• jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 04:35 AM
    Much watch tv for dannno
    2 replies | 93 view(s)
  • donnay's Avatar
    Today, 02:31 AM
    Psalm 82:3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
    2971 replies | 415365 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:02 PM
    No where near as strong as forecast. Look at the coastline where it has cleared out. Most of the lights are still on. https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES/sector_band.php?sat=G16&sector=se&band=GEOCOLOR&length=12
    10 replies | 366 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:41 PM
    FYI I at this point find Kamala Harris and her supporters more irritating than Trump and his supporters. Her talking about she's not for banning guns because she supposedly owns a glock is too nauseating to stomach.
    12 replies | 291 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:27 PM
    2869 replies | 274868 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:06 PM
    I won't be doing any of that.
    12 replies | 291 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:35 PM
    I thought voting was a pointless exercise in futility? I mean, I know you hate this nation and the people in it, so I can understand you wanting to cast a vote to cause the maximum amount of pain, but again, I thought it was pointless? Why is a vote for Trump giving your tacit approval to a corrupt system, but not a vote for Kamala?
    2869 replies | 274868 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:25 PM
    https://x.com/i/status/1844015525795700872 1844015525795700872
    2869 replies | 274868 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:23 PM
    https://x.com/i/status/1844113704746615286 1844113704746615286
    3326 replies | 343760 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:25 PM
    I ain't got no magic left. Nobody wants to listen to a word I got to say about anything. Maybe Danke can do something.
    12 replies | 291 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:14 PM
    GA 49.3 47.8 Trump +1.5 NC 49.0 48.4 Trump +0.6 PA 48.3 48.1 Trump +0.2 AZ 49.0 47.6 Trump +1.4 WI 48.2 48.7 Harris +0.5 MI 48.5 48.0 Trump +0.5 https://www.realclearpolling.com/elections/president/2024/battleground-states
    12 replies | 291 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:04 PM
    https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1843759138997973233 1843759138997973233 Also, he gets cramping and a menstrual cycle. https://x.com/i/status/1843761283579216345 1843761283579216345
    3 replies | 146 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:55 AM
    He didn't give an exact number. What he confirmed is that the Hannibal Directive was given while "thousands" of people, according to him, where traveling aross the border in Hamas vehicles. Some of those vehicles were destroyed by Israeli attack helicopters. So simple logic means that a helluva lot more than 2 or 3. Where did you get your 2 or 3 number from?
    119 replies | 10880 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:58 AM
    Yeah. I recently had a woman arguing to me that the only reason men don't want to vote for Kamala is because they can't stand the idea of a woman in leadership. But this woman lives in Alabama which has a woman Republican governor. I'm pretty sure just about everyone in Alabama who votes for Trump will also vote (again) for govenor memaw.
    13 replies | 436 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:56 AM
    +rep. I didn't notice that before.
    13 replies | 436 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:53 AM
    I think back then there was balance in the force between those on the left and those on the right. Now the leftists are all but gone leaving those in the center looking like leftists. And I say that with the full knowledge that some of what Trump proposes is actually leftist. Crazy world.
    149 replies | 4224 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:04 AM
    The non racist reasons (bad driving and housing costs) equally apply to Ukrainians (I know...I know...you want them gone too...except for the ones your wife met). But again, this is commical considering the fact that Trump and Biden agree on deporting Hatians and neither of them are talking about deporting Ukrainians. Nevermind the fact that we've got at least one case of a Ukrainian 14 year old so war traumatized that she beat her grandomother to death with a belt and a walker. That Ukrainian girl that you were concerned about being "bullied" by some unnamed "ethnicity" in San Fransico? How do you know she wasn't bringing that on herself by acting out in school because of her war nerves? Anyhow, it's a strange world we live in when "free market" types complain about housing prices going up in a place where they were previously depressed because 20,000 people had moved away leaving homes to sit a rot. If Trump and Biden get their way and the 20,000 Haitians are deported will Springfield magically become the white paradise that it was not just a few years ago? We'll see.
    959 replies | 114468 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:56 AM
    Where is the video of the animal being snatched? :rolleyes: I already gave you the story of my African neighbors who bought a goat, brought it home and butchered it in their backyard. And I gave you the story of the rednecks who "casually snatched" (shot) a deer at the base of my drive way and shoved it in their trunk.
    959 replies | 114468 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:54 AM
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to PAF again.
    149 replies | 4224 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:54 AM
    The "mafia" controlling the black market is the government that will shut down a little girl's lemonade stand. I agree.
    149 replies | 4224 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:51 AM
    I remember seeing this video as a child of the 70s and thinking "That's nice. She mentions every group but mine." Great American Melting Pot? They were happy to bring in every European ethnic group to throw into the pot while keeping the Africans relegated to the fire burning to heat the pot.
    13 replies | 436 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:47 AM
