02-08-2025, 07:54 AM
And what does all this reveal?
We are at war, literally. We are, and have been, in a civil war for decades. It is not a hot war. It is our own domestic roll of cold warfare, yet so few have been able to see it. It has only been since 9/11 that this truth has been coming progressively more apparent. Why Theye have chosen to reveal themselves, who can say? Seems a gross miscalculation to me. Perhaps Theye thought we'd been so thoroughly marinated in fear that we would do their bidding no matter what it might be? Or are Theye not really on the ropes as it now appears? We must bear in mind that while Theye do not likely have their hands directly on the silo captains' hands, they most likely have them on the hands of those who work in places like the Wuhan bioweapons facility. I would not be too fast to cheer Trump's reascension... not just yet. Time will tell.
Foists of apocalyptic "if we can't have it, nobody can" plagues upon the world aside, we nonetheless are far from recovered from the ravages of the globalist cabal. The comments of that rageshrieking Democrat dreg the other day about being at war is actually true, only not in the sense she meant it.
If you look at the major political movements of the past 100+ years through the lens of Quiet Wars†, everything begins to come into sensible focus. This is why though very wary of Trump's current wave of measures, I nonetheless welcome them in any event because up until now we've been doing the same political things over and over, decade over decade expecting different results. Given the direction in which things have been going, especially these past four years, we no longer have that much to lose, except our cheap and petty comforts and conveniences, given how whittled down as our rights and freedoms have become. I say throw the dice, come what may. Let us have courage for once and act like men.
Nothing is worse than sitting in that pot as the water grows ever warmer.
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