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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:43 AM
    I'm sure glad to see USAID go, because stuff is coming out that makes the Red Pill more potent. I'm not fooling myself into thinking this agency was made a scapegoat before three new replacements were created to carry on what it does. The CIA is a giant Whack-A-Mole machine. I love watching the heads of Biden loyalists roll. But are their seats being thrown out with them? Or are those seats being filled with Trump loyalists while they're still warm? One of these things is a cut, the other is just a changing of the guard. Which other agencies besides USAID are getting the axe? I, for one, am still waiting for an answer to that question.
    13 replies | 326 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 08:55 PM
    Thanks for posting that. I forgot to follow up when I learned more about that individual. Definitely good to chalk up here.
    23 replies | 2671 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 08:54 PM
    Isn't this the gay khaki wearing douchebags whose half made up of Feds and the other half are douchey white dudes who probably got beat up in school? They probably shove their tiki torches up each other's asses for fun.
    99 replies | 14442 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 08:51 PM
    Today's trans people aren't real people. They are mentally ill freaks who are imposing their values, thoughts, and ways of life on everyone else with no quarter. They need to be put in mental institutions and rehabilitated. They need help but they won't get it because they think we're (normal people) the weird ones. No, I don't feel any remorse for my comments above.
    32 replies | 1161 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 08:49 PM
    I think the first 10 days of Trump's second administration have done more to advance common sense and liberty than we got in 4 years of Biden. If people can't see that and take small wins and understand that not everything is going to swing towards "liberty" or whatever the fuck that means today, then oh well. Some libertarians are real losers and will bitch and moan about anything no matter what. And some libertarians are so stuck under the leftist Trump Derangement Syndrome themselves, that they can't be helped. * The statements above aren't directed at any one poster or this thread/subject in particular, but rather a general response to the bitching and moaning that has gone on despite more "good" happening in the last two weeks than we've had in the last 4+ years.
    43 replies | 1399 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 12:35 PM
    From other people I get, "Guys like you are why us white men were discriminated against so hard the last four years," and from you I get this. Fine. I certainly didn't come up with anything that worked. I'll own all of that from both sides. But I won't cop to volunteering for slavery.
    68 replies | 1772 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 11:57 AM
    I've fought it tooth and nail since before I voted for Ron Paul in lieu of George HW and Dukakis. And I don't have the means to gtfo. Paddle that up your river.
    68 replies | 1772 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:36 AM
    Speak for your own self, Aggie.
    68 replies | 1772 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:34 AM
    "Mr Bower said her treatment had ended and she was on her way home..." Next time I see one of those commercials begging me to give the Schweiners 63’ a day, I'm going to remember that they hire Lear jets to fly healthy children around ..
    34 replies | 1394 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:20 AM
    Toxibots who are triggered by individual freedom and autonomy find onerous taxes appealing, as they sure put a crimp on those things.
    68 replies | 1772 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:15 AM
    No? Seems to me that depends on whether or not you're a precious metals "custodian" which has been selling people paper saying they own gold and/or silver which doesn't exist. An entity such as that could well suffer a shortage even if the streets are paved with the stuff.
    17 replies | 1083 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:12 AM
    Oh, just a wee bit. It was a 43 year old jet which probably probably got most of its maintenance in Mexico, and clearly suffered an explosion and fire on board while still in the air. What motive do you see for either drug dealers or Shriners to put a bomb on it? All it seems to have accomplished is to draw attention away from the fact that an Army helo (which can be used as a drone) flew straight up the nose of a commercial flight carrying five dozen innocents, and nobody can find 2/3rds of its crew. Do the Shriners or the Mexicans owe the U.S. Army for something?
    34 replies | 1394 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 10:04 AM
    You're the one who appears either to have not noticed, or to think conservatism means conserving Democrat crap. It is existential, so it can't be eradicated? Your attitude is why we can't have nice things. You were on a real roll with the flagrant rules violations this morning, toxic bot. When you're not insulting jmdrake, unknown and others, you're trying to put your nonsense in my mouth. Trump made noises about ridding us of ED, but this is just one of the ways his actions have consolidated its power instead. I honestly don't care how much you wag your tail because this looks like a bone to you, dawg. It's still going to turn every school in the country into a propaganda factory, whether during Trump's term or the next one. Why do you hate shrinking government? You scream for it when Democrats are in charge, and anyone with three working brain cells knows it won't happen, but when some random guy who self-identifies with an R is in the White House, you worship every brick of every federal building. You, Toxibot, are a cultist. Republicans. Preserving, protecting and conserving Democrat crap since 1861.
    43 replies | 1399 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 01:18 PM
    You're a pair of idiots. This paves a highway for the E.D. straight into the heart of the business of every private school in this nation. Conservatism says get "Federal formula funds" back into the hands of the parents who paid those taxes and leave them alone. But you partisans will wag your tails over anything remotely resembling a bone, especially right after a major psyop. No wonder the right foot did at least as much as the left foot to frog-march us into tyranny. It's true. If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything. Even this crap. I expect that of the shill, but one of you has been around here long enough to know better.
    43 replies | 1399 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 07:25 PM
    It's not even worth suggesting these people get mental therapy because that field is dominated by leftist women as well. It becomes an echo chamber of seething hate and nonsense.
    23 replies | 2671 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 07:22 PM
    Reviving this thread because it's still a relevant topic. It is beyond saying that these people are absolutely mentally unhinged and broken. More here: As the hateful and crazy rhetoric continues, we'll see more people like this. People are going to get hurt.
    23 replies | 2671 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-25-2025, 06:01 PM
    Hey, how about just focusing on term limits for congressmen and senators first, please?
    16 replies | 559 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-25-2025, 05:54 PM
    If people were actually educated on secession; if people were to have honest conversations about how secession in the modern ages is probably even easier than it used to be and with technology and so much economic trade taking place, access to other states/countries will be simple; if people were actually taught and explained what it is, why it's not a bad thing ONLY associated with the Confederacy; and if people were given the numerous examples throughout history of secession around the world, these numbers would be much higher. I am confident those numbers would be higher. I'm impressed at the number of states sitting around 1/4 already. California is enamored with itself and likes being the center of attention in the U.S. I believe they'd think they're "too integral" to the U.S. to even seriously consider it, sadly. The truth is, CA, much like TX, is kind of its own thing in many ways. I really, really hope this gains traction in CA. And, it must be said: here we are with another California secession conversation when certain other four years it's racist and "confederate-loser talk" to talk about secession.
    11 replies | 270 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-20-2025, 04:54 PM
    37 replies | 1240 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-20-2025, 04:53 PM
    It certainly is, but at the same time, he's trying to counter China's "new century" with his own version of a new American Golden Age. And honestly, I don't find anything wrong with the theme and drive behind that. It is a bit cheesy, and there are other real things I wish he'd focus on but this is what he's about. Hate him or love him, while he isn't "one of us" he's the only one to entertain the common American and be bluntly honest to them, more or less. And his followers love him for it. I don't really care what the body of water to the south U.S. is called, and things change names all of the time. I don't think there's anything sacred about the Gulf of Mexico or a Gulf of America. But he's trying to get everything repainted with the red, white, and blue after years of self-hate in this country. Funny you say this, Mexicans and South Americans have griped before about not being considered "American" even though they are from a continental perspective. I'm going to guess that goes out the window the next four years...
    37 replies | 1240 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-20-2025, 10:52 AM
    I'd like to hear from a few folks what's left of the LP after 2024? Honestly, the Mises Caucus WAS the future of the LP but I think the LP was set back a decade after 2024. All that hard work over the last 10-15 years and one election year reels a lot of it back in.
    46 replies | 10417 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-20-2025, 10:48 AM
    I hope he follows through and I also hope he parson Ross as well...
    9 replies | 382 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-20-2025, 10:46 AM
    100% correct, thank you for putting it this straight.
    60 replies | 4235 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 12:35 PM
    I will agree with you on this 100% and that's been the primary reason I haven't enrolled my kids into it, yet.
    622 replies | 38876 view(s)
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Oklahoma Grassroots share Liberty Pep Rally – May 11th at Remington Park

