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  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 12:35 PM
    I will agree with you on this 100% and that's been the primary reason I haven't enrolled my kids into it, yet.
    622 replies | 36030 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 12:32 PM
    You make plenty of great points here. I think having term limits will be a better starter than continuing the current charade we endure, although, I'm not sure how much better. I think with this, we don't get politicians like McConnell, Feinstein, Pelosi, et. al. who overstayed their welcome by decades. And, if nothing else, it forces the parties to actually try and move a little instead of just backing their incumbents of choice over and over again. We'll also likely see fewer congressmen and senators leaving D.C. with net worths in the multi-millions.
    3 replies | 347 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 11:04 AM
    Trail Life has taken the mantle the Boy Scouts used to hold. If anyone's interested, look into them. They are Christian-based. ^ Great video, by the way. Worth sharing!
    622 replies | 36030 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 11:02 AM
    "Strike while the iron's hot" may be appropriate in this iteration of term limit proposals. Of course, this will probably endure the same fate as the previous attempts. More here:
    3 replies | 347 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 10:58 AM
    Didn't watch (and not going to) but on the general subject of Gen Z and voting more for Trump than everyone anticipated, I think there are a few important notes: Historically, younger people in the West skew heavily "left" as all of us here are aware. Generally speaking, people tend to become more conversative the older they get. I think that latter trend has slowed down with left-leaning Gen X and older millennials who are fairly entrenched in their leftist views. I've experienced this first-hand in my professional career with left-leaning people of those ages. They are firmly set in their ways. Whereas, we've been thinking the younger people are fucked (they are, but there's some hopeful bubbles here and there), I believe personalities like Rogan, Peterson, Pageau, and a handful of others have been incredibly instrumental in re-awakening conversations surrounding masculinity in the U.S. We've gone decades now of having man-boy nerds in every facet of society who gave up fishing for collecting Marvel funkos... On the flip side, we have the same for women who are leading the charge with being "Disney adults." These are people who didn't grow up (or didn't want to) and who didn't have to really, and I mean really, work hard for things in their lives coming from a fairly posh white middle class background. I'm going on a tangent now, so I'll quickly wrap up: I'm hopeful now that gen Z isn't quite skewing as far left as we thought they'd be. They're waking up to the lies created by previous generations and are kind of seeing how fucked up everything got while also being the number one target of the perverted satanist globalists who are hell bent on creating a gay techno-future-topia.
    2 replies | 226 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 05:18 AM
    Keep working at it. Eventually you'll teach us all how to wag our tails properly when we're thrown a bone.
    31 replies | 3095 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-10-2025, 07:49 AM
    Republicans tell lies about what Democrats say and Democrats tell lies about what Republicans say, but they both tell lies about what Ron Paul says. That's why we can't tell them apart even with a program. They should be out celebrating while they can, before their god gets sworn in and can get back to screwing us all. Instead that one is seeking out people with principles to spew insults at. Truly a joyless soul.
    41 replies | 3874 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-10-2025, 05:18 AM
    No libertarians are disagreeing with Ron Paul. Ron Paul thinks Trump is a double talking, double dealing hypocrite who flip flops more than a fish out of water, and his supporters are a bunch of celebrity worshipping dilletants who have no principles whatsoever and go with the herd even if the herd is stampeding over a cliff. As usual, all libertarians are doing is pointing out a factual fact. You're the one channeling liberals by covering your ears and hollering, "Reeeeee!! I know YOU are but what are we? REEEEE!"
    41 replies | 3874 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-09-2025, 05:06 PM
    Yea, I'm not advocating for bases. China is spying on all of us and laying framework out in our infrastructure to paralyze us through malware. My company is constantly having to update firewall policies against the incessant attacks coming from China. There is so much more I can go into here, but China wants world domination as well and they're probably worse than our own gov't. is.
    41 replies | 3874 view(s)
  • Okie RP fan's Avatar
    01-08-2025, 07:31 PM
    There is some potential strategic reasoning behind trying to acquire a place such as Greenland as a territory. Keep in mind, China is going across swaths of the middle east, Africa, and South America now buying their influence. If China "gets" to Greenland first in some capacity, the potential minerals there will go to them. China, contrary to what many bone-headed libertarians believe, is a nemesis to liberty just as the U.S. regime is. China is not to be trusted anymore than the U.S. regime is, however, we live in the U.S. so it bears to be a better thing for it to be in our sphere of influence. I also think Trump is just talking out of his ass, as usual. I don't think he genuinely intends to pursue these things in sincerity. And here's a great reason adding them as "states" would be the worst idea ever: He's really just taking the piss on behalf of the other morons running Mexico and Canada.
    41 replies | 3874 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-08-2025, 06:13 AM
    GOP hypocrisy on full display. It was wrong when Obama tried to do it, but... The devil loves Pharisees, Republican voters and other hypocrites.
    24 replies | 4296 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-08-2025, 06:09 AM
    You're simple. He's a CIA front man, dodo. Grow up.
    31 replies | 3095 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-08-2025, 06:06 AM
    So, Shyllsmyth. Who's yer daddy?
    387 replies | 58226 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-07-2025, 02:03 PM
    Chargers Ravens Bills Eagles Buccaneers Vikings The following weekend Chiefs
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-05-2025, 12:13 PM
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-05-2025, 12:12 PM
    Why would you feel the need to tell him? He already knows who he works for.
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-05-2025, 11:20 AM
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-05-2025, 11:15 AM
    He's not confused. Are you? Did you think fascists weren't socialist? Dude got rich parking spy satellites in orbit, made electric cars and collected subsidies, and is currently moving into the revolving door between corporations and government. And it looks like he intends to live there permanently. You didn't notice he was a fascist, otherwise known as a corporate entity in bed with government?
    15 replies | 1170 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    01-05-2025, 11:07 AM
    And if they can't get a deep state actor to buy your fave public forum and censor it, they'll send you a Swordsmyth to be toxic enough to kill it. Either way, the rules are the same:
    394 replies | 48739 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
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    I can pretty much assure you that there was nothing positive about the mental impact it had. It's not anywhere near as effective as a friendly chat with someone you get along with. No hard feelings, just consider this a friendly chat about neg repping.
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    You can have that conversation without the neg rep.
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    Giving neg reps isn't cool. I don't ever give neg rep.

