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  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 12:02 PM
    I’m not talking about a fleeting story that got national attention, I’m talking about sustained national attention. Thank Trump.
    488 replies | 10348 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 12:00 PM
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  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 05:35 AM
    Right, and none of that would be getting any mainstream attention - at all - nobody would be talking about Springfield right now if Trump didn't talk about eating the pets. That's what gets attention. You can thank Trump for that. There is an orgy of evidence they are eating the pets.. so I have no issue with him bringing it up. None substantiated by official sources of course - a bigger question is if part of the reason that is, is on purpose.
    488 replies | 10348 view(s)
  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:51 PM
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  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:45 PM
    Dr. Rand Paul Introduces Six Penny Plan to Balance the Federal Budget in Five Years WASHINGTON, D.C. – Recently, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced his “Six Penny Plan” federal budget that will balance within five years. “Seven years ago, we could balance our budget with a freeze in spending without cutting anything. Since then, our national debt has skyrocketed to over $35 trillion with $6.6 trillion just in the past four years. Americans across the nation are struggling to make ends meet while their government recklessly spends and fuels the inflation crisis,” said Dr. Paul. “The greatest threat to our national security is our national debt, and we are now in a situation that a simple penny, two, three, or even a five pennies per-dollar reduction is insufficient to balance our budget. It requires six. We cannot keep ignoring this problem at the expense of taxpayers, and my budget will put our nation on track to solve this crisis that Congress created.” Background: The Six Penny Plan is a federal budget resolution that will balance on-budget outlays and revenues within five years by cutting six pennies off every dollar projected to be spent in the next five fiscal years. This plan is the most recent in a series of plans that Dr. Paul has introduced to address an ever-worsening budget crisis:
    replies | 39 view(s)
  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:23 PM
    Dr. Rand Paul and Rep. Kat Cammack Introduce REINS Act to Put Power Back in the People's Hands WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Congresswoman Kat Cammack (R-FL-03) introduced the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act to help put power back in the people's hands instead of the administrative state. “The whims of an unaccountable administrative state should never rule our lives. For too long, an ever-growing federal bureaucracy has piled regulations and red tape on the backs of the American people without any approval by Americans’ elected representatives. The recent Supreme Court decision to dismantle Chevron deference stripped away some of the power it wrongly gave to unelected bureaucrats years ago, but there’s still work to do. By making Congress more accountable for the most costly and intrusive federal rules, our REINS Act would give Kentuckians and all Americans a greater voice in determining whether these major rules are truly in America’s best interests,” said Dr. Paul. "Nameless, faceless, unelected bureaucrats in Washington have had too much power over the American people for far too long. The federal bureaucracy's rapid growth over the last several decades has resulted in serious damage to the livelihoods of millions of Americans with reckless rulemaking not approved by the body granted Article I authority," said Rep. Kat Cammack. "The REINS Act is a critical step toward 'reining' in this unchecked power and restoring the lawmaking authority to Congress instead of the executive branch. With SCOTUS' Loper Bright decision earlier this year, we've made solid progress in dismantling Chevron, and I'm encouraged for the future of REINS and what it will mean in stopping executive overreach. I thank Senator Paul for his partnership in the Senate and look forward to earning my colleagues' support for this legislation in the House."
    0 replies | 68 view(s)
  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:21 PM
    HSGAC Passes Dr. Rand Paul’s Bipartisan REPUBLIC Act to Rein in Presidential Emergency Powers WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), which U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is Ranking Member of, passed the bipartisan Reforming Emergency Powers to Uphold the Balances and Limitations Inherent in the Constitution (REPUBLIC) Act. The legislation, which was introduced in May, would allow the President to take immediate action in crisis situations but also require congressional review of presidential invocation of emergency powers that threaten the constitutional principles of separation of powers and due process. “The REPUBLIC Act reins in the blank check of power presidents write themselves in the name of self-declared emergencies,” said Dr. Paul. “It does all this while preserving the president’s authority to act immediately to defend our nation in a real emergency.” Current law, under the National Emergencies Act of 1976, authorizes the President to unilaterally determine when and how to unlock and exercise extraordinary powers not permitted during normal operations. Once declared, emergencies are rarely terminated. To wit, the 1979 national emergency relating to the Iranian hostage crisis is still in effect.
