09-30-2024, 05:53 PM
Before you get your undies in a twist, let's get a few things straight. My support is based on a set of "all else equal" conditions, which may not prove out. Perhaps I should have specified this, but rewriting War and Peace isn't always so attractive.
But if all else is in fact equal, then I'd ask what you would do in their shoes? If an army of sand fleas crossed my border and murdered 1200 of my own, I would be dead set on getting my pound of flesh. The Palestinians are receiving condign punishment, save that the children should be exempted. But this is war and shit happens and is happening.
Now, I believe that I have posted some time in the past year that a possibility that cannot be dismissed was that Israel covertly taunted and tempted hamas into mounting this attack, qualifying it as functionally being a false flag. After all, Israel CREATED hamas long ago, I suppose thinking they were being clever or something, and as the story goes it got away from them. Assuming this is so and that Israel does not retain ultimate control over hamas, and the attack was not the work of them crafty Jooz working at something, then I ask once again what would you do were you in their position?
Wish all you want. Israel has been a nuisance since forever, but again I bid you look it things from their perspective. Who can say what the actual truth of it all might be. Did they steal that land? My understanding, which has yet to be refuted by anyone, is that Jews had purchased land in so-called "Palestine" since the 19th century at least. The Arabs decided at some point, "fuck that shit" and denied those property owners their rights. There SEEMS to have been all manner of hanky panky going on there after the war when they were trying to establish the Israeli state. I don't know enough about the legal realities, as well as those political, to say whether all the machinations were just acts or those of a raft of sneaky little felons. But if we assume the acquisition and establishment was valid, or as valid as that sort of thing can ever by in any case, and that the Jews were working within proper moral limits, even with the occasional excursions therefrom, then the Jews of Europe had and retain every right to be there and most of this bullshit falls at the feet of the Arabs. If we assume otherwise, then we are still reduced to a pragmatic circumstance: the state of Israel is a fact.
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