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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:46 PM 1888341703217840176
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:43 PM
    Aged like cream left in the sun.
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:40 PM 1888341731839504841
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:36 PM
    It's playing over in Saco Maine which is just over 50 miles away, much closer than Methuen. I'll probably check it out tomorrow night.
    6 replies | 636 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:50 PM
    The Episcopal Bishop who criticized President Donald Trump during an inaugural prayer service has come under fire after it was revealed that the church's federal contracting arm, Episcopal Migration Ministry (EMM), received $53 million of taxpayer funds in 2023 for its migrant resettlement program. The Trump administration has temporarily paused these programs for evaluation. According to records, EMM received $53 million of taxpayer funds from various government programs to resettle 3,600 individuals in 2023, the New York Post reported. Budget figures for 2024 are not yet available; however, the EMM sponsored 6,400 individuals in 2024 from across 48 countries, including Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Vietnam, and others.
    95 replies | 2129 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:44 PM
    Good for Candace. Taking control of Gaza is nuts.
    1 replies | 66 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:43 PM
    Mall shooting in Portland. 1887512975910838594
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:41 PM 1888347604196446461
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:58 PM
    Yes, yes I am. For over 40 years now, it's been nothing but a parade of doom and gloom and the end of world. It's nice to, for once in my life, at least make some tiny steps forward. If "liberty folks" can keep their eye on the ball and concentrate, maybe we'll have the same success the 2nd Amendment people have had over the last forty years. God knows I am as bitter and cynical as is humanly possible.
    95 replies | 2129 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:15 PM
    It's an "executive order protecting the second amendment" to the freaking Constitution. To say an XO has power to defend the very words of the Law of the Land is goofy. As a concept it's asinine. It's like a CFO being protected from his boss by a janitor.
    13 replies | 148 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:10 PM
    acptulsa replied to a thread USAID Exposed in U.S. Political News
    All I know is you can't possibly know yet if you're right or not. That's not even an opinion. And that you're silly when you try to make me feel like a man alone without a herd, because I'm not the only person on this site, much less in the world, who knows that same thing. You honestly are just pissy that I rain on your irrational exuberance.
    95 replies | 2129 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:07 PM
    Thanks for the neg rep, Captain. You say I can't help myself, I have to make this thread about Trump. But you know you're the acolyte who brought the subject up here. Knowing about USAID doesn't do the citizenry much good if we do nothing about it. Is Trump the river of discontent, or the dam that tames it? It's way to early to tell. It's way to early to decide we don't want to be confused by facts any more, having made up our minds.
    4 replies | 173 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:30 PM 1887991555522445522
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:21 PM 1888239108893327750
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:07 PM 1888246004601782652
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:54 AM
    I hope so...but I think this is just winning a battle and not the war.
    468 replies | 62431 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:52 AM
    All I see, and this not directed at CC, is you being so convinced that you and only you are right, that you have lost any sort of objectivity and refuse for one second to say, "yeah, this is a pretty good move".
    95 replies | 2129 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:45 AM 1888050418187477112
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:02 AM
    Why? And do you mean people in general, or us in particular? Like you said, these things aren't news to us (in particular), they're receipts. We (in particular) are way ahead of the curve. Why shouldn't people who are way ahead of the curve be already inquiring about whether any heads will roll? If something is to really be done about this, we have to strike while the iron's hot. Unlike most people, we already know how hot this iron is. Why shouldn't we have an adult conversation about whether Trump's going to fix it, and if not, what we can use on him as a political cattle prod? Some people treat him as a god. Well, if you want him to be godlike, somebody has to challenge him to do something besides posture and bathe in their adulation. You have to set goals for him. You have to arrange it so him idolators lose faith if he doesn't measure up. If you really want Trump to be Great Again (or for the first time really, his first term wasn't so hot) help us hold his feet to the fire. Otherwise he'll make his second term as mediocre as his first.
    4 replies | 173 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:35 AM
    He's a lap dog, yapping in frustration at cats because he's not big enough to chase us up a tree somewhere. He thinks joining the MAGA Cult gives him the Authority of the Crowd, and he's trying to exercise that authoritay. That's what makes him think he's entitled (like a Karen) to have his wild flights of illogic slide by without challenge (like a Karen). Remember when Obamamessiah Cultists did the exact same thing? They didn't impress us either.
    88 replies | 1105 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:26 AM
    If the queeer cult wins this battle, what they have planned to normalize next will absolutely make your skin crawl.
    468 replies | 62431 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:23 AM
    100 percent.
    468 replies | 62431 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:22 AM
    Not unless we get more than a study, and not unless we get more than some Soros-funded professional whiner giving us the pleasure of seeing their head explode on air. I, for one, am not that cheap, sailor. I'm not that easy. I said I'm keeping that at my leisure. Now that Trump whacked the USAID head, what other heads are going to pop out of the CIA Whack-A-Mole machine? Will any of the bad apples in the CIA take the buyout, or is this just a way for them to purge their ranks of good apples? Which of these departments is actually going to close? Which of these criminals is going to get snatched out of their golden parachutes and indicted? How much money will really be saved, and how much of that will escape this fate?
    13 replies | 148 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:07 AM
    That's your problem, not mine. I can be patient. I'm keeping score at my leisure. And I'm not moving anything into the win column unless and until we get something more than another six million dollar, three year government study about it.
    13 replies | 148 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:00 AM
    Good case in point. He commissioned a study? We've already done our homework. There's not a one of us who wouldn't be out to demolish the ATF. A government study is not my idea of substance.
    13 replies | 148 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:52 AM
    Al Qaeda is the CIA, and everyone else here is well informed enough to know it. Al Qaeda is the CIA's way to throw a tantrum when we won't use up enough missiles to necessitate us buying more. You're saying brats should be rewarded for throwing deadly tantrums, whether you know it or not. The DS, which regularly kills Muslims by the thousands, because they want to spend our money on missiles, because some of them have petroleum, because many of us don't much like Arabs anyway so it's an easier sell than (f'rinstance) massacring cute little Thais, is on the same side as the Muslims they seem to be trying to genocide? Now there's some twisted "logic". Are you a man or a pretzel, cultist?
    88 replies | 1105 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:41 AM
    acptulsa replied to a thread USAID Exposed in U.S. Political News
    Heads are exploding and some find that entirely satisfactory. This is what someone who cares only about style looks like. And here is someone who knows substance when he sees it, and won't settle for less. See the difference, kiddies?
    95 replies | 2129 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 10:33 PM
    And this is just scratching the surface, and the system is losing it's everfucking mind right now because of it. Wait until the DOGE crew starts making the connection between the "legit" money that is appropriated for things like USAID being used for these nefarious purposes and the "black" money from running drugs and sex and "snuff" trafficking of children and arms dealing and what that money sponsors around the world.
    95 replies | 2129 view(s)
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    Thank you! A blessed Christmas to you and your family now and in two weeks!
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    The day isn't over yet!
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    And a verrry Merry Christmas to thee and thine, dear Old Calenderist!
  4. So... I guess that's a no.
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    "Could you please try to understand the opinions you're stooping to name-calling over?" - Nope. An opinion is based on fact. He has no facts. He's just spewing liberal bullshit to stir crap up.

