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  • osan's Avatar
    02-08-2025, 08:36 AM
    All you claim may in fact prove out, but only time will tell. So my question to you then is what would you see done? And here I ask not for pie in the sky things that were never going to happen, but actual things that one could do in the real world. Take up arms and start shooting? Say "fuck it, get me a beer woman" and sit and do nothing as you wait either for someone else to make things all better? The sorts of change we need in the context of an environment of unbridled tyranny cannot be had along "normal" avenues. So what, then, do we DO?
    5 replies | 395 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    02-08-2025, 07:54 AM
    And what does all this reveal? We are at war, literally. We are, and have been, in a civil war for decades. It is not a hot war. It is our own domestic roll of cold warfare, yet so few have been able to see it. It has only been since 9/11 that this truth has been coming progressively more apparent. Why Theye have chosen to reveal themselves, who can say? Seems a gross miscalculation to me. Perhaps Theye thought we'd been so thoroughly marinated in fear that we would do their bidding no matter what it might be? Or are Theye not really on the ropes as it now appears? We must bear in mind that while Theye do not likely have their hands directly on the silo captains' hands, they most likely have them on the hands of those who work in places like the Wuhan bioweapons facility. I would not be too fast to cheer Trump's reascension... not just yet. Time will tell. Foists of apocalyptic "if we can't have it, nobody can" plagues upon the world aside, we nonetheless are far from recovered from the ravages of the globalist cabal. The comments of that rageshrieking Democrat dreg the other day about being at war is actually true, only not in the sense she meant it. If you look at the major political movements of the past 100+ years through the lens of Quiet Wars†, everything begins to come into sensible focus. This is why though very wary of Trump's current wave of measures, I nonetheless welcome them in any event because up until now we've been doing the same political things over and over, decade over decade expecting different results. Given the direction in which things have been going, especially these past four years, we no longer have that much to lose, except our cheap and petty comforts and conveniences, given how whittled down as our rights and freedoms have become. I say throw the dice, come what may. Let us have courage for once and act like men. Nothing is worse than sitting in that pot as the water grows ever warmer.
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  • osan's Avatar
    02-08-2025, 07:17 AM
    Oh no... a Democrat....
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  • osan's Avatar
    02-08-2025, 03:38 AM
    Words are important. They are the most important things in our lives, believe it or not. Therefore, our choices of wording is perforce important, and to that point I would turn your attention toward that which has come to be known as the Non-Aggression Principle, AKA the "NAP". While the spirit of the NAP is righteous, the choice of "aggression" in the moniker is quite unfortunate. It states that the initiation of aggression is always a bad thing, but fails to what constitutes "aggression". Because of this, I have witnessed endless examples of gross misunderstanding of "aggression", more specifically its initiation, such that some of those cases tap dance right past the absurd. Words are important. Therefore, and because the term "aggression" seems to evade far too many in terms of a sufficiently precise meaning, I suggest leaving that term in the rear view mirror in favor of "transgression". Transgression is always incorrect as a matter of definition, whereas aggression is not. It is the fact of the latter that we run into the problem of semantics. Let us illustrate with an example. Johnny tells Janey he is going "let her have it". Is that aggression? There are those who say that it is, and those who deny it with some nontrivial vehemence. This is the key of the problem. As for my view and taken all else equal, Janey stands well within her right to self-defense to take whatever measures she sees fit to remove what we may conversationally take as a threat to her welfare. If she walks away, fine. Kick Johnny in the balls? OK, if imprudent in practical terms. Draw a sidearm and drill him a deep fathom down? You bet. And yet there are those who would argue that any such physical action against Johnny would constitute an initiation of aggression, whereas his ravings would not. Forgetting that this is sheer stupidity, prima facie, we can at least state as a fact that the difference of opinion exists. Counter example: siblings have their moments. Janey irritates Johnny in some manner and Johnny blithely lets her know "I'm going to murder you". Kids say the darnedest things. In all good likelihood Johnny was not to be taken literally, and to Janey's retrieval of dad's 686 revolver, whereby she holds Johnny at bay until police arrive is probably not justified. And yet, Johnny uttered words that under differing circumstances might justly see him interred. Words are important, but so is context.
    2 replies | 157 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 07:24 PM
    And that sort of outcome in a nation such as America manifest as a result of the failure of its people to be the government. When people pawn off their responsibility to be part of the governance of the nation, choosing to trust strangers with their freedoms, they effectively take to their knees in supplication to evil men to rape their rights in every orifice. We are the reason everything is shitty. We failed ourselves, our fellows, our children, and so on by not being the smartest, morally soundest, and most involved we can be for the sakes of all Americans. To defend your rights is to defend my own.
    9 replies | 564 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 07:15 PM
    Mr. Rock, meet Mr. Hardplace. The problems here are manifold, but the essence of the root problem is that the nature of all American "government" has degenerated to such a degree that we can no longer rely on the so-called "system" to correct itself via the instrumentalities intended for such purposes. This has arisen largely due to the fact that the American people are not united in the fundamentals of what it is to be American. The schism between "left" and "right, "conservative" and "progressive" is so deeply radical, we see these yawning chasms between what Republican and Democrat agents of "government" want and do in terms of policy and the passage of legislation. Herein we see a very profound flaw in the architecture of "government" in America. Furthermore, the mission of the federal government has experienced vast scope creep. The intent of the Constitution was to limit the fedgov to a precious few tasks including the common defense and courts. That's it. But perversions of the Constitution have lead to welfare states, regulatory empire, promotional empire, military empire, and so on down a dreary list of powers that have been assumed in gross violation of the metes, bounds, and intent of our foundational document. Governmentally speaking, as things currently stand America is a failed nation. As such we are faced with the choice of how to proceed. We could allow things to continue as they have been for the past 150 years and more, or we could decide to make corrections. If we choose the latter, as is apparent with the reelection of Trump for a second term, then we face the question of how to proceed. Given our current state of political reality, it is quite unlikely that there exists any meaningful possibility for making the necessary adjustments working within the normal delimiters of the system. That is because the system is so very broken. This fact then narrows our choices to "do nothing" and "take extraordinary measures". The latter carries huge risk, but is the only way that holds any reasonable chances of succeeding. And so we can wring our hands and do nothing because of the grave risks associated with extraordinary action, in which case we as a nation are as good as dead, or we can take extraordinary action, and bear the risks like men rather as shrinking violets. The worst that can happen in the latter case is that we meet with failure and are doomed the same as in the case where we default. The fact that the extraordinary measures being taken by Trump are, for many, very scary is good. Not only should they be scary, they should be terrifying for everyone. It has been our collective failure to BE the "government" which has lead to our currently atrocious circumstance. Let it linger in the hearts of all that we don't ever allow ourselves to fail ourselves again.
    5 replies | 395 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:16 PM
