09-09-2024, 10:55 AM
I think it’s most accurate to say Babbit was squatting in the broken window - her hands were up - holding onto the edges of the opening, so I think it would be clear she was unarmed. She hadn’t moved through the window yet. You can predict that she intended to jump down on the other side, but she never actually did that, did she? We’ll never know her intention. if you review the video, you’ll note that Babbit was too short to see through that window from a standing position on the floor, so it’s not out of the question that she was trying to get a look at what was going on on the other side. It was noisy, Byrd gave no warning and Babbit may not have been able to spot him from her position. He was wrong to shoot an unarmed woman with her hands up.
The behavior of law enforcement has always been suspicious. They’re all over the place, taking no action, appearing to view the whole situation as pretty innocuous. Suddenly, Byrd decides to kill an unarmed woman who appears in the window - totally unhindered by the many officers standing right there! - and only the bystanders seem shocked by it.
Babbit wasn’t deployed to work at the capitol. It was the Air National Guard unit she had formerly been a member of that was there - however I find it interesting that she had been trained in riot control while she had been a member of that unit. She would have participated in numerous drills where they taught her how a riot goes down, tactics employed by rioters and how to respond. Maybe she saw and recognized behavior that clued her in to something unexpected? Or maybe not, but she would have had a perspective of the situation that would be different from that of someone who’d never been in the middle of a riot before.
I have little doubt there were government people at BLM riots, but the media never ran and reran footage of that violence - in fact they covered it up as best they could. We heard an entirely different narrative from the media and elected officials when depicting these riots/lootings/arsons/assaults (fiery but peaceful). The maimings and murders that occurred have gone unmentioned except from people outside of the mainstream, and we forget that they even happened. Democrats never expressed any empathy for those people harmed and killed during these riots. There were relatively few arrests and generally no prison sentences. Rioters all over the country were immediately bailed out by the likes of antifa and Kamala Harris. To this day, the left maintains that this was all righteous behavior. For these reasons, I find it ridiculous to pretend that the “summer of love” riots and the 3 hour January 6 riot were equally reprehensible.
You’re correct that it’s better to just stay away from obvious violence, but violence isn’t always predictable and that comes awfully close to ignoring the fact that we do have a right to protest our government - that we have a right to protest our government without being set up, encouraged by law enforcement to enter a building we might otherwise not have entered, but they tell us it’s okay so we trust them. We have a right to protest our government without being flash-banged and gassed while we are just standing there holding signs - or trapped and beaten in a tunnel full of an unknown gas till we asphyxiate, or being shot to death while unarmed and not attacking anyone. We should be able to protest without being catalogued in a government database, that is then spread far and wide using government resources, advertised to hate-filled persons with personal political grudges, so that we can be hunted down as if serial killers, then handed brutally excessive sentences by biased persons who prejudge and despise us.
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