Not for a second. I have no doubt that such things as “malicious compliance” went on. I simply don’t see the AG’s memorandum as in as real, substantive way addressing the issue.
Let me know when Trump puts some people on researching the thousands of innocent gun owners’ and dealers’ cases who have been railroaded by ATF into federal prison with the intent of pardoning and releasing them, and of prosecuting the criminals who put them there in the first place. THEN, maybe, I’ll be impressed.
Otherwise? We’ll see how things play out.
But, but, but … muh tariffs!
Nobody cares about the CONstitution when it stands in the way of doing what they want. Trump fans have demonstrated this repeatedly as have most paleocons.
Judge Nap will just be dismissed as a deep state swamp creature and excuses will be made to make it ok for Trump to do whatever he wants, mainly because some of what he wants aligns well with his fans’ and paleocons’ preferences.
Long live the king!
Blah blah blah. You couldn’t handle any “plan” I might present. Trump has done a few good things this time around, but not nearly enough to counterbalance the damage he’scalready done.
Carry on with the Trump ass kissing though. Even authoritarian monsters need some love.
That is, quite simply, a lie. I’m not calling on him to do anything at all. Unlike you, I’m well aware that anything someone in government does, except just get the hell out of the way, or in Trump’s case veto just about everything, is more likely to result in less liberty rather than more. People around here used to understand that. Sadly, they seem to have forgotten.
Even when the law was considered CONstitutional it allowed sales to ‘teenagers.’ And ‘children.’ At least, it did according to the definition of those terms gun grabbers like the Brady Bunch use when ginning up their statistics on ‘gun violence.’ What are they complaining about?
Sounds like what will be considered a compelling, plausible reason to keep GITMO open for, well forever, actually. And many, probably most, conservatives will likely cheer it on like rabid sports fans.
Oh, I don’t know. Some guy named Tom something is said to have once written something like, “We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…”
Certainly, all the rights enshrined within the BoR would fall under the broad umbrella of “liberty.”
If you believe that guy Tom, anyway.
Personally, I think we should dispense with the bother of altering or eliminating presidential term limits and go straight to installing an emperor. Quicker, cleaner and hell, closer to the existing reality than not anyway. Give the people, including what appears to be a good number of “liberty advocates” exactly what they want and deserve.
Then we see exactly where everybody stands and know exactly where we are.
So Trump actually came through on this one. Great. I’m happy for Ross Ulbricht and his family.
Apparently, at least in high profile cases that make him look good, Trump is capable of doing the right thing.
Are you as shocked as I am?
I certainly never imagined that any of them, or a thousand more who deserve it, would even receive a slap on the wrist, let alone the much harsher comeuppance they so richly deserve. And now Trump has an excuse for not pursuing it. Another shocking development.
Sorry folks. Not voting your way out of this one.
"All initiation of force is a violation of someone else's rights, whether initiated by an individual or the state, for the benefit of an individual or group of individuals, even if it's supposed to be for the benefit of another individual or group of individuals."
-Ron Paul
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