    Point of order: shut it down, THEN audit. Then arrest, charge, try, convict, and imprison for life with no chance of pardon or parole all who violated the Public Trust. The time for tyranny to die is here, the only question remaining being whether we actually kill it.
    9 replies | 564 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 02:58 AM
    What section of Philly isn't shitty? I ask as a former resident.
    34 replies | 1552 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 02:46 AM
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  • osan's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 02:44 AM
    Not that big a reach. The Hispanic/Indian cartels are nothing like the Italian mobs in that the latter held the families of their rivals sacrosanct. There was no retribution against uninvolved relatives. To do so was tantamount to suicide. You would be handled. The South of the Border types are animals, and i insult animals in so equating them. Back ca. 1978 I was driving into Manhattan to work at the Engineering Societies Library. I was in typical rush house bumper to bumper traffic on Grand Central Parkway and what did I spy but a silver Mercedes parked on the very broad shoulder, well off the roadway. Cannot tell you why, but something in me was just itching to see that that was about, but I had to get to work. That evening on the news, that Mercedes was center stage. Two adults shot dead in the front seats and an 11 month old infant shot dead in the back seat. There was $1MM in cash in the trunk. This was a Colombian drug hit - revenge for God only knows what and they murdered an infant. That is how the South of the Border sorts operate. They changed EVERYTHING because they are empty-headed, soulless simulacra who have no boundaries of which to make mention. They kill anyone and everyone they deem fit for killing. They have no self-control, nor morals; just the pure pragmatic drive to destroy all who get in their way or otherwise displease. And so it would not put it past them to have engineered this disaster for the sake of some retribution or the delivery of a message. Not saying it is the case, but that were it to prove so I would be in no way surprised.
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  • osan's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 02:30 AM
    Well, we got #3. A United Airlines flight had to abort takeoff due to an engine catching fire. Thankfully they hadn't reached V2 and stopped safely. There is now a pattern. It is not clear what that pattern is, as yet, but something is going on here and it is not statistically organic. Chaos... Aye captain, indeed. I would repspectfully suggest people get out of normalcy mode, at least part way, and start exercising SHTF mode just in case things go wonky. Do note how uncharacteristically demur the lefties have been. Short of the usual cell phone rageposts, there has been precious little action afoot and nothing of substance. That revolting little cockroach Booker has effectively called for violence with his "fight them in the streets" declaration. It will be interesting to see how that pans out, but I cannot imagine the left sleeping through the coming four years. That would be disturbing indeed. But if they erupt as I suspect, I surely hope Americans will decline to sit idly for it. My beloved Portland was set to ruin and I would hate to see it happen to any other city. Perhaps the cops will actually do their putative jobs this time around, rather than beating little girls and shooting their dogs and killing their parents for having had the temerity to sell lemonade on their front lawns.
    34 replies | 1552 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 07:18 PM
    Several things don't make sense here. Media are going on about altitude violations. The grand error lay in violating the approach corridor. There's all sorts of facts that don't add up. The hawk cre needs to be investigated with a curry comb to verify that there was no suicide in all this. I will be interested in see what they conclude.
    91 replies | 3535 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 07:02 PM
    OK, something is beginning to smell here. Two in as many days? If that thing was fully fueled, it had over 1000 gallons of Jet-A. That is a lot of energy. It's being reported that the aircraft exploded, but who can say yet? If there is a third, I will start thinking conspiratorially.
    34 replies | 1552 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 10:11 AM
    I see - so now you presume to understand my interests. Please elaborate. How's about we hash it our for real. No bullshit, no evasions, no links, just man to man argumentation minus the hand-wringing and other overwrought emotions? If you can prove your case, I am happy to concede. Up for it?
    1134 replies | 114935 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    01-30-2025, 03:39 PM
    If you cannot take the time to explain yourself in your own words, then we have nothing to talk about. Tossing a link at me with nothing more fails.
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  • osan's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 07:54 PM
    Add to the fact that they are Canadians and any objections should magically dissipate in an instant. I mean, CANADIANS!
    84 replies | 14017 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 07:36 PM
    This should be relatively easy to establish. Anyone violating the rights of Americans should be investigated as per the relevant invents, and if found to have done so, they should face felony charges and the facts of the matter should be made very public. Transparency is your friend. I have no problem with punishing those states where they have transgressed. By the same token as above, any "government" agent violating the rights of Americans need to lose their job, all attached benefits, and stand trial. I don't care what political affiliation they may claim, or deny. Those people need to go, I agree.
    33 replies | 3241 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 10:10 AM
    They don't give a shit. We are talking about soulless simulacra. They appear human, but are not, much as is the case with the muslims wrecking the UK.
    90 replies | 9296 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 09:40 AM
    Just be glad it's only the Brits on their ways to extinction... at least so far. It will be interesting to see how Trump's resurrection effects all this.
    90 replies | 9296 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 09:33 AM
    Allahu akbar!
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  • osan's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 09:24 AM
    The British "government", rotten as it has been since antiquity, has gone full-globalist on their own. This is why we in America must never relinquish our weapons. Even if we cannot win, we can take as many of the scum with us, which is better than kneeling in wait for the final stroke.
    90 replies | 9296 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 09:21 AM
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  • osan's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 09:17 AM
    If he's not Muslim, then why even mention that he has "no known links to Islam"? This should rouse at least some suspicion. That said, I thought the gun confiscation was supposed to prevent such things from happening. Huh...
    90 replies | 9296 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 09:05 AM
    As many of you are aware, I use terms like "Theye", "Themme", and "Theire" to denote the often mist-shrouded characters who wield ultimate political power across the globe. It is about the apparent work of those people I ask the question of what do we do about them? Consider the so-called "pandemic". As the bullshit and lies of the recent past have begun to give way to leaking truth, we see that indeed and in fact we have been bullshitted and fed hideous lies. We can debate the precise nature of those lies, the truths about covid and the non-vaccine "vaccines" until the cows come home, but with respect to a more immediate issue none of that really matters. The more immediate question revolves around the clear fact that we are being made war upon. What was once hidden from public view is now blatantly rubbed in our faces through the agency of organizations such as WEF who proudly profess their positions on world human population and what needs to be do be about it, carrying forth on the deeply tacit assumption that anything in fact needs doing. Theye are clear on their messages and none of it bodes well for Johnny Average. That would be YOU, and make no mistake on that point. They want YOU dead. And me. And most of us all. We are the "useless eaters" of whom Kissinger made his infamous reference. I've posited several speculative scenarios in these forums, some of them a bit wild when beaten against our normalcy bias, and some rather disturbingly plausible. It matters no whit how likely any such notion may prove.
    15 replies | 942 view(s)
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Global War On Terrorism: Are We Winning?

