08-09-2024, 04:06 PM
Could COREY have stood up or remained standing, to protect both his preferred POTUS and his family,
or was he downed on the first shot? The 2nd one of the precise & spaced three, that precede the burst of 5...
that have a sharpshooter/sniper bullet as in number nine be the first suppressed counter hit, which is followed by
the shot that dispatches the 20something shooter whose body is found up on the roof, to be concise the body seen in the
cam footage SENATOR GRASSLEY released, weeks back. Again, a lesser bullet from behind with a very tidy entrance
wound, and a bigger exit wound, gives the large/huge bullet from the 2nd SS sniper team room to go thru as it has
its own exit. Or the two teams fired, one from behind the tree(s) then the other team's clear of the trees one...?
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