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  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 05:42 PM
    Ya you have TDS because you can never admit that Trump did something good. Pretty sure jmdrake has. Even TDS sufferers might reluctantly admit he did something good, but then come back with "but he's a nazi and wants to destroy muh democracy!!"
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 03:41 PM
    Incorrect.. People with TDS can't think straight when it comes to any subject that is related to Trump. They will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to make sure they fit within the media narrative. I don't think I accused you of having TDS, did I? Maybe.. but I don't think so. You're more borderline TDS. This issue you seem to be obtuse on because you think it is something to do with race.. when a good portion of the best witnesses we have are actually african american.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 03:32 PM
    If 90% of the deaths were not COVID, would it still be classified as a pandemic? COVID FRAUD: Legal Challenges Claiming ~90% of COVID Deaths FAKED by Hospitals
    7 replies | 99 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 06:38 AM
    One of these statements is true, the other is false. TDS cult members made fun of Trump. Not the target market. Regular people are more likely to hear about this and look into it.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:57 PM
    LOL, that was my point. YOU don't have a problem with them eating strays. Other people might. I don't have a huge problem with it personally. I edited my post right when you posted this.. one of the problems being that they are eating their pets, not just the strays. That was the primary complaint. Evidence of such being that they "fixed" the problem of stray cats by eating the strays, then once those were gone they turned to people's pets. The other problems are all the other problems happening in the community.. is it worth them being there because they fixed a stray cat problem when there are so many other problems happening there? I highly doubt a single person would say well, it's good they are here eating our stray cats and driving up housing costs and flipping over cars and killing people because man, that stray cat problem really sucked. You seem to be completely missing the point.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:50 PM
    As long as you admit they are eating the cats, each person in the community can decide what they think about that, if that's how they want to solve the problem, and if all the other problems in the community (including their personal pets being eaten) are worth such a solution.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:27 AM
    Trump is wrong about stuff from time to time, but he was correct that immigrants are eating cats and, at minimum killing dogs in Springfield. There is no question about that..
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 11:53 PM
    We survived Bill Clinton just fine, it's his wife and all the woke fascist I'm more worried about right now. There is no way to get a libertarian in office right now. Maybe in 5-10-20 years? I sure hope so.. I just don't want to end up in a gulag in the meantime, and maybe help prevent WW3.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 11:50 PM
    Hahahahhah.. Wow. Can you explain what it is about TDS that makes you so susceptible to lies in the media whenever it has anything to do with Trump? When you spay/neuter a cat, it doesn't kill it.. they can still live for another 10-15 years.. plus they can't catch all the strays...
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    1 replies | 117 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 10:24 PM
    dannno replied to a thread Hurricane Helene in Open Discussion
    49 replies | 2237 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 10:19 PM
    I don't care if other people want to eat feral cats, it's not for me, but if that's what you want to do go for it.. I'm pretty close to your position on this. However, I don't think most of the country is on board with that. As far as abolishing laws go, the law that says you can't eat dogs and cats would be one of the last laws I would abolish if I were abolishing laws. I really don't care if they want to eat cats in Haiti. My only point is that Springfield had a noticeably large feral cat problem years ago, now they are all gone.. ever since the Haitians came. So they are eating cats, we know that for sure, and we know people are complaining that their cats are missing, they believe the Haitians are taking and eating them, and one woman said she saw her missing cat strung up in a Haitian's backyard. I think it's reasonable to bring up, and I think Trump may have won the election by doing so and I think our country will be a lot better off for him having done so.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 09:52 PM
    Hillary said the "October Surprise" would be against Harris.. However it could be what's going on in the Middle East.
    4 replies | 242 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 09:49 PM
    Vance was poised, gave great answers that the American people will like and Walz was flustered throughout. One comment I heard was that for people who are undecided, they probably all wish that the VPs in the debate were at the top of the ticket. Vance made the point that Walz would be better than Kamala Harris... that was very persuasive I think. Vance's weakest moment was on the abortion topic, but I'm not sure there was much more he could do with it. I think he dodged the landmines and made it through that part.
    73 replies | 1693 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 09:46 PM
    Vance: Anybody in the entire world wanna migrate to the US across our open border? There's an app for that..
    73 replies | 1693 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 09:42 PM
    Vance is probably the second most anti-interventionist Senator next to Rand Paul.
    73 replies | 1693 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 09:36 PM
    So if somebody puts a collar on their cat and lets it out of the house, it's fair game in your world?
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 09:33 PM
    We were talking about different pictures, but if you take the one in that picture and prepare it the way it was in the other picture, that's what was on the grill.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 12:06 PM
    I'm sure they steal them "legally" from the store using our tax dollars.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 12:04 PM
    I think you forgot the part about giving them tens of thousands of tax dollars. Your. Brain. Is. Broken.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 11:59 AM
    Do you have a farm with chickens or cattle? Do you mind if immigrants steal your animals and eat them? You TDS people are the most irrational people on the planet.. you sound like a bunch of leftists.. First you say "those weren't cats!" Then you say "it's totally fine if they want to eat cats, I'm a libertarian blah blah blah" Not even considering a lot of the cats they ate allegedly belonged to other people..
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 11:54 AM
    What do you think it was? Clearly they were not chickens. Possibly some other type of mammal with a long body on four legs, maybe raccoon? Possum? They looked more like cats, though, is the problem. You show me how the three pictures I posted together, with the torso outlined, could possibly be a chicken.. chickens are round, cats are long. This was long. I circled the torso, it was a long torso. This is not difficult. Then you have the legs sticking up.. sorry, not a chicken. Think about it. Picture a cat, standing up. Now flip it 180 degrees on it's back, the legs stick up just like some of them were on the grill.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 10:35 AM
    Haitians only eat pets in Haiti and Chile, not in the US..
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 10:34 AM
    You could have saved yourself a lot of time and said "it's 20/14 vision, not 14/20"
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 10:07 AM
    I have 14/20 vision. That's way better than 20/20 vision. I posted three version of the thumbnails, the first one was plain with the long torso circled in the second, you can do your own analysis off the original if you'd like, but clearly it will be wrong.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    09-30-2024, 08:06 PM
    That chicken is being held by somebody, not resting on the grill.. it looks nothing like what is on the grill, the body is round instead of elongated.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    09-30-2024, 08:03 PM
    Lol, dude.. that literally looks exactly like what is on the grill, with head and tail removed, and NOTHING like the picture of the chicken cooking I posted.. the picture of the chicken you posted was being held up, show one on the grill like that, you won't find it.. you are one of the most obtuse people I've ever argued with.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    09-30-2024, 07:29 PM
    Chicken legs don't stick up, even when cooked on their back:
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    09-30-2024, 07:15 PM
    First image - original image Second image - long torso circled in blue Third image - front legs and hind legs circled in blue The claws look exactly like the cat claws from your skinned cat pictures, they look NOTHING like the chicken claws you posted. There appear to be three cats on the grill, you can see the hind legs of both the other two cats on the grill, everything else is hidden, tails appear to be cut off.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    09-30-2024, 07:03 PM
    Nobody accused any particular random Haitians of eating cats, unless they were driving a white van that was full of cats.. they didn't accuse all of them, they just said some of them are eating cats, which they are. That's why all of the stray cats suddenly went missing when they came into town. It's literally the same thing as saying some catholic priests rape boys, nobody said they all do, but some of them do. And it's all based on witness testimony, same with the cat eating Haitians. Nobody has a video that I'm aware of a catholic priest raping an alter boy. But there are plenty of witnesses and victims. A lot of cat ladies in Springfield are now just.. ladies.
    901 replies | 79156 view(s)
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