a law would be effective is for it to require verified proof of current pregnancy somehow, contain severe penalties for any female who abuses the law (faking pregnancy or being "serially pregnant", for example) and require repayment to the male if miscarriage or abortion occurs. Otherwise there will be plenty of scammers, "serially pregnant for 9 months of free cash" abusers and lord knows what else people can cook up. There's also some legal hurdles regarding treating an unborn child as essentially a ward of the state prior to it even being born. Do remember that it is the birth certificate that conveys "ward of the state" status of a newborn to the state, thus granting the state authority/jurisdiction to oversee the raising of the child, in matters such as child support and social services enforcement. If child isn't born yet then there is no birth certificate and therefore no legal jurisdiction established yet. OTOH, anyone who took the DNA altering vaxes is already considered legally to be a "gmo product/property", not a human, so it stands to reason that the child is also a product/property since its own DNA is probably gmo altered by default as well.
    6 replies | 1481 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-16-2024, 02:35 AM
    Come on. They're Amazon drones. This story has y'all all spun up about Iran and dirty bombs and all that and spreading it around through posts like yours. All of which fit conveniently into legislation allowing for more drone surveillance of the public......cuz, ya know, dirty bombs and that stuff. Be fearful! It's the lube of the engine's gears.
    125 replies | 21233 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-16-2024, 02:24 AM
    is fox kennedy related to fox mulder? "X" files. the truth is out there! man, you can't make this stuff up. actually, yes you can. eta:
    14 replies | 3094 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-15-2024, 02:50 AM
    wow, what amazing insight from Elon. It's a shame no one recognized the MIC money pit that the F-35 was before Elon declared it. Look at the big brain on Elon! All praise big brained Elon! Should I bow to his big brain now?
    29 replies | 2712 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-14-2024, 01:52 PM
    Another sign that the current system has run its course and is about to shut down.
    5 replies | 2233 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    12-14-2024, 01:32 PM
    Looks like ZH has it figured. Some kind of FAA drone surveillance legislation is expiring next week and is up for reauthorization and amendment before this session of Congress ends. I haven't looked at it but I'm sure there will be new carve outs for Amazon and similar drone services, along with greater authority to use drones for population surveillance, while restricting private drone use further.
    125 replies | 21233 view(s)
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