I mean if nobody else realizes it, they had to have an audience-free experience from here on out because people would be howling openly about the abject bullshit Kamala is spouting and the fact that the moderators are feeding it to her.
Here's how it's gonna go tomorrow: The media will gush over Kamala's performance against an old and feeble sounding white man who was yelling at the clouds.
All she's doing is speaking in platitudes and generalities along with dropping buzzwords.
I don't think Putin seriously wants Harris as president. Putin has said multiple times that going into Ukraine was never plan A. I think Putin knows that Trump will actually deal with him. Endorsing Harris is just reverse psychology.
Holy cow he's slashing all three of them to ribbons and they're just taking it.
I mean they kinda have to because they don't have responses that aren't appeal to emotion arguments, but it's still surprising.
Yea, pretty awful. The douchebag guy isn't hiding anything at all. Trump needs to be calling that out and also hammering Kamala on the Biden admin's position on Ukraine and drugs on our streets killing hundreds of thousands.
Kamala's linguistics are mirroring Obama's, anyone else notice that? The pauses and some of the pronunciations... Sounds like the Obamas have been coaching her.
Harris already won, everybody. Go home. The media will tell us that Kamala was graceful and elegant and it's time we have her as our new commie queen to rule over all of us.
This is definitely some grade A theater watching Trump bitch slap everyone in the room.
I don't know why anyone in the media or the DNC thought this was a good idea.
Reminds of one of the final scenes in Camp of the Saints.
The setting is a meat packing plant, on the night that million Indian invaders beached their fleet on the French Rivera.
All of France is in an uproar as browns of every stripe rise up against the white ruling class.
The scene here is at a meat packing plant, where previously the owners had hailed immigrant workers over the native Frenchmen.
The first such crime was a model of the genre.
Reminds of one of the final scenes in Camp of the Saints.
The setting is a meat packing plant, on the night that million Indian invaders beached their fleet on the French Riveria.
All of France internally is in an uprising, as browns of every sort rise up against the white ruling class.
The owner of this plant was quoted earlier as being fond of the cheap labor and work ethic of the invaders over the native Frenchmen.
We join the them at the abattoir...
Yes, it's called a fait accompli.
Deny such and such is happening.
Discredit you with names and slurs if you notice it's happening.
Announce "it has happened" once it is done.
Idiocracy (2006) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/plotsummary/
We really have come to the point where people live their lives, do not give fucks about things, continue to live their lives, while we're crawling closer to the edge.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Occam's Banana again.
I don't feel any rush however...I realize that either way, it's of little significance.
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