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  • johnwk's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 03:34 PM
    And why is that? "Trump said he wanted to raise or eliminate the limit on how much the federal government can borrow. Doing so now would mean the much-debated move would happen on President Joe Biden's watch and be resolved before Trump takes office, when he'll want to implement his agenda without a fight over borrowing limits." See: Why Trump is pushing hard to defuse the debt ceiling now and what it would mean for America The previous Administration has plundered, not only our federal treasury for its inside crowd's financial benefit but has borrowed additional $BILLIONS which were then also plundered to fatten the fortunes of their campaign donors. One of their biggest money laundering operations used to plunder were non-government agencies asserted to resettle illegal entrant foreign nationals. .
    6 replies | 1766 view(s)
  • johnwk's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 03:00 PM
    . See Here's why economists are so worried about soaring US debt levels Apr 20, 2024 The writing is on the wall as investors pull out of long-term US bond market.
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  • johnwk's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 09:08 AM
    . . See: House Republicans face massive debt problem Jan 12, 2025 We are near the point of no return and our Republican Leadership seems to ignore the massive US Debt problem.
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  • johnwk's Avatar
    01-11-2025, 02:15 PM
    . The calls for DOGE to recommend a balanced budget amendment being added to our Constitution are becoming louder as each day passes. See: For models of efficiency, Musk and DOGE should ignore DC and look to the states "For the long term, it is also time to reconsider the need for a Balanced Budget Amendment. A Balanced Budget Amendment isn’t just a good idea — it’s essential for national survival. It’s a compact with the American people, signaling that Washington will finally operate under the same fiscal constraints as every household." I fully agree with Chris Sununu and the need for a BBA. I also believe the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment, which is our Founder’s thinking, is based upon fundamental principles which do not change with the passage of time, and it meets the necessary criteria for a rule of law structural mechanism to end Congress’s love affair with adding to our national debt year after year.
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  • johnwk's Avatar
    01-11-2025, 09:25 AM
    . SEE: Tackling the National Debt: A Call for Fiscal Responsibility . In the article we find: 10. Engage Congress to Pass Budgetary Reforms
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  • johnwk's Avatar
    01-09-2025, 09:05 AM
    The DOGE team is certainly not addressing the root cause of our deficit being added to year after year after year. The team is addressing the symptoms of not requiring Congress to extinguish a previous year's debt the following year, caused by borrowing. If we followed our Founder's thinking and required a current year's deficit caused by borrowing to be immediately extinguished the following year by the apportioned direct tax, each State's Governor, Legislature and people therein would immediately learn there is no free lunch coming from Washington and that in itself would encourage each State's Congressional Delegation to end irresponsible and reckless spending while in Washington in order to avoid the direct apportioned tax. Seems kind of suspicious that the DOGE team is not addressing the root cause of the deficit being added to each year by requiring a balanced budget amendment, and in that respect, DOGE may very well distract the people from a real solution, which is to effectively prevent Congress from adding to the national debt year, after year, after year. But hey, making a nation's population taxed slaves to pay interest on a national debt seems to be quite profitable these days, and to the tune of over $ 1 TRILLION annually. JWK
    12 replies | 1412 view(s)
  • johnwk's Avatar
    01-08-2025, 11:00 PM
    Well, we will never know that if a balanced budget amendment is not added to our Constitution.
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  • johnwk's Avatar
    01-08-2025, 06:43 PM
    . See: Fiscal Hawks Should Push for Balanced Budget, Not Debt Ceiling Like most of our “mainstream media and elected officials” which Steve Levy mentions in his opinion piece, he is long on suggestions, especially in promoting a balanced budget amendment, but does so without offering the text of a specific balanced budget amendment. To his credit, in focusing on the need for a balanced budget amendment, Mr. Levy is spot on in that a well-designed “. . . balanced budget requirement would force many . . .” needed spending cuts “. . . to be implemented by a recalcitrant big spending Congress.” The question is, does Mr. Levy have the text of a well-designed BBA in mind which meets necessary fundamental criteria such as: Does it allow Congress to raise all necessary revenue, including in times of emergency?
    2 replies | 461 view(s)
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    Hi I'm Chowder

    I saw your debate with Wild English nut-job Rose with the Fair Tax. Man you tore him apart!

    Anyway I want to say thanks for the info you posted on the Hannity Forums. I used to be a neo-con but I saw the light around December of last year.

    I also used to support the fair tax and really thought for a while it seemed like a good idea. But your statements have changed my mind.

    Thanks man.


    P.S Where is your sources for the info, I would like to read them more closely or did you rely mostly on the Constitution: the one document our Politicians ignore except for Ron Paul.
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