• PAF's Avatar
    Today, 02:21 PM
    Mises Wire Vincent Cook 09/20/2024 With Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris proposing costly new interventionist schemes and co-opting Republican talking points in order to neutralize the unpopularity of rising prices among swing voters, her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, has responded by stealing a page from the Democrat state-building playbook. He has raised the bidding for votes with a preposterous new interventionist proposal of his own—a plan to boost fertility rates by turning in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments into a free service, to be paid for by a combination of government subsidies and mandates on health insurers. Traditionally, advocacy of IVF subsidies has been a staple of the same groups on the “progressive” side of the culture wars that have championed government-subsidized abortions on demand, like the Center for Reproductive Rights. According to data from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, representing over 95 percent of IVF clinics in America, 390,000 IVF cycles were performed in 2022, which led to 91,771 births. The current cost of IVF and related procedures ranges from $15,000 to $30,000 per IVF cycle, making total current expenditures on the order of $8 billion per year. Murray Rothbard’s theoretical analysis of the economics of “free” services and the incidence of government-imposed extortion implies that the costs of providing IVF treatments for “free” could be far, far higher. There are estimates that only a quarter of those who desire IVF treatments can actually afford them at current prices, so artificially reducing the price paid by patients to zero might mean at least a four-fold increase in the number of IVF cycles administered. It might even mean more if clinics (which would also have no incentive to control costs) encourage a greater number of cycles per patient to increase the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.
    1 replies | 74 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 01:32 PM
    There are way to circumvent at least some of that. My goal is to prevent every single back road and forest from utilizing spy-apparatus cameras and Domestic TSA checkpoints just to get a loaf of bread across the PA line. The contractors who rake in tax payer dollars are working on securing more deals with the government as we speak.
    554 replies | 12281 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 01:20 PM
    Typically when I go abroad I am never bothered. I have overstayed a few times but it was never an issue, until I got back to the states. Yes, I am pro open borders, even though what we actually have are closed borders which is what is causing the problems. Maybe start with the article and then read my comments and then you'll understand my position better: http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?568073-Right-Wing-Obtuseness-on-Immigration
    554 replies | 12281 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 01:13 PM
    That is so worthy of a meme :tears: Who can make a really good one? Something like "Defending your person and property say whaaaa?!?!"
    22 replies | 317 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 12:59 PM
    Sad thing is, she has a following with the money to boot :eek:
    22 replies | 317 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 12:53 PM
    Yeah, but my comment in Post #6 is the truth :tears: Oprah was sh|tting her pants over that :tears::tears:
    22 replies | 317 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 12:43 PM
    Penal Code 198.5 PC, California law follows the Castle Doctrine. This is the legal principle that you have no duty to retreat if you confront an intruder at your own home. You are permitted to use force against intruders who break into your home or try to force their way in.
    22 replies | 317 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 12:35 PM
    Don't you know, everything comes down to a letter of the alphabet? It's the same way when Trump signs Fix NICS into law, and says "Stop & Frisk" and "National Academy", he gets an automatic pass because it's an "R".
    22 replies | 317 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 12:09 PM
    As long as no harm to person or property occurs, what if somebody wants to live completely off the grid? Do they still have to obtain the proper government paperwork, provide ID held in a database, pay taxes to the federal government and provide proof of that, in order to do so? Who gets to decide who is permitted to live off of the grid? Politicians/bureaucrats? I remember a time when the republican platform consisted of "Unless I committed a crime against person/property, mind your own business and f&ck off". The Gradual Leftward Shift in US Politics and Economy
    554 replies | 12281 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 10:59 AM
    No. According to Swordy, those people are not actually people, therefore not God's children, so no favoritism is involved.
    554 replies | 12281 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 10:51 AM
    Well, I think he also eluded to something like, as long as one is a Christian, and also white, but only if they were born here. Meaning, everybody else is scum and doesn't have natural rights, I think.
    554 replies | 12281 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 10:44 AM
    He already said that rights are privileges which are/should be granted by politicians/government.
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    59 replies | 821 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 09:40 AM
    lol... well, you know my position on government . But, taking into account "reality", since government does exist, I would hope that more people who pay taxes would wake up to the fact that government/private contractors are the one who create the very problem, and in an effort to feed their families and put more of their own money back into their pockets, they would demand a stop to the "revolving door". But, I guess expecting that isn't a reality either. For most Americans, it's easier to blame the "other side" , pay more in taxes and forfeit their Bill of Rights in favor of a police-state. It's human nature among the stoopid, I guess.
