• Theocrat's Avatar
    Today, 05:50 PM
    Call it "poetic justice." Trump dodged all of the Republican Primary debates, because he was so proud that he had a commanding lead with Republican voters (in the polls and in the eyes of the mainstream media), and he felt that Republican voters didn't need to hear his positions challenged and scrutinized with the other candidates. Now he lost what is probably his last debate to a candidate who, like him, dodged the public, flying high on the polls and favor of the mainstream media and would-be voters. Trump is an arrogant person whose ego got the best of him against a woman who memorized her script and played him by leading him into all the traps that Trump's persona couldn't help.
    10 replies | 215 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    Today, 05:31 PM
    I'm against Zionism, not Israel because, theologically speaking, the Church is Israel (those who are covenantally united to Christ by faith and through baptism). So I am pro-Israel, in the Biblical sense of the word, not in the nation-state sense of a country which is Atheistic in its entire ethics, civics, etc.
    60 replies | 1183 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    Today, 03:57 PM
    Yeah but arguing with Sonny would be like turning on MSNBC and yelling at my TV set. If I'm gonna argue against his talking points, I might as well go straight to the source.
    167 replies | 3119 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    Today, 03:52 PM
    Fun fact: Harris has been in politics longer than Trump has.
    167 replies | 3119 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    Today, 10:49 AM
    @1:36 I would like to see him expand that reasoning to various other issues, of course. But on this particular one he pretty much nailed it. Pretty sure he feels that way about cannabis, as well.
    60 replies | 1183 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    Today, 07:01 AM
    60 replies | 1183 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    Today, 06:57 AM
    I tend to judge the veracity of these rumors by how hard the liberal media retaliates to dispel them. Given the media blitz yesterday over Haitians eating pets, it seems to be true.
    117 replies | 2181 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:39 PM
    If you're voting for Trump, then don't complain about the conflicts in the Middle East and Israel's campaign to wipe out an entire demographic due to their ethnicity. Trump is a staunch supporter of aiding Israel in all of her military campaigns.
    60 replies | 1183 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:39 PM
    Frankly I think Trump's narcissism is a boon sometimes. It's gonna take someone who is a bit full of themselves to stand up to the deep state. It may not be Trump. It certainly isn't Kamala. Let's pretend for example, that the alphabet agencies go around the world provoking undeclared wars to erupt. (They don't do that, of course, we're just pretending.) Let's pretend that Trump doesn't want a war, and he has the audacity to think he actually has any say in the matter. (All these top generals who Kamala likes to remind everyone of, who turned on Trump, for example, would prefer it if he just stepped back and let them conduct their wars, unimpeded). He sees them as an affront to his authority. His ego, gets in the way. Trump wants to be seen as a 'deal maker'. He gets off on it. That's his whole thing. He might not even really care about the lives of Ukrainians or Russians being lost. He just wants to make 'good deals. Great deals! The greatest deal evuh.' (my Trump imitation needs work). It's all about him. 'It was me. ME ME ME ME ME. I made those great deals.' And you know what? I don't really care. I just think we should stop funding the war in Ukraine, and Trump, is such a damned narcissist, he might actually make that happen. If someone tells him he can't do something (YoU cAn'T juSt NegOTiatE wiTh PuTIn!), it seems to motivate him to want to do it more. And he will, of course, be doing it, just so it'll be his name in the big lights. The whole world's eyes on Trump as he negotiates a historic peace agreement between the West and Russia.
    167 replies | 3119 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 08:39 PM
    I feel like tomorrow is gonna be full of fact-checking. Starting with people eating pets in Springfield.
    167 replies | 3119 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 08:32 PM
    "The late, Great John McCain." - Kamala YESSS!! LAWD, Dump ALL THOSE NEOCONS back over on the left. Embrace 'em Kamala. Let's redraw these lines. Les GOOoo! Cheneys, Romneys, McCains, Goldman Sachs. les' f'king go! GTFO my party.
    167 replies | 3119 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 08:27 PM
    I noticed they cut Trump off earlier when he started asking where Biden was. Who's running the country? -eh um we have to stop you right there. we have a lot to get into tonight.
    167 replies | 3119 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 08:24 PM
    I've never heard Kamala's 'about to cry with emotion' accent but she almost pulls it off.
    167 replies | 3119 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 08:19 PM
    Harris uses ultra-neocon talking points to sell what they're doing in Ukraine.
    167 replies | 3119 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 08:10 PM
    Did you catch when she used Goldman Sach's disapproval of Trump's economic plan to make her point? I mean, literally saying the quiet part out loud there.