by osan on 03-25-2017 at 07:19 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
Short answer: If you are still fighting it you are losing it.
After 26 years, I'd have to agree.

Global War On Terrorism: Are We Winning?

by osan on 03-25-2017 at 07:19 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
Short answer: If you are still fighting it you are losing it.
After 26 years, I'd have to agree.

Guns and Marijuana in Missouri

by osan on 01-02-2017 at 08:51 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Mach View Post
"castle doctrine," which permits homeowners to use deadly force against intruders. The revised law will allow invited guests, such as babysitters, to use lethal force.
I find it amazing to consider just how hopelessly corrupt a land we are, and have been for so very long a time when I read things like this. To think not only that some people would dare usurp the authority to remove those which are the most obvious prerogatives of free men, but also that we as a people would

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RP: Who Brought the World to the Brink of World War III?

by osan on 10-17-2016 at 11:14 PM
Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
We did.

Quote Originally Posted by PierzStyx View Post
Uhm, no. Not all of us. Only most of the countries involved. We few radicals and rebels do what we can to prevent it. Whether that works or not still doesn't change whether it is our fault or not.
To which I responded thusly:

The number of people out there who are putting their asses on the line is vanishingly small. My statistical assessment therefore stands. To wit...

The fact is this: we failed from the earliest days.

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How to defend liberty and property in a stateless social construct?

by osan on 04-15-2016 at 07:22 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
How would you defend liberty and property in a stateless social construct? The use of private security firms is a stock answer, but let’s consider some more detail. Consider the following situations…
And it has its problems. It is a partial answer at best.

1) A band of thugs is going around robbing people, how do you defend your home from invasion?
By killing them to eliminate them from the book of immediate and potential future threats to others, including

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