Hi Aratus!
You are awesome.
Could you help me understand this post? I think 'the quip' refers to Kluge but can't figure out the rest. What do parental controls mean? And who called Rand's forum that? http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthr...=1#post4470391
Thank you! : )
I expect C4L to be our future as well, which doesn't mean we won't be in the GOP, just means we won't 'take directions' from the GOP. I won't vote for Gary. Not thinking ahead to November, really, just August.
A Liberty candidate needs your help! Donate today to Thomas Massie with $20.12 or something bigger! http://www.thomasmassie.com/ For Liberty!
oh, Aratus. we'll be weathering much more no matter who is elected. may i suggest: http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/ seriously. check him out. resilient communities. if i can get "there" i will. this will be the last election i vote in.
ha!!! you saw my pessimism and raised me realism!! touche!
i hear ya!! but brainless barack winning again doesn't make me feel any better. thus my TEOTWAWKI mentality.
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