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  1. View Conversation
    Thnx for the RP quote in that +rep message. Made it part of my sig.
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  3. View Conversation
    It's true that government is not the State, but the common man thinks the two are the same, so I use them that way in casual conversation. Rothbard's definition of the State is nearly identical to Bourne's and Oppenheimer's, and I think they are all good ways to think about it and distinguish it from the government. The wikipedia page on Voluntaryism is pretty good IMHO. gtg for now, but feel free to keep this conversation going if you like. It's pretty interesting.
  4. View Conversation
    Voluntaryism maintains that participation in government can and should be entirely voluntary. This does not necessitate abolition of government(which anarchy requires), but a "perestroika" (restructuring) of government so that individuals can choose how they want to interact with government, if at all. The wikipedia summary is pretty good and the Voluntaryist manifesto is a great read (though google can't seem to find it anymore). There are also back issues of the now-defunct "The Voluntaryist" newsletter published online on several sites. Is there an easy way to save pms to text files or something? I have to clean out my box, but I don't want to waste a lot of time if I don't have to.
  5. View Conversation
    Oh I definitely know where you're coming from. Heh.
  6. View Conversation
    Haha, yeah - it's quite obvious.
  7. View Conversation
    Where you can order a cookbook: (That is his official site.)
  8. View Conversation
    Please help! I'm counting on RPF!
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Law Without Taxation

by Wesker1982 on 07-26-2012 at 02:25 PM
When most people are exposed to the idea of a society organized without taxation, they often jump to the conclusion that the services provided by government would no longer exist. After it is proposed that these services would still exist, but they would be provided by voluntary organizations, they assume only problems and chaos could ensue. Warlords, crooked arbitration, justice for only the rich… surely these are unavoidable consequences of a society without taxation!

These voluntarily

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Taxation is Theft (a response to a few criticisms). Happy Theft Day!

by Wesker1982 on 04-17-2012 at 05:21 PM
Taxation is theft, purely and simply even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match. It is a compulsory seizure of the property of the State’s inhabitants, or subjects. – Murray Rothbard
Here are a few dictionary definitions of tax:

  1. a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes,property, sales, etc. (
  2. a charge usually

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Ron Paul and Private Courts

by Wesker1982 on 08-12-2011 at 02:51 PM
We have conclusive evidence that Ron Paul advocates the private production of all defense services. See:

Quote Originally Posted by Liberty Defined, page 288
The government is incapable of doing what it's supposed to do. A job like the provision of security is something best left to private institutions.
Quote Originally Posted by Liberty Defined, page 255
If we reflect on how security works in the real world, we discover a huge and important role for private enterprise, and we find that the vast government apparatus of "national security" does not keep us safe

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Updated 08-20-2011 at 01:09 PM by Wesker1982


Anarcho-Capitalist Reference List

by Wesker1982 on 06-03-2011 at 04:39 PM
General/Introductions to Anarcho-Capitalism

Antimarket Ethics: A Praxeological Critique by Murray Rothbard (Rothbard destroys many common criticisms against the market, absolutely a must read, for minarchists too.)
The State is Not Great by Jacob Spinney (best video intro in existence. VERY GOOD.)
Anarcho-Capitalist FAQ by Hogeye Bill
The Obviousness of Anarchy by John Hasnas
Evil Monopolies Are Fairy Tales In Free Markets by Jacob Spinney (great video)

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