    59 replies | 821 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 09:25 AM
    There is huge, big money in that. Create the problem by using tax dollars to being them here, grow government by hiring DHS and other which overwhelm the courts, then build more courts and walls, eVerify and virtual apparatus/spy cameras on every block in order to line the pockets of the Contractors. Rinse and repeat. If government didn't create the problem, the problem wouldn't exist, and people would come and go naturally without much of an issue. For those who break the law , there are already laws on the books and they should get their day in court according to the Bill of Rights.
    59 replies | 821 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 09:14 AM
    :up: They would just spin it using "republican jargon" so I wouldn't expect much of an answer lol.
    59 replies | 821 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 08:55 AM
    Yes, of course. But Trump's plan to build up Security Apparatus for his Contractor Friends won't do a thing to solve the problem, but only make it worse for us in spending on that revolving door. Only defunding those org's will do the trick, while at the same time preserving our Bill of Rights. What's so hard to understand?
    59 replies | 821 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 08:50 AM
    I followed the money. Vance, not me, is the one who called for a $20 "minimum wage", so why get upset at me? The Gradual Leftward Shift in US Politics and Economy
    59 replies | 821 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 08:48 AM
    The lady in that video already let the cat out of the bag. She stated that cats were a problem a couple/few years ago and TNR dealt with it, which is why cats aren't seen hanging around as much. TNR is everywhere, including in my locale, and I can vouch for that.
    554 replies | 12281 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 08:34 AM
    Choose between the two: Are you a Closet Democrat, or an out in the open one? The Gradual Leftward Shift in US Politics and Economy
    59 replies | 821 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 08:21 AM
    Mises Wire Allen Gindler 09/20/2024 The American political landscape is often perceived as sharply divided between left and right, with the Democratic Party representing the left and the Republican Party, by default, occupying the right. However, a deeper analysis of the policies and rhetoric of current presidential and vice-presidential candidates reveals a more complex reality. Using a framework of political analysis that considers attitudes towards private property rights, collectivization of consciousness, and wealth redistribution, it becomes evident that the United States is experiencing a gradual—but steady—shift towards the left.
    1 replies | 94 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 06:22 AM
    Wait this guy is saying the non-citizens will get federal only ballots??
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  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 01:08 AM
    Hopefully they will respect your human individual right to travel, as long as it's on your own dime, and not consider you an invader and shoot to kill on sight :up: I have never had that problem when traveling abroad , but since Amerika is the Worlds Empire, I'm wondering when they will follow suit. I hope in my lifetime Sanctions and Tariffs won't be imposed too, too much in order for them to comply :mouthopen: I still have to worry about taking x amount of my own money out the country, the USSofA doesn't like it when I do that :confused:
    554 replies | 12281 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 12:43 AM
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you are advocating, or at least making a case, for government imposed minimum wage on both employer and employee, negating contract rights between said employer/employee. If so, what wage do you determine should be set? When milk is priced at $19.99/gallon? $29.99/gallon? I know plenty of red-blooded white Americans who have lived here their entire lives who "vote" for socialism. Should I blanket label them as well? I have encountered lots of Karens and MAGA-cap wearers who pretty much don't care what is taught in schools some exceptions], as long as they have a place where their kids can be baby-sat while they are at work. If they actually were worried, local schools wouldn't be as bad as they are. So far, I personally haven't seen droves of Ecuadorians or Chinese folks taking over the school boards in my area, yet as far as education goes they far from pass the muster. So far as I know, the Japanese actually take pride in learning, maybe Americans can learn something from them. I think more people need to get off of their @sses and take some personal responsibility before blaming "other". At that point, maybe we can then address your "concerns". Sorry, Brian, my world view is different than most. Sometimes I consider whether I am right or wrong, but history has repeatedly shown that doing the same things over and over again has caused our consistent downward spiral. Based on that, perhaps we should try things my way for a change just to see what happens.
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  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:12 PM
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  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:34 PM
    Anti Federalist Like Mexico, you can't own property outright in Argentina but you can purchase it through a fideicomiso . Nothing wrong with that, in fact, if someone passes away, the property goes to next of kin for a small fee for up to 50 years . https://www.transitionsabroad.com/listings/living/articles/buying-real-estate-in-bariloche-argentina.shtml
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  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:27 PM
    Because he is one? lol
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  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:24 PM
    Have you been there yet? How much is the average property lot? If it's because of Javier, I'd personally hold back for a while to see what happens. It seems that he's leaving a lot of "opportunities" open for when the next administration takes over lol.
    554 replies | 12281 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:13 PM
    Staying there isn't a problem like it is here. Some obtain legal status, some don't, but the ones who want to obtain that status can't bypass the process. Though it takes 4 years to become a permanent resident the process is simple and inexpensive. I've been to many, many places abroad and I can tell you first hand, I feel much freer in other places, but when I return back to the states I feel as though I am treated like a criminal. It's disgusting, actually.
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