    may need to be re-written and reposted -- didn't pick up any traction at all
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    What's my man Charles up to now? Haven't heard.

    Yeah, I'd love to spread his good works around the Tulsa meetup and here. Let's have that link!
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    Repost it to your heart's desire.
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    Last time she trashed us (over Kokesh) there was much moaning that "we" didn't have people registered there to counter the points they put out.

    Pass it on to grown ups.
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    nice to meet ya-welcome to my friends list. Stop by and say hi anytime. ~hugs~
  9. try again if you have time - was away for a bit/sc
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Oklahoma Grassroots share Liberty Pep Rally – May 11th at Remington Park

by scrosnoe on 05-05-2012 at 06:21 PM
Come join us as we rally for liberty with Tom Woods, Jordan Page, and Jason Rink! Let’s celebrate our growth and success in 2012, and get pumped about taking this movement to the Oklahoma GOP State Convention!


The rally will kick off at 7pm at the Remington Park Casino. Enter at the casino, and go straight back to the left of the escalators to the banquet

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Updated 05-05-2012 at 06:22 PM by scrosnoe

OKGrassroots , R3publicans , Grassroots , CLibertyC

Oklahoma: Ron Paul OK Announces Honorary State Co-Chairs – Key and Brogdon

by scrosnoe on 01-18-2012 at 11:47 PM
Oklahoma: Ron Paul OK Announces Honorary State Co-Chairs – Rep Charles Key and Former State Sen Randy Brogdon

[Editorial comment: Great news for the movement! As one of two Grassroots Coordinator in Oklahoma for Ron Paul in 2008, I am encouraging other counties to follow the lead of Ron Paul OK, a group based in the OKC Area. We are principled, limited government, constitutional Republicans -- Republicans Restoring the

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News on 6: Tulsa Ron Paul HQ Opening Kicks Off a Full Calendar of Events

by scrosnoe on 01-09-2012 at 04:52 AM

TULSA, Oklahoma -
As the Republican field sets its sights on New Hampshire, one of the candidates is looking forward to the Oklahoma primary.

It’s not until March 6th, but Ron Paul is already planting roots in Tulsa.

He is the first Republican candidate to open campaign offices in the Sooner State. One is

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Updated 01-09-2012 at 04:53 AM by scrosnoe

OKGrassroots , R3publicans , Grassroots , CLibertyC

A Pumpkin, a Speech and a Song -- Carve a Message and Convey a Story

by scrosnoe on 10-31-2011 at 11:13 PM
Current Conditions or Just a Bad Dream?
Could it all be a bad dream or a nightmare?
Is it my imagination or have we lost our minds?
It is surreal.
It is just not believable.
A grand absurdity.
A great deception.
A delusion of momentous proportions.
Based on preposterous notions and on ideas whose time should never have come.
Simplicity grossly distorted and complicated.
Insanity passed off as logic.
Grandiose schemes built on falsehoods

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Updated 11-01-2011 at 12:46 PM by scrosnoe (categories)

OKGrassroots , R3publicans , CLibertyC

R3s via Naomi Wolf: How I was arrested at Occupy Wall Street

by scrosnoe on 10-24-2011 at 04:32 AM
Naomi Wolf: How I was arrested at Occupy Wall Street

Arresting a middle-aged writer in an evening gown for peaceable conduct is a far cry from when America was a free republic. Read Naomi Wolf's report of her arrest at Occupy Wall Street about the 'closing civil society' where we live.

Report from Naomi Wolf (October 19, 2011):

Last night I was arrested in my home town, outside an event to which I had been invited, for standing

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Updated 10-24-2011 at 04:37 AM by scrosnoe

OKGrassroots , R3publicans , CLibertyC
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