    LIke it or not, SCOTUS never said corporations were people. SCOTUS never said corporations have the same rights that people do. If people are too stupid and / or lazy to actually read what the court said they deserve to be ridiculed and mocked.

    He can have an opinion about whether people in groups lose their rights just because they join a group. But refusing to acknowledge that at no point did the court say the group had rights means he isn't basing his opinion on reality. Therefore he isn't worthy if anything other than ridicule, and is also e too stupid to properly represent the liberty movement.

    Fuck him and his liberal thinking.
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    I pleases me to know I'm not the only one
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    Damn you!!! I, I demand a conclusion to the groundhog saga!!!
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    Hey - regarding your post on tech, I agree in full. Idunno if you know, but I intend to get out of society completely with my wife and going to live on unclaimed or, ideally, gov't-"owned" land and essentially starting our own country with our family.

    I dislike how tech. has been used by society, but I blame society, not tech. and wish society could work with tech, but I don't think it can. This is why I'm leaving society. That solar forge sounds incredibly cool. I plan on loading up with books (e-books, mostly) and going with my wife to live in a cave essentially and we've been going over all sorts of plans to utilize the technology we can afford now to make our lives easier, but I think a lot of the technology used now has made Americans in general fat, boring, and stupid as all fuck.

    I wish technology would be utilized to give us more time to think and allow us to expand our minds. I hope I can help facilitate that and intend to write extensively on our experiment. We have a kid (and more on the way, ideally) on the way, so there will hopefully be a lot to write about. My wife's more the scientist and I'm just a writer and philosopher. I'm so excited to share my experiences and we're just waiting on the birth of our first child.

    -- I'm going way off-topic. Anyway, I just wanted to say I really appreciate your post and hope you'll post more in the future. I had no idea you were so creative and independent. I hope to see more of that, and more of you. I hope you'll share more of your own experiences because I believe in leading through example and I think you're a great speaker for the cause of individualism.

    To your question, I am not at all involved with society atm. I am unemployed except through my political volunteer positions in helping maintain websites. I worked, but I can't anymore knowing what it does -- and I also have a lot of social anxieties which discourage me from working at a "normal" job. Otherwise, we're working on fixing our house up to sell it and eventually want to get out of society completely so we don't have to fund this disgusting government causing the unnecessary deaths of civilians and military personnel.

    I hope to have more to share with you soon and just wanted to you to know how refreshing I found your post today.

    Idunno where you live, but I'd be interested in you and us having a beer together sometime to facilitate an open discussion.

    All the best,

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