    167 replies | 3119 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 10:55 AM
    Something seems to be scaring all the neocons back to the left (from whence they came). https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-09-08/more-republicans-are-leaving-trump-to-vote-for-kamala-harris I mean, that's worth a vote, to me. The sooner we can boot these neocons back to the left, the sooner the GOP could be viable as an opposition party. (and if that doesn't work, well, we haven't really lost anything we weren't going to lose anyway, now have we?)
    71 replies | 2419 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 05:47 AM
    It does make you wonder who has the codes. Let's say they thought they were gonna lose, a week from the election, Kamala the puppet just folds in on herself and gets clobbered in the polls. So bad that even cheating wouldn't save her. Huge potential for a false-flag.
    14 replies | 472 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-08-2024, 08:07 AM
    Have you ever heard her speak? Word salad. Now, it could be that she's trying just a bit too hard to sound intelligent. But, WTF?
    71 replies | 2419 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-07-2024, 09:35 PM
    I think they hold their 'predictions' until the last minute. Polls are designed to influence public opinion. You can only promote something so blatantly false, for so long, before you realize you have to tell the truth, or it's your own credibility on the line. I'm not saying that's necessarily Nate's case. But I think for a lot of pollsters, it's what just happened with Harris. They were gonna make the Harris 'bump' into a wave before they realized 'well, sh*t. no one's buying it.' Just like Biden was totally fit for office until that evening when he suddenly wasn't.
    71 replies | 2419 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-07-2024, 06:10 AM
    I can't stand Nate Silver though. This is the same guy who had the same predictions as everyone else and then swaps it up in the last minute of the 2016 race and runs around telling everyone he was the least-wrong out of everyone.
    71 replies | 2419 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 11:23 AM
    Every state is a swing state at 2:00 AM the morning after election.
    6 replies | 416 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 03:09 PM
    I don't think this is about China or Russia. Tim et. al. are pulling a lot of audience away from the approved corporate media giants. That's a no-no. Especially during campaign season. They're going to go after black conservative youtubers next. Watch.
    27 replies | 1371 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 05:23 AM
    There's literally a weed called cat piss. https://royalkingseeds.com/product/cat-piss-cannabis-seeds/ I get it though. I didn't realize how bad cigarettes stunk until I pretty much stopped smoking them. I still enjoy one every now-and-then but I'd have to be somewhere I could shower when I'm done or at least not going out in public afterwards.
    15 replies | 1054 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 12:31 AM
    If camp fires smelled like cat piss.
    15 replies | 1054 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    09-01-2024, 10:07 PM
    We've got a more rural system, I guess. We did get food donations, though. Most of us where I'm at were just frustrated with the lack of information or inaccurate information from the CDC. They were trying at first to say the virus was spread by droplet. I asked one of the ER docs (who has been at it a long time, and I consider to be our best and brightest doctor) if it was airborne, he says without hesitation, of course it was. It took the CDC almost a full year to admit that it was an airborne virus. Eventually the attitude towards the CDC was disgust. At the very least, they were 'supposed to be' the experts. But the memos they released were so contradictory to what we were seeing with our own eyes. I doubt we would have mandated masks where I'm at, if not for Biden pushing the OSHA route. The supreme court relented and said that he couldn't do that, except for healthcare workers (I guess because medicare money flows to hospitals, they consider us government assets, and that was the metric they used to make it mandatory). I will say, to our hospital's credit, my exemption was granted without fuss.
    12 replies | 766 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    08-31-2024, 09:42 PM
    Honestly my favorite time during COVID was when it first hit. It was scary, new, but there was a short period where the administrative offices closed and the hospitals were essentially running autonomously. Doctors could actually practice medicine. They got a lot wrong. But they also got to utilize their critical thinking skills freely. The collaboration between doctors-on-the-ground was truly a thing to see. Everyone wanted to learn as much as they could about it. Trying different treatments and validating their results amongst each other. It wasn't until weeks later, when the administrators started slowly returning to their 'non-essential' jobs that everything flowed straight from the CDC as unquestionable truths. (We knew it was an airborne virus even before the CDC knew, or was willing to admit).
    12 replies | 766 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    08-30-2024, 06:47 AM
    I've seen an increase in cases in the ER but they are extremely mild as compared with 2020. Dry, irritating wheezy cough, sinus congestion, and typically a low grade fever. Lasts a few days as compared to weeks in 2020. Definitely nothing to get hysterical about.
    12 replies | 766 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    08-29-2024, 07:12 AM
    Interesting interview between these two guys. It's a bit dated (prior to RFK,'jr suspending his campaign).
    0 replies | 102 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    08-28-2024, 10:35 PM
    There's also the possibility that they can just wipe everything (if there's anything to wipe at this point). That's what Hillary did with her emails. What evidence? I don't see any evidence.
    10 replies | 386 view(s)
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