    0 replies | 53 view(s)
  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:20 PM
    Dr. Rand Paul Introduces Six Penny Plan to Balance the Federal Budget in Five Years WASHINGTON, D.C. – Recently, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced his “Six Penny Plan” federal budget that will balance within five years. “Seven years ago, we could balance our budget with a freeze in spending without cutting anything. Since then, our national debt has skyrocketed to over $35 trillion with $6.6 trillion just in the past four years. Americans across the nation are struggling to make ends meet while their government recklessly spends and fuels the inflation crisis,” said Dr. Paul. “The greatest threat to our national security is our national debt, and we are now in a situation that a simple penny, two, three, or even a five pennies per-dollar reduction is insufficient to balance our budget. It requires six. We cannot keep ignoring this problem at the expense of taxpayers, and my budget will put our nation on track to solve this crisis that Congress created.” Background:
    3 replies | 183 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:38 PM
    Wow.. it's pretty clear you're just reading left-wing propaganda and not looking at what the people from the area are actually posting. The video taken in Dayton was from about a year ago. They corroborated with the guy who made the video, who is black, interviewed witnesses who were there, who were black, went to the complex, verified it was the same as the video, interviewed people who lived there, who are black, verified that the person in the video lived there previously, they even found the actual grill used in the video was still there at the complex.. The fact you don't know any of this just tells me you don't care, you are only paying attention to one side. The police report that you quoted said that she suspected it was her Haitian neighbors. There is a video of a black girl crying and saying that Haitian immigrants are decapitating dogs.
    488 replies | 10348 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:36 PM
    The police report says Haitian. All of the citizen reports are about Haitian migrants - one woman said her lost cat was strung up in her Haitian neigbhor's backyard. A black woman in Springfield claims the Haitian immigrants are decapitating dogs, it sounded like her dog may have been decapitated as well. In Dayton, you had video of African migrants grilling cats on the BBQ. You have a local news report Springfield talking about how pets are disappearing en masse. I don't think this is a hill you want to die on.
    488 replies | 10348 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:32 PM
    Are you a CNN watcher or something? It was discussed here.. the immigration bill was a bill that legalized immigration... they were funding more border agents to go down and process them into the country.
    488 replies | 10348 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:00 AM
    You made it on the show!!! (very last guy, not the first guy..)
    25 replies | 602 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:45 AM
    If nobody brought that up, nobody would be talking about their problems at all. Send a thank you card to Trump.
    488 replies | 10348 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:23 AM
    I give a fuck.
    12 replies | 305 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:16 AM
    CBS Reporter in Nevada: "We Could Only Find One Harris Supporter, And We Left No Stone Unturned" VIDEO AT LINK
    8 replies | 376 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    09-17-2024, 11:13 PM
    No what happened was Epstein called up Trump and said hey, I got a hot tip on this nice property in Florida.. I'm thinking of buying it, upgrading it and making millions, do you have any advice? Trump then went out and out-bid him on the property, Epstein got pissed and said he would ruin him financially. So Trump put in the tip to the FBI. Some ask why Trump didn't do it before.. well, because Trump didn't have direct evidence. He just knew something was fishy. So when Epstein threatened him, he said ok, let's see how you like the FBI sniffing around your op...
    24 replies | 450 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    09-17-2024, 04:00 PM
    This is a war crime. Purposefully maiming people is not legit combat.
    50 replies | 816 view(s)
  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    09-17-2024, 03:06 PM
    Thomas Massie's Bill To END Carry Permits! | National Constitutional Carry {National Association for Gun Rights | 14 September 2024} Hunter King, Director of Government Relations for the National Association for Gun Rights, announces Pro-Gun congressman Thomas Massie's plan to enact Federal Constitutional Carry. Sign the Petition:
    3 replies | 73 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    09-17-2024, 02:31 PM
    The Miami Herald??? Mike Cernovich is the one who dredged up the case, the Miami Herald eventually joined in on the suit. Trump was responsible for his 2004 arrest.
    24 replies | 450 view(s)
  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    09-17-2024, 02:03 PM
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  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    09-17-2024, 01:57 PM
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  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    09-17-2024, 01:43 PM
    Thomas Massie's Bill To END Carry Permits! | National Constitutional Carry {National Association for Gun Rights | 14 September 2024} Hunter King, Director of Government Relations for the National Association for Gun Rights, announces Pro-Gun congressman Thomas Massie's plan to enact Federal Constitutional Carry. Sign the Petition: Made up of more than 4.5 million grassroots activists, the National Association for Gun Rights leads the charge to halt the radical gun-grabbing agenda running rampant across the nation. Accepting NO COMPROMISE on the issue of gun control, NAGR works tirelessly to hold politicians accountable for their anti-gun views and has made great strides in protecting and preserving the Second Amendment. But our effectiveness in the battle against these attacks on your liberties depend entirely on the support from pro-gun patriots like you.
    3 replies | 362 view(s)
  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    09-17-2024, 01:06 PM
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  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    09-16-2024, 10:51 AM
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