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  • osan's Avatar
    Today, 06:34 AM
    osan replied to a thread It's Trump. in U.S. Political News
    The steal was a blessing. Without it, the great majority of exposure of the corruption would likely have not occurred. The left did this to themselves, and they did it so ham-fistedly that I can barely believe that it was not intentional. Blithering nitwits.
    49 replies | 687 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    Today, 06:30 AM
    osan replied to a thread It's Trump. in U.S. Political News
    A fair concern.
    49 replies | 687 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    Today, 12:31 AM
    osan started a thread It's Trump. in U.S. Political News
    Trump is in. Cue rioting lefties in 4... 3...
    49 replies | 687 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    11-02-2024, 05:38 AM
    Those seem to be the same people who want their kids to get trophies for losing a soccer game. Lash them once with an 8 ga. soft iron wire across their back and it might straighten them up. OTOH, anyone that far gone might be beyond correction. Difficult to tell these days. This one of those aspects of American culture gone amok that has, IMO, done all sorts of damage. I see no valid basis for falling to my knees in worship every time you do something correctly, particularly when I pay you to do it so. To be fair, the problem roots with the taxpayers who put the same yoyos into positions of power over and over again no matter how abominably they perform their duties.
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  • osan's Avatar
    11-02-2024, 12:25 AM
    Many problems here. For one thing, what is even meant by "efficiency"? Do I want efficient government? Methinks I don't. I want small goverment. Tiny. Vanishingly so. I've head Musk make some comments in the past that left me shaking my head. That aside, because it is "government", I refuse to trust it, save that it will serve to exercise my sphincter. No thanks. And not to beat a dead horse, but the focus is on efficiency and not size. Perhaps the latter is intended, but if so, then use the damned correct words. Pooching so much as the language you use gives me no reason for confidence here. Here's Osan's Law, riffing off of Murphy: If "government" can make things worse, it will. And really... Making yet another government department? Is there no end to the irony?
    89 replies | 6044 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    10-18-2024, 06:39 PM
    Has Posse Comitatus been repealed, or do Theye just no longer care for even the least of pretenses?
    13 replies | 5836 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    10-15-2024, 01:41 PM
    In this book "The Myth Of Mental Illness", Dr. Thomas Szasz posited that there was no such thing as "mental illness", citing the fact that all things so labeled are actually diseases of the brain, which result in cognitive symptoms. While his arguments are compelling, I believe that he missed what may be a single exception to his thesis, constituting a special case. The case to which I refer may be broadly labeled as a brand of psychosis. Certainly there are those sorts of psychoses that are caused by problems with the brain, schizophrenia being a prime example. But there is another brand that roots not in brain malfunction, but in that which an individual comes to believe in cases where no brain infirmity can be identified. One can cite religious indoctrination, as well as that which children are taught in schools, by family, by the various media, the culture at large, and so forth. Psychosis is defined as a disconnection from reality. Psychoses are made manifest in any of a number of ways, including those that have nothing to do with brain dysfunction, but the other ways in which people come to perceive and believe things that do not prove out as being sound and true. An example of this might include the Heaven's Gate cult where people who were presumably intact in organic terms, were convinced to take their own lives for the sake of joining a "mother ship" awaiting them in orbit around the earth. If that does not qualify as psychosis, then I cannot imagine what might. The point I am attempting to convey here is that it appears to me that the adoption as true those things which may be demonstrated as false may qualify as actual mental illness. What else might we call such a condition or circumstance?
    5 replies | 912 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    10-14-2024, 05:13 AM
    I'll be going to work now.
    25 replies | 7985 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    10-14-2024, 05:13 AM
    You seem 2+ feet short of a full yardstick.
    25 replies | 7985 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    10-11-2024, 06:45 PM
    I don't think the sarcastic tone helps you here.
    25 replies | 7985 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    10-10-2024, 04:54 AM
    osan replied to a thread Hurricane Helene in U.S. Political News
    Fair points, all. However, in a world gone mad I tend toward caution in not dismissing out of hand even what seems unlikely because... well, world gone mad. I posted the link in the hopes of getting reasonable opinions on the matter and I've gotten some. Now to all the claimed guardsmen and pilots who claim FEMA is sitting on their hands... it does raise the question of who these people might be, if not whom they claim. What's the payoff here? Raising confusion? A toddler's fascination with being able to move his hands? Something intentionally evil? World gone mad, indeed.
    108 replies | 21943 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    10-09-2024, 10:16 AM
    osan replied to a thread Hurricane Helene in U.S. Political News
    I saw this a couple days ago and didn't know what to make of it because the claim seems so outrageous. My younger brother the spy told me something I'd not considered: Biden has been shipping illegals all over the USA and there is no data available concerning who is where, or how many may be in a region. So when someone claims "thousands are dead" in the hills of TN and NC, it should not be dismissed out of hand. Get a load of this and see what you think:
    108 replies | 21943 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    10-08-2024, 11:01 PM
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  • osan's Avatar
    10-08-2024, 10:59 PM
    Reich is a little douche. OK, I lied. He's a big douche. His Stupid reminds me of Chomsky.
    14 replies | 2313 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    10-07-2024, 04:41 AM
    osan replied to a thread World Gone Mad in Open Discussion
    Bosswife calls such people the "walking dead"... mostly Democrats, but not all. It IS the matrix. This is what I'm talking about. Innovate. If you cannot find a solution, create one."
    2 replies | 981 view(s)
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Global War On Terrorism: Are We Winning?

by osan on 03-25-2017 at 07:19 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
Short answer: If you are still fighting it you are losing it.
After 26 years, I'd have to agree.

Global War On Terrorism: Are We Winning?

by osan on 03-25-2017 at 07:19 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
Short answer: If you are still fighting it you are losing it.
After 26 years, I'd have to agree.

Guns and Marijuana in Missouri

by osan on 01-02-2017 at 08:51 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Mach View Post
"castle doctrine," which permits homeowners to use deadly force against intruders. The revised law will allow invited guests, such as babysitters, to use lethal force.
I find it amazing to consider just how hopelessly corrupt a land we are, and have been for so very long a time when I read things like this. To think not only that some people would dare usurp the authority to remove those which are the most obvious prerogatives of free men, but also that we as a people would

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RP: Who Brought the World to the Brink of World War III?

by osan on 10-17-2016 at 11:14 PM
Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
We did.

Quote Originally Posted by PierzStyx View Post
Uhm, no. Not all of us. Only most of the countries involved. We few radicals and rebels do what we can to prevent it. Whether that works or not still doesn't change whether it is our fault or not.
To which I responded thusly:

The number of people out there who are putting their asses on the line is vanishingly small. My statistical assessment therefore stands. To wit...

The fact is this: we failed from the earliest days.

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How to defend liberty and property in a stateless social construct?

by osan on 04-15-2016 at 07:22 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
How would you defend liberty and property in a stateless social construct? The use of private security firms is a stock answer, but let’s consider some more detail. Consider the following situations…
And it has its problems. It is a partial answer at best.

1) A band of thugs is going around robbing people, how do you defend your home from invasion?
By killing them to eliminate them from the book of immediate and potential future threats to others, including

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