by scrosnoe on 05-05-2012 at 06:21 PM
Come join us as we rally for liberty with Tom Woods, Jordan Page, and Jason Rink! Let’s celebrate our growth and success in 2012, and get pumped about taking this movement to the Oklahoma GOP State Convention!


The rally will kick off at 7pm at the Remington Park Casino. Enter at the casino, and go straight back to the left of the escalators to the banquet

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Updated 05-05-2012 at 06:22 PM by scrosnoe

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Oklahoma: Ron Paul OK Announces Honorary State Co-Chairs – Key and Brogdon

by scrosnoe on 01-18-2012 at 11:47 PM
Oklahoma: Ron Paul OK Announces Honorary State Co-Chairs – Rep Charles Key and Former State Sen Randy Brogdon

[Editorial comment: Great news for the movement! As one of two Grassroots Coordinator in Oklahoma for Ron Paul in 2008, I am encouraging other counties to follow the lead of Ron Paul OK, a group based in the OKC Area. We are principled, limited government, constitutional Republicans -- Republicans Restoring the

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News on 6: Tulsa Ron Paul HQ Opening Kicks Off a Full Calendar of Events

by scrosnoe on 01-09-2012 at 04:52 AM

TULSA, Oklahoma -
As the Republican field sets its sights on New Hampshire, one of the candidates is looking forward to the Oklahoma primary.

It’s not until March 6th, but Ron Paul is already planting roots in Tulsa.

He is the first Republican candidate to open campaign offices in the Sooner State. One is

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Updated 01-09-2012 at 04:53 AM by scrosnoe

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A Pumpkin, a Speech and a Song -- Carve a Message and Convey a Story

by scrosnoe on 10-31-2011 at 11:13 PM
Current Conditions or Just a Bad Dream?
Could it all be a bad dream or a nightmare?
Is it my imagination or have we lost our minds?
It is surreal.
It is just not believable.
A grand absurdity.
A great deception.
A delusion of momentous proportions.
Based on preposterous notions and on ideas whose time should never have come.
Simplicity grossly distorted and complicated.
Insanity passed off as logic.
Grandiose schemes built on falsehoods

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Updated 11-01-2011 at 12:46 PM by scrosnoe (categories)

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R3s via Naomi Wolf: How I was arrested at Occupy Wall Street

by scrosnoe on 10-24-2011 at 04:32 AM
Naomi Wolf: How I was arrested at Occupy Wall Street

Arresting a middle-aged writer in an evening gown for peaceable conduct is a far cry from when America was a free republic. Read Naomi Wolf's report of her arrest at Occupy Wall Street about the 'closing civil society' where we live.

Report from Naomi Wolf (October 19, 2011):

Last night I was arrested in my home town, outside an event to which I had been invited, for standing

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Updated 10-24-2011 at 04:37 AM by scrosnoe

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