    :rolleyes: Hogwash. Invisble Man hit the nail on the head. If a black person tells another black person "Where can I find a soul food resturant" we all know what that means. If we say "What HBCUs are in this state" we all know what that means. I remember having a similar conversation with an ignorant white co-worker back in the 1990s. He interjected himself into conversations I was having with a black co-worker on different occassions about our favorite black resturants or what was being played on the black radio station (there was only one in the city at that time and it was owned by a black man) or whatever, and he did his little white supremacist "I would be racist to talk about a white resturant or a white radio station" song and dance. I corrected him by pointing out how he bragged about being "full blood German" and that he would only marry a "full blood German" even though he was dating a "mixed ethnicity" white woman. He was like "Germany is a country and black is not." My response? "We would know what our country is if your people hadn't taken that away from us." Of course then he was ready to distance himself from white people in general. Regardless, this is the point. We, Africans in America, have created our own culture and our own spaces in response to being systematically blocked from yours! And white people try to flip the script by calling our legitimate response to white racism somehow "racist." Do you know there was a black man who was admitted to Harvard back in 1850s? Harvard was pressured by white southern students to expel him. There was an intergrated university in freaking Kentucky in the 1800s! The Kentucky state legislature intervened and destroyed that. We build our own towns, our own newspapers, our own hospitals, our own universities, our own churches and denominations, or own Greek organizations and our own culture simply because we were shut out of yours. And now you lie and pretend that all we have in common is slavery? No. What we have in common is a shared reality as beautiful covering over a painful existence which is no different from the pearl the oysters form around debris that they have to swallow to consume food. And frankly I don't care if you understand it or Anti Federalist understands or Candace Owens understands it (she seems to be coming around) or whatever. When white people stop eating at Italian resturants or going to Oktoberfest or looking for Chinatown then come and talk to me.
    13 replies | 436 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:31 AM
    This is so funny. Trumpkins always raise thie "We can't trade with communist China" argument while Trump makes so much crap in communist China.
    149 replies | 4224 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:25 AM
    :rolleyes: LOL. So now Ron and Rand Paul are globalists? Whatever dude.
    149 replies | 4224 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:22 AM
    How many? And yes I'm aware of the evidence you presented.. I'm not convinced it was LIHOP, but I do agree there is circumstantial evidence. I've heard claims from your side that there were hundreds of casualties as a result of IDF actions, but there was only evidence of one or two, which were reported by Israel media. FFS Haaretz is part of the Israeli media! Do you men "one or two which were reported by the IDF?" :rolleyes: Here's the Jerusalem Post. Here's an interview with an actual Israeli air force commander confirming that it was a helluva lot more than "2 or 3."
    119 replies | 10880 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:28 AM
    I will tell you the same thing I told Swordsmyth. My point is that Ron Paul and Rand Paul have taken the same position as CCTelander on this and they clearly aren't globalists. Argue your position without the ad hominems. Are you even capapble of doing that?
    149 replies | 4224 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:27 AM
    Sure it exisrs. It's called the black market. But that wasn't even my point. My point is that Ron Paul and Rand Paul have taken the same position as CCTelander on this and they clearly aren't globalists. Argue your position without the ad hominems. Are you even capapble of doing that?
    149 replies | 4224 view(s)
  • donnay's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:15 AM
    Psalm 107:20 He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
    2971 replies | 415365 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    10-08-2024, 10:07 PM
    In other words, bring up real reasons to not want 20,000 Haitian bio-weapons dropped in your town, so I can call you a racist and have those reasons dismissed and disregarded. These visceral reasons, like the idea that the bio-weapons will skin and eat your pet cat in the front yard, are too hard to counter because we can't prove them.
    959 replies | 114468 view(s)
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    I'm at work and had it on. Customer saw who it was and said I shouldn't have political commentary on while at work. I politely told them it's the going away address from a man that had been serving for over 30 years, and there was no way I wouldn't be watching. She stayed for a few minutes when Ron was talking about militarism. LOL
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    Haha good story. We went to Tulsa, (it was the closest and soonest) and for our date night we went downtown to a Mexican Food restaurant. I wanted to eat somewhere local, because you can eat at a chain any ole day. We had a few drinks, but we were back in the Hotel by 8pm....and...uh....really enjoyed the rest of the night.
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    Going really good man. Quite the change from a month ago. Hows things on your end?
  4. So why do I only have two? Am I an infidel or something? I always click on that for others. I feel so down today man. lol

    have I told you today NOBP? Did you see that site where there are Tshirts and cups and everything? I had no idea it would get this big though I hoped it would.
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Attention Media and GOP: "No one but Paul" POLL ADDED

by Captain Shays on 03-09-2012 at 07:51 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Captain Shays View Post
The more the media mistreats him. The longer his party marginalizes him. The more blatant their deception becomess but in equal or greater proportion so our resolve to counter that with our strong unbending support for this great man.

Don't think for one minute that our level of integrity is on the same as your's. Don't think for one second that truth and right mean the same thing to you as to us. They don't! We know what truth is and what we hear from the media and